Yixian, oh Yixian, you have fallen!

The call is over, and it's almost time to end here.

Tomorrow there will be worship activities at the beginning of the year. After the visit is over, we can play for at most one more day, and it is almost time to go back.

After a while, the fireworks were almost finished, and the girls yawned and wanted to rest.

Although Mikasa also prepared a place for them to rest, many of the ship girls were looking forward to the hot spring in the St. Louis Hotel, so the latter called two commercial vehicles, and a group of people came to the hot spring hotel overnight.

It's also the first time for Su Hao to come to this kind of hotel. The wooden floor, tatami mats, and sliding doors, all the decorations are very similar to those seen in anime before.

"You still want to take a hot spring at this late hour?"

"Soak, why don't you soak, it's comfortable to sleep after soaking."

"That's right, Commander, do you want to take a bath?"

"Well... St. Louis, there are separate hot spring pools for men and women here, right?"

"Yes, it is separated in the middle."

In this case, Su Hao is not polite anymore.

I didn’t go to the island before. The hot spring is a kind of cherry blossom culture. It’s a pity to come to the cherry blossoms and not go to the hot spring.

According to the room allocated by St. Louis, she went in and put down her luggage. Dido had come to help, saying that serving the master was the bounden duty of a maid.

Refusing the maid's service, Su Hao came to the men's bathroom wrapped in a towel.

In fact, the men's and women's bathrooms are connected together, and there is only a row of tall bamboos in the middle. Su Hao can even clearly hear the voices of the girls over there.

However, the airtightness of the bamboo is very good, Su Hao searched for a while but couldn't find a hole, so he took a bath with peace of mind.

Not long after, a figure gently pushed open the door of the men's bathroom and walked in.


PS: continue~

Chapter 465 Great Night, Hot Springs, Tiancheng 【Reward Added】

"Sister, don't you want to go to the hot spring?"

In the hotel, it was quite late when the ship girl came back here, but for the ship girl, it was as happy as it was, some of the ship girls were already sleeping in the bed, but most of them still went to the hot spring.

Akagi glanced at Tiancheng's room as he passed by, and found that the latter had no intention of going to the hot spring to take a bath.

"No, you go."

Amagi said with a smile.

"What a pity~ I still want to take a bath with my sister."

"Hehe~ Didn't you soak in Rimu Island before?"

"Of course, no matter how many times this kind of thing happens, it's not enough."

That being said, the days to come are long, and there is nothing I can do if my elder sister is tired and wants to rest. After all, Akagi's body is not that good in Chicheng's impression.

"Then sister, you should rest early, don't burn your body."

Akagi left with Kaga and the others.

On the way, Tosa asked, "Is Amagi's body okay?"

"of course."

"I mean, wasn't it before..."

"The commander is here." Chicheng's tone was quite serious, "With the commander here, nothing will happen to my sis!"

Kaga sighed: "Sister, don't set up such a strange flag."

"Is there? Hehe~ It's okay, I trust the commander."

Tosa looked at Akagi and then at Kaga, and said, "You guys are always called sisters and sisters, I can hardly tell them apart, so can't you add a name?"

"Is it important?"

"The problem is that there are too many sister ships in the port area."

"Anyway, we just know who's calling whom."

Tosa pouted, "We'll see how you respond when the commander calls my sister-in-law."

Akagi and Kaga: "..."

Here, in Amagi's room.

She unhurriedly dressed herself in front of the dressing table.

In fact, there is not much to dress up, Jian Niang, especially someone like Tiancheng, who hardly knows how to dress up at ordinary times, at most she combs her hair.

Her movements are light and slow, graceful and pleasing to the eye.

From time to time, footsteps could be heard in the corridor outside the room.

After a while, almost all the people who went to the hot springs passed away.

Amagi picked up the phone.

Marriage Ship Amagi: "Happy New Year~"

It took a while before anyone answered.

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "Didn't you go to the hot spring in Tiancheng?"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Well, I'm a little tired."

Marriage ship Dido: "Mistress Tiancheng, rest early."

Premarital examination Tiancheng: "Diduo, you didn't go either?"

Marriage Ship Dido: "Just came in."

Jean Bart: "Why are there all marriage ships in this group? How many marriage ships are there in your port area?"

Marriage Assaulter: "Guess, your sister is also a Marriage, and she's also the leader of the Marriage."

Jean Bart: "..."

Lexington: "Did you stay up so late? Are you still in the hot spring?"

Marriage Ship Raider: "Aren't you up too? How is the port area?"

Lexington: "Fortunately, the Maritime Safety Administration sent some things over today. They were all wine and food. They were said to be New Year's Day gifts. Haman opened them and ate some."

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "It's okay, the commander doesn't care about these... Otherwise, you can also bring York City in."

Lexington: "No, you should let the company do this kind of thing."

Marriage Ship Raider: "Enterprise went to take a bath, I promised her, and quickly brought York City in."

Lexington: "Everyone is asleep, let's talk about it tomorrow."

The group slowly became lively again.

Many ship girls who hadn't slept started chatting in the group. Some talked about the two-day exercise, and then they mentioned that a mysterious aircraft carrier was involved, and they didn't know who it was in the end.

Amagi put down the phone.

Put on a bathrobe, tie her hair into a bun, and hold a small wooden basin with bath towels in it.

After leaving the room, there was no one in the corridor.

Before coming to the bathroom, there was a sound of frolicking in the girls' bathroom, but in the boys' bathroom, it was extremely quiet.

She walked in, gently opened the door, and closed it again.

The sound of walking still caught Su Hao's attention. He turned his head and stared at Tiancheng who was taking off his clothes with wide eyes.


Amagi raised his index finger, showing a gentle and playful smile.


So how did it work?

It's pretty bald.

He really wanted to ask Tiancheng if you went to the wrong room?

But in fact, seeing Tiancheng's expression, he knew that she came here specially to find him.

Then, after Su Hao's mind went down for half a minute, he saw Tiancheng walking towards him with the towel on his chest.

White mist lingered over the hot spring pool, and snowflakes fell scattered from the sky, and a fairy came to her side.

The slender, white and tender legs, and the smooth feet stepped on the ground outside the hot spring pool, mixed with water stains, making a crisp sound.

The bath towel covered the most beautiful and mysterious place, but the hemisphere that was still exposed to the air proudly stood upright in the air, and the white and white one flashed in front of Su Hao's eyes, followed by the sound of Tiancheng's smile.

"My lord, even if it's me, I'd feel embarrassed if you keep looking at me like that."

"Uh, I just wanted to know..."

"I didn't go to the wrong room. Amagi isn't so confused. It might be possible with Shinano's words."

Very generously admitted.

Seeing Tiancheng leaning his body into the pool little by little, Su Hao didn't know what to say for a while.

Although it has been a long time since I became a marriage ship, it is the first time to be honest with each other like this.

I don't know what Tiancheng thinks, at least give some signal, such as saying "wait at the old place tonight" or something like Shengli's message.

However, it does not.

Until Tiancheng's breasts submerged in the pool, Su Hao looked back reluctantly.

"Hehe~ If the Lord hasn't seen enough, do you want Tiancheng to go out again?"

"Forget it, I'm not the kind of person who can't walk when I see a beautiful woman's body."

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