"The device for clearing the fog is being built. It will take a few days to advance from here. You need to stay here."

The builder had a low voice and didn't seem to like talking, but since the scavengers and purifiers were too noisy, he said so anyway.

"What? How many days are you going to stay here? What about those fleets?"

The Purifier looked very unhappy.

"You don't need to worry about it. Our purpose this time is to destroy this place, at least on the surface."

"What's on the surface? What's on the surface?"

Facing the doubts of the purifier, the builder didn't pay attention to it, but turned his head and looked around.

Here, Su Hao was enjoying listening, when Shinano suddenly said, "Commander, we are leaving."

"Eh? Was it discovered?"

"Not yet, but it has already been suspected."

Shinano increased the distance, and after a while, Su Hao could vaguely see the builder looking up in his direction.

Sure enough, it was suspected, but it should not have been discovered, otherwise it would have fired at this side long ago.

It seems that even Shinano's ability is not omnipotent.

"Commander, do you want to continue watching?" Shinano asked.

"Let's look elsewhere."

After preliminary observation, Su Hao also had a basic understanding of the situation here.

Trouble, quite trouble.

It was more troublesome than he expected.

There was a lot of fog around the crown, and the fog wasn't just fog. The area covered by the fog formed a shielded area, and communication inside it didn't work at all.

This is also the reason why they didn't dare to go too far, whether it was Iron Blood or White Eagle Royal.

Once you get lost in the mist, you can't even think about it.

With defensive icebergs on all sides, this situation is dangerous.

First of all, the problem of fog should be solved.

Secondly, Su Hao always felt that the purpose of the siren just mentioned was not that simple.

The Siren wanted to make trouble for Ember, and there was probably a reason for doing so, so what was the purpose of attracting other people?Is it just to attract Ember's attention?

Or... myself?

Su Hao thought about it.

I always feel that there is something important to grasp, but something is missing.

"Shinano, can you continue to fly inward?"

"Yes, but it may be discovered."

"It's okay, let's see where we can go at most."

Su Hao wanted to see how long the area around the crown was.

Avoiding several iceberg fortresses, Shinano headed all the way to the center of the crown.

Almost half an hour later, it was still flying.

Su Hao was suddenly puzzled.

"Something is wrong." He signaled Shinano to stop, "There is a problem."

Shinano also found that something was wrong. According to her speed, it is impossible to not reach the center of the crown for such a long time.

After all, when looking at this side from the outermost periphery, the crown is like a huge suspended object standing on the sea, which looks very close.

Even if it is a little farther away because there is no reference object, it will not be so far away.

And it seems that I haven't encountered an iceberg fortress since just now.

"Commander, we are being targeted."

Shinano said suddenly.


Suddenly, a loud eagle cry came from a distance.

Su Hao was startled.

"No, Shinano, withdraw!"

No one saw it, so let's withdraw?

However, since Su Hao said it, Shinano will definitely do it.


The two disappeared into the distance immediately.

Almost at the same time, an arrow full of black energy shot from here.


The next moment, the black enterprise appeared in a carrier-based aircraft, looking around keenly.

After a while, he frowned slightly.

She clearly felt a special force, why did it suddenly disappear?

Is the induction wrong?

Here, Su Hao opened his eyes again, and was already lying naked on the bed.

Beside him was the same naked Richelieu, who was sleeping sideways beside him at this time, with half of his body on Su Hao's body, two huge fruits on his chest were oppressing, and some parts were still tightly knit together.

The moonlight was very light, snow was floating outside the window, and silver-gray light entered the room.

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

After moving, he heard Richelieu's voice.

"Have a nightmare?"

Su Hao's mood fluctuated so much just now, she felt it all at once.

Richelieu raised his head slightly, with some doubts in his bright eyes.

"Ah, it can't be regarded as a nightmare. It should have been a good journey, but it ended a little hastily later, and I was taken aback."

"Hehe~ If it's not a nightmare, then it's good."

Richelieu chuckled, "Go to sleep, it's getting late."

"Hmm...Okay, but Sister Li, should we change our positions?"

"Didn't you say that you can feel each other better this way?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

First declare that Su Hao is not an lsp.

It was purely because of Chicheng's nonsense before, and Su Hao came up with this idea after the battle.

Although it is indeed very comfortable, it feels a little strange.

The mode was different before, so I fell asleep all of a sudden, but now after so long, the mode has returned to normal, so I can't sleep anymore.

Richelieu also noticed this, after thinking about it, he took out something that had entered her body.

Now you can sleep peacefully.


Three poles in the sun.

Perhaps it was because Su Hao did too many things after falling asleep yesterday, it was already late when Su Hao woke up.

There was still residual warmth around him, but Richelieu had already gotten up and gone out.

"It seems that you will feel tired even in the dream."

Well, sleeping so deeply probably consumes too much energy in the dream.

Thinking of the dream, Su Hao suddenly had a bold idea in his heart early in the morning.

How would it feel if you were exercising in a dream?

This is not a sp problem, it is indeed of great research value.

After all, the human body is still lying on the bed, but here they are exercising, how should it be counted?


Also, what if the body in the bed is also exercising, and the dream is also exercising?

Is it here or there?

In this way, this philosophical question troubled Su Hao for a while, until Dido knocked on the door and came in to help him get up.

"What about the rest?"

"Master, everyone is going to the cafeteria for breakfast."

"Well, is there anything special today?"

"Not yet, but I saw Chapayev go out with Tashkent with dignity a long time ago, as if he was going to change the guard for other members of the Northern Union on the front line."

I got to know Dido a little bit, it's not too early, and the Northern United has already started to act on something.

However, in view of the fact that there was no change in the extreme north, the Northern United had no right to interfere with Su Hao's actions, so the Soviet Union did not come to him.

Not long after going out from the dormitory, many people came out from the cafeteria, many of them were his daughters-in-law. After seeing Su Hao, they greeted Su Hao, and some of them cast strange looks at him and Dido, inexplicable, inexplicable , everyone understands.

Su Hao didn't understand, after all, he was wronged.

What are you doing looking at me like that?I didn't do anything strange with Dido.

After breakfast, Soviet Rosia came over.

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