Jean Bart: "Ha...have fun."

Gascogne: "Happy—the master often tells Gascogne to be happy, let Sister Barr do the same as what the master said, will Sister Barr want to post with the master?"

Jean Bart: "..."

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Whose child is so ignorant."

Sister bride: "I think it's good, Gascogne is much more cheerful than before."

Marriage-to-be Atago: "The next location of the marriage ship is mine!"

There was a commotion in the group for a while, and Barr disappeared very quickly. She doesn't have much time for bubbling every day, and now I have to trouble her to deal with the affairs of the Iris Kingdom.

Su Hao didn't care, just hit him, what's none of my business?

If Bismarck wasn't here, Su Hao would probably consider going to have a look, now...

The best Persian cat in the world!

into the night.

For Prince Eugen, the joint meeting or something is none of my business.

What, I'm here to inquire about the joint meeting?Who told you that?

She has no interest in the so-called joint conference. In fact, the idea of ​​the Northern Union is most obvious in the countries of the Red Axis. If a meeting can unite the world, then there is nothing wrong with the Sirens .

So whether the Northern United will come or not, at most she cares about the reason, knowing that the Sirens are doing things in the extreme north.

At this time, she was lurking in a place outside the dormitory early, waiting for Su Hao to throw himself into the trap.

Of course, she wouldn't catch Su Hao on the spot. Without evidence, everything would be useless. Evidence is the most important thing. When the time comes to collect it and threaten Su Hao in turn, won't all the secrets be dug up?

As for what to do when digging it out, Prince Eugen said that he dug it if he wanted to.

She is really curious. For a ship girl with a character like Prince Eugen, something that can make her feel interesting is far more meaningful than the thing itself.

"Strange, why haven't you come out yet?"

Prince Eugen glanced at the time.

In the early morning, 00:27.

Judging from the time Su Hao deduced yesterday, this point should have come out.


Prince Eugen froze for a moment.

She saw two figures coming out of the dormitory building.

One is Su Hao, and the other is...Richelieu!

Prince Eugen: ? ? ?

What, stealing Qing and taking his wife with him?

Hey, did you make a mistake, hey, did you bring the wrong person?Although they are all blondes, the one next to you is obviously wrong!

Prince Eugen yelled in her heart, but she didn't dare to make a sound, and she didn't dare to move. After all, Richelieu's insight ability is much higher than that of a human being.

When Su Hao and Richelieu completely left the dormitory building and walked far away, she thought about it and quickly followed.

The wind was very cool at night, but there was no snow, the wind carried the voices of Su Hao and Richelieu floating in the air, and a few words could be vaguely heard, talking and laughing.

Do not sleep in the middle of the night to talk about Fengyue and life here?

Soon, like Prince Eugen, he left the port area and walked towards the sea.

Prince Eugen is so excited, come here, it seems that the scene tonight will be even more exciting!

Iron-Blooded Flagship vs Archbishop of Iris Country.

Prince Eugen was wet when he thought about it.

Well, the hair is wet from the snow on the branches.

She hid in the woods and followed all the way, and saw Su Hao and Richelieu walking farther and farther towards the beach, and then stopped suddenly at the end of a corner.

When Richelieu turned his head, Prince Eugen hurriedly hid himself, not daring to move.

After a while, she poked her head out carefully, and saw Richelieu standing in front of her with his hands on his chest.

Prince Eugen: "..."

what's the situation?

Miss, weren't you over there just now?

"Well, Richelieu, you also came to the beach to see the scenery?"

Prince Eugen thought for a long time, and suddenly thought of what Su Hao said to her last night, "Su Hao told me that the beach at night is very beautiful, so I came to have a look, it is really beautiful."

Richelieu was silent for a while before speaking, "It's very beautiful, Xiao Hao told me about it."

"Ha... What about Su Hao? Why are you here alone?"

"My name is not Xiaohao. He is resting in his room. It is natural for a human being to sleep at such a late hour, otherwise he will not be energetic tomorrow."

Prince Eugen: ? ? ?

Richelieu, do I look like a fool?

I'm not blind, how could I see the two people wrong just now?

But Richelieu was talking nonsense with her eyes open, she couldn't say that she followed all the way just now, could she?

In this way, Prince Eugen was also silent.

"Have you finished watching the night scene?" Richelieu asked again.

Prince Eugen nodded subconsciously.

Nonsense, she didn't really come to see the night scene.

"That's fine, let's go back together."

Richelieu smiled and walked ahead.

Prince Eugen opened his mouth, and couldn't help but look towards the end of the beach, but it was so dark that there was no sign of Su Hao.

Been tricked.


Here, Su Hao came to the villa.

It's almost the same as yesterday, but today's U556 has become more enthusiastic.

"You are finally here!"

U556 couldn't wait to pull Su Hao in, "Hurry up, hurry up, treat Sister Bismarck, the room is ready."

After last night, Bismarck woke up differently today, and U556 saw it, so she knew that Su Hao's treatment really worked.

Children are relatively simple in temperament, Su Hao saved Bismarck, that is her benefactor, so the attitude is naturally fine.

"You are here, go up."

Bismarck said something briefly, and then went upstairs.

Su Hao nodded to Tirpitz and followed Bismarck.

After entering the room, Bismarck did not rush to get Su Hao treated, but asked, "What happened to the Northern United?"

"You know that too?"

"Well, I just found out today."

Although he was in Donghuang, Bismarck was always paying attention to the affairs of Iron Blood. It was impossible for Iron Blood not to know about such a big movement in the Northern United.

"Me too." Su Hao spread his hands, "We were planning to hold a joint meeting, but suddenly something happened to the Northern United, and we couldn't come. The meeting will be postponed."

"Northern Union..."

Bismarck pursed his lips, "Will you go there?"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, what's the situation, why did he ask such a question?

"Why should I go? It's none of my business for the Northern Union to fight the Sirens."

"It's not as simple as you think." Bismarck shook his head, "There are not mainly sirens..."

"Well, what do you mean?"

"I can only say that there is likely to be something everyone wants there, whether it is technology or more truth, Azur Lane will definitely not let this opportunity go, even we Iron Blood have already started to act, I Think about White Eagle and the Royal Family too."

Su Hao was puzzled.

"Iron Blood? Are you going?"

"No, I'm not going this time."

"Who is that? Could it be that Iron Blood is more suitable for leading the team than you?"

Bismarck looked at Su Hao quietly, and after a while, his lips parted slightly.

"It's Frederick the Great."


PS: continue~

Chapter 480 Is it Wrong for a Commander to Want Dadi Mamaai?


Bismarck, what did you just say?

Frederick the Great! ?

Great emperor? ? ?

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, isn't the Great Emperor Mama a scientific research ship?Can you jump out too?

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