In the office, upon hearing the woman's words, a girl with similar appearance and similar attire nodded slightly.

"Soviet Union, the attitude of the Maritime Safety Administration seems to be very firm this time, and they are going to send people over to support them, what should we do?"

The Soviet Union, the first ship of the Soviet Union-class battleship, and at this time it was the fourth ship, Soviet Rosia.

"They have always wanted to support, this is the reason, and it is also an excuse to interfere in the extreme north."

The Soviet Union shook its head lightly, "It's just that this time, it was probably because we participated in the so-called joint meeting together that we brought it up."

"Indeed, but the Northern United does not interfere with the affairs of Azur Lane and Red Axis. This will not change."

Soviet Rosia agreed with her statement very much, but hesitated for a moment, and said: "This time, Sakura and Iris Kingdom are also participating, maybe it is really an opportunity."

"There are too many such opportunities. From decades ago to now, every time I see a good opportunity, the final choice is the worst ending. Besides, the so-called alliance is a mutual suspicion. Since it is so simple Stay out of it from the start.”

The Soviet Union looked at the information in her hand calmly. Even though she said so, she felt a little hopeful in her heart. After all, this time was different from the past.

"Where's Kirov?"

"She's on the front line, and the current situation is fairly stable. The sirens don't seem to be making any big moves. They neither provoke, attack nor counterattack. They seem to be waiting for something."

"It seems that this time things are not simple."

The Soviet Union picked up another document.

That was news about the discovery of a new ship wife by the Northern United Fleet.

The specific information is unknown, but the number is small but terrifyingly strong, and they don't look like ship girls at all.

"Since Azur Lane is so confident this time, let me see how powerful the commander they rely on is."

The corner of the Soviet Union's mouth lightly raised, "Rosia, tell the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration that the Northern United has requested the support of Commander Donghuang Su Hao. As for other support, there is no need to come."

Soviet Rosia twitched slightly. She looked at the information on the desk and nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, she also wanted to see what was so mysterious about the port area where the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration was based.



To be honest, as a maid, Sirius's preference belongs to the combat aspect, that is, the combat maid.

What she is good at is fighting rather than taking care of others in daily life. Of course, it doesn't mean that she can't. After all, as long as she doesn't have IQ problems and is born with restraint, she only needs to have hands to take care of people.

Sirius has hands and feet, and Naizi, who can't be ignored at all, such a girl is the dream of all LSPs as a maid, but her daily work ability really needs to be strengthened - after all, the computer is not waterproof.

The water stains from the black tea flowed down the table. Fortunately, Sirius pulled out the paper towel quickly and skillfully, and stopped the water when it reached the main box.

God knows what Dido taught Sirius. Anyway, on the first day of his internship as a maid, what Sirius impressed Su Hao the most was this action of pulling a tissue.

And, she has developed the habit of quickly bowing her head and apologizing.

Richelieu, who was sitting at the side working, said with a smile: "Sirius, you don't have to be so nervous. As a maid, you must first have confidence in everything. I believe in your ability as a maid, but maybe the influence of mentality will make you perform better. Getting bad is the same as fighting."


Sirius threw the tissue into the trash can, and looked at Richelieu with some doubts.

"Yes, fighting." Richelieu nodded, "If you are not good at a certain thing, you can try to transform it into something you are good at and find some common ground, such as playing volleyball, hitting the volleyball to a certain point, It’s similar to our combat bombardment aiming, as long as you find that feeling, you will be able to do it with ease.”

Su Hao immediately said: "I understand the truth, sister Li, don't give such a dangerous example."

"Hehe~ It's okay, I believe Sirius will understand."

Sirius nodded immediately, "Mistress Richelieu, I understand, I will work hard to become a maid worthy of my master!"

Compared to Dido, Sirius is obviously more active.

"My proud master, is there anything else that needs to be entrusted to me?"

"Uh, not for the time being... Speaking of which, there is too much snow in front of the office building, can I trouble you to take care of it? If it is too difficult to deal with, you can find some helpers, they don't want you to tell me."

"Master!" Sirius looked at Su Hao seriously, "You are my proudest master, it is a great honor for Sirius to give orders to Sirius, how can you say the word 'trouble'? The main thing is to say The order is fine, Sirius will definitely not embarrass the master!"

Su Hao: "..."

Su Hao didn't know what expression to use, but felt... well, being licked was quite comfortable.

When Sirius left, Su Hao asked Richelieu, "Has the meeting time for the Maritime Safety Administration been fixed?"

"No contact with me." Richelieu shook his head, "Last time I went to the Maritime Safety Administration, there was no news from Lingshui City at all."

Su Hao nodded, picked up his phone and prepared to fish.

As a result, a message popped up in the group.

Lexington: "@commander received update from Maritime Administration, meeting delayed."

Su Hao: "What's going on?"

Lexington: "It's not clear, it seems that something happened on the Northern Union side."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "What, it's the Northern Union again? They're not making excuses, are they? It's not once or twice."

Shengli, a lurker in the port area: "It's possible. When they asked the Northern United for something, they liked to shirk and make excuses."

Guanghui: "I can't say that. The Northern United just doesn't want to get involved with the Azur Lane and the Red Axis, but it will never shirk when it comes to fighting the Sirens."

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Hehe~ Sirens don't even want to go to that broken place, are they practicing with the air every day?"

Helena: "It seems that there is the latest news that sirens have appeared on the side of the Northern United."

Lexington: "@Helena who told you?"

Helena: "The news that Gridley got, I don't know if it's true or not, and the headquarters didn't say anything, let's wait for the news."

Lexington: "Gridley..."

Looking at the news in the group, Su Hao pondered.

He suddenly remembered what the white-haired loli said.


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 479 They hit them, it's none of my business

The joint meeting was postponed, but some things were still affected.

Not to mention, people from Iris Kingdom and Sakura are already here, and they said that the most important thing this time is the participation of Iris Kingdom and Sakura. As a result, they all came, but there was no one from Azur Lane. Come.

In addition, Su Hao was suspicious of what happened in the Northern Union.

When the observer came here to tell him about this incident, it obviously had a special meaning, and he even did not hesitate to let the purifier be beaten up. Why?

On the surface, it seems that the siren is causing trouble, but it is wrong after a little thought. If the siren is causing trouble, why do you specifically notify yourself?

Since the observer wants him to go, there must be a need for him to go.


Not quite.

I always feel that the observer's attitude towards me is a little subtle.

To be honest, Su Hao doesn't really want to go all the way to the Northern United, but from the current point of view, the most important thing is the joint meeting. Judging from the posture of the Maritime Safety Administration, it is obvious that it will not start until the people from the Northern United come.

This is a bit painful.

"The Maritime Safety Administration didn't say anything, but usually if this kind of thing happens, they will definitely send someone to help."

"I don't know how long it will take."

"Let's fight, it's none of our business."

During lunch, the ship girls talked about this matter, and they started talking about it.

"Is the joint meeting closed?" Mikasa frowned and asked.

She came here specially for the meeting, didn't someone tell her that it would start right away?As a result, after so many days, there was no news at all.

"It's not that it won't open, it's that it's delayed."

"Siren attack the Northern Union, there is no way."

"Why is it like this at the beginning of this year? Sirens are too capable of making trouble, don't they need to celebrate the New Year?"

"Siren's Chinese New Year is to be lively, and the lively side is to make troubles. What kind of serious things can you expect those mentally retarded guys to do?"

Here, Mikasa whispered to Nagato: "What should I do? If this kind of war drags on, it will be normal for a month or two."

"Senior Mikasa, don't worry." Nagato put a small octopus sausage in his mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, and said, "Let's see first, it shouldn't affect our Sakura."

"I mean……"

Mikasa pursed her lips, thought for a while but didn't say, wait, there's no rush anyway.

She has been very happy in the port area recently, watching Xue every day, drinking tea and chatting, practicing with other ship girls in the port area, and enjoying the fun of being a ship girl.

If I really want to delay for too long, I will go back at that time, anyway, this place is very close to Sakura.


The matter of the Northern United has not affected the port area for the time being. Su Hao also told Mikasa and the others to wait, maybe it will be resolved in a few days, and it will be troublesome to run back and forth a few times, isn't it?

As for the Iris Kingdom, Dunkirk wished it would open later. She took Vocklan and the others to wander around the Bagui District in the past two days, and they went out every day until the evening before returning. They were so happy.

Jean Bart: "Joint meeting postponed?"

Barr could clearly see the news in the group. She hasn't left the group until now. As for why, only she knows in her heart.

Jean Barr: "@姐妹 Will you come back to see it soon?"

Sister Bride: "Forget it, the siren may have some conspiracy when the war breaks out, you should pay more attention."

Jean Bart: "Well, by the way, how is Gascogne?"

Gascogne: "Everything is well, don't read."

Jean Bart: "Huh? Are you actually in the group?"


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