At this time, the solo flight with Shinano arrived at the destination with a whirr~.

The fog was thick.

Since just now, the surrounding area has been covered with mist, and the vision was not very good, but now it is even more difficult to see clearly.

"Should have come during the day."

Su Hao frowned a little. Although he heard from the Northern United's ship's wife that there was a lot of fog here, he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

"Commander, I can feel that the environment here is a bit special."

Shinano didn't know when he woke up, and was looking around curiously.

"Here... there is an element that affects the flight of carrier-based aircraft, and it is very dangerous."

As soon as the words fell, the carrier-based aircraft suddenly turned in one direction.

Su Hao was wondering, when suddenly a burst of gunfire came from a distance.

A moment later, the carrier-based aircraft arrived at the battle scene.

The air wave from the shell explosion dispersed the fog, and the burning flame temporarily lit up the field of vision.

In the distance, several figures sailing on the sea were standing on the ship, fighting fiercely with an 'iceberg'.

There are several forts and even anti-aircraft guns derived from the iceberg. What is even more surprising is that the shells of the ship's mother bombarded the iceberg, which caused a wave of agitation. Obviously, the damage was bounced away by some kind of force.

"Which side's ship girl is this...?"

Booming to and fro, the ship girls felt that something was wrong, so they all got angry and chose to avoid this iceberg for the time being.

"Shinano, follow up and take a look."

Shinano controlled the carrier-based aircraft to follow behind those ship girls.

Icebergs, icebergs everywhere.

There are icebergs hidden in the mist, and some icebergs are full of forts. It is too difficult to attack in such a situation where the carrier-based aircraft loses sight and cannot fly safely.

"No wonder the Northern United is not in a hurry."

Su Hao rubbed his chin and thought, even if he brought the fleet in this situation, it would be very difficult for a while.

Of course, there is also a very easy way, that is to directly ask Tiancheng to throw a few intercontinental missiles over.

However, Su Hao also wanted to see Ember's true colors.

There are also sirens.

Seeing this situation, Su Hao is not in a hurry to engage in siren anymore. After all, the siren technology is so good, maybe there is a way to break through here.

Just thinking about it, the fight started again.

"Oh, it turns out to be the iron-blooded baby, no wonder he is so persistent."

Su Hao finally saw their origin clearly.

"Commander, no."

Shinano said suddenly.



The carrier-based aircraft turned around and flew towards another opening separated from the iceberg.

Su Hao was a little puzzled. Shinano lowered his height, and a small head was vaguely seen on the dark sea.


Iron-blooded wolves are famous.

Not sure which little guy it was, but there must be more than one.

How bold.

Although the pack of wolves is powerful, it will not work if they fight head-on, and this is a defensive fortress, so it is impossible to have no anti-submarine equipment.

But I think Iron Blood is also probing like this, and gradually figured out the situation inside the crown.

"It seems that Iron Blood is in a hurry... However, he is also very smart. It should be Emperor Frederick the Great who is directing."

After watching for a while, Shinano suddenly pulled up the carrier-based aircraft quickly.

Immediately below came the sound of violent gunfire.


"It seems to be... But there is no danger for the time being, and those children also bypassed it."

"It's very smart, but what surprised me even more was the defensive capabilities of this fortress. The concealment of the pack of wolves was not blown out. I didn't expect to be discovered so soon. Shinano, we won't be discovered too, right?"

"Um...I don't know."

Shinano is quite straightforward.

Just because she didn't know, she avoided it just now.

Su Hao also went to look for those submarines again, and let Shinano go around the periphery, and found that not only Iron Blood, but also ships from the other two fleets came over.

But they are all around the periphery and can't get in.

Then Su Hao discovered a good thing.


Old acquaintance scavengers and purifiers.

"Oh? Are they here too?"

Su Hao was a little surprised. He originally thought that the purpose of the sirens this time was to attract everyone to come over. There should not be too many powerful combat powers. At most, a few elite units would be enough. Rookies like chess players and game breakers .

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be rookies like scavengers and purifiers.

"Shinano, get close as you can without being noticed."


Shinano controlled the carrier-based aircraft and flew over.

Although Su Hao wanted to get closer, Shinano landed almost vertically, and soon he was less than 10 meters away from them.

"Hey, hey! Is this distance really undetectable?"

This is the Siren's big boss. Although it is the bottom one, it is also a boss!

"Don't worry, Commander, I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

Shinano smiled slightly, and continued to approach, until he was only about 3 meters away before stopping.

Su Hao: "..."

Suddenly there is a feeling of riding on someone else's head to shit, well, in a physical sense.

However, as Shinano said, even if they were so close, there was nothing abnormal about the two of them.

"These two guys, have all the equipment on their bodies been used to strengthen the battle?"

But it happened that he could hear the words of the two of them clearly.

On the sea, the Purifier and the Cleaner looked into the distance.

But the direction they were looking at was pitch black, and they didn't know what they were looking at.

"The builder, is he really sure about removing these fogs? Why doesn't she look very smart?" said the purifier.

The clearer glanced at her, and nodded approvingly: "Be confident, remove the 'look', she is not very smart, but because she often deals with embers, this time the dream weaver called her to come , we have to listen to her now."

The purifier immediately yelled: "Why? Can she beat me?"

The clearer was puzzled: "Didn't I beat you last time?"

The purifier immediately changed his words: "Why? Can she beat the two of us?"

The Scavenger shook his head now.

"Definitely can't beat her, but her ship outfit is a bit cheating. She can dive, shoot guns, and shoot planes. There is nothing we can do about her diving into the water."

"Hmph~ crooked ways."

The Purifier disdains, thinking that Sirens should do what Sirens should do, what kind of heroes are those who hide and hide?

Later, she was a little puzzled: "It's strange, I always feel that someone is staring at me."

"Aren't I just staring at you?"

"Oh, that's right."

The Purifier didn't think much of it.

In the distance, a strong wind suddenly hit, and the fog that filled the sea disappeared immediately.

A figure wearing a huge ship appeared on the sea.


Chapter 499 The Builder, the Powerful Crown Fortress

The huge ship exudes a vague sense of oppression in the dark night, and the builder sailed towards this side with a calm face, like a traveler from the middle of the night, with a very high style.

However, for purifiers and purifiers, this guy is just pretending, just pretending to be so serious.

"Hey, hello! Builder, how long do you want us to stay here? It is said that Embers and those guys will not come over. Compared with us, those fleets attracted by our tricks are the primary targets of Embers now."

The clearer couldn't help but sighed, "Sure enough, your mental system hasn't been upgraded well, and you don't like to talk and your brain is not working well. We have wasted a lot of time here."

She looks like this, with an expression of "I have millions of dollars every minute, and I am so stupid to come here to play football with you."

I hate it, I hate it.

After all, it was more fun for her to go and have some fun with those fleets.

She remembers being beaten badly last time, by the way, who beat me last time?Forget it, that kind of thing doesn't matter, it's just looking for trouble anyway.

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