Frederick the Great chuckled, "Leaving aside this, the ship girl in your port area seems to be conducting an experiment to analyze the mental Rubik's Cube."

The emperor paid special attention to it. She was very curious about the identities of Neptune and Novalu, but she was more concerned about Ming's experiment. Su Hao didn't tell Ming that she was completely unprepared. Inquired about many things.

"Scientific research ship girl... let's call it that, does Commander Su Hao know how I was born?"

Of course I know this, Great Emperor Ma Ma, you are the result of my painstaking efforts!

However, it cannot be said that Su Hao did not tell Bismarck, and he pretended to be puzzled at this time: "Isn't it born from a battleship?"


Frederick the Great maintained a smile on his face, "The scientific research ship girl I just mentioned, I am such an existence, and Gascogne in your port area, although the situation is somewhat different, it is similar."

"What's the difference?"

"Well, speaking of it, it's probably because the Rubik's Cube is different, which is probably why Gascogne has certain mental defects."

Richelieu frowned: "Isn't it because you, Iron Blood, deliberately concealed this technology?"

Frederick the Great looked innocent: "I don't know about this matter. If you want to find it, go to Bismarck."


Richelieu was too lazy to argue with the emperor.

She didn't hate Bismarck that much, and of course she didn't hate Frederick the Great either.

But the smiling face of the other party makes people look very uncomfortable, and the charm displayed by the gestures makes even her feel a little bit unbearable. In this case, one can imagine what the line of defense in Xiaohao's heart is. of.

Richelieu suddenly had a mental state of Chicheng, wanting to drive away all the bugs approaching Su Hao.

Sure enough, Akagi was right sometimes.

Su Hao didn't have so many thoughts. Although he admitted that part of Li's guess was correct, at least he could hold on to it.

"Emperor Frederick, your so-called mental Rubik's Cube is different, does it mean the level or what?"

"Level? You can say that, hehe~ Whether Richelieu or Bismarck, there is a Black Rubik's Cube in their bodies that is more advanced than the ordinary Mind Rubik's Cube. Don't you know this well, Commander Su Hao? The Black Rubik's Cube Perhaps even among the Sirens they are considered very advanced, and maybe the reason why Ember's ship girls are so powerful is that their bodies are the Black Rubik's Cube that their owners can control."

While speaking, Emperor Frederick kept staring at Su Hao, looking at him, looking at his eyes, trying to get the answer he wanted from the subtle changes in Su Hao's expression.

But Su Hao was very calm, very calm.

Anyway, the Black Rubik's Cube is not a secret anymore, and an existence like Frederick the Great must know about it.

"Then what? The purpose of your coming here is not to tell me this technology, is it? That's just right, to be honest, our scientific research progress in the port area has encountered a bottleneck, and the ordinary mental Rubik's Cube has an upper limit, and it cannot afford to wake up the scientific research ship girl." Need, I'm worrying about it."

Su Hao said without blushing, "Why don't you share this technology with Tie Xue? Anyway, everyone is so familiar with it, and they are also contributing to the cause of mankind. Don't worry, I promise not to tell other people about the technology. People, even if it's Donghuang's side, I won't say anything about it."


Emperor Frederick was taken aback by Su Hao's sudden cheekiness, and then he chuckled: "Commander Su Hao's idea is really beautiful, but to be honest, I have plans to tell you about this technology."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

I just said it casually, you don't have to spoil me so much, Madam, right?

"Of course, there are conditions."


"What conditions?"

Emperor Frederick smiled slightly, and suddenly stepped forward to Su Hao's side, getting close to Su Hao.

Then, under Richelieu's frowning gaze, he put his lips close to Su Hao's ear, and said softly, "The condition is that Commander Su Hao will use the method of controlling the Black Rubik's Cube in exchange, how about it?"


Su Hao was dumbfounded.

Feelings, Emperor Frederick the Great is thinking about this!

Although he didn't know how Frederick the Great was so sure that he used a method to control the Black Rubik's Cube. After all, simply looking at the company's situation doesn't explain anything, but he knew that it was definitely not Bismarck who said it.

Thinking about it this way, the Great Emperor Mama is really unfathomable!

"Hey~ Although I really want to tell you, but I really can't get it out."

Su Hao looked innocent, "Black Rubik's Cube, you also said that Ember and the others probably have this in their bodies. I haven't even broken through the limitations of the ordinary mental Rubik's Cube. How can I have the ability to study the Black Rubik's Cube?"

"Hehe~ Can Commander Su Hao explain how the Black Rubik's Cube in Bismarck's body is controlled?"


"Don't worry, Bismarck didn't tell me, but it's reasonable to speculate about this matter, right?"

Frederick the Great's tone was quite relaxed.

Reasonable... what a ghost!

It's only you who figured it out, okay?

"Xiao Hao doesn't have the ability to control the Black Rubik's Cube."

At this time, Richelieu said suddenly, "I told Bismarck how to control the Black Rubik's Cube. After ten years of research, I have figured out how to control the Black Rubik's Cube in my body, but that's all. The existence of the Black Rubik's Cube is beyond imagination, and it is impossible for us to completely control it."

Frederick the Great looked at Richelieu.

She guessed that it might be Richelieu's help, but if Bismarck used her to control the runaway of the Black Rubik's Cube, Frederick the Great didn't really believe it.

But in this situation, it's not easy for her to say anything.

"Hehe~ Let's treat it like this for the time being."

Emperor Frederick chuckled, "Let go of the second purpose first, can Commander Su Hao agree to my first request?"

Su Hao spread his hands: "Of course, our port area is also very happy to deepen exchanges such as exercises."

"So, I would like to thank Commander Su Hao."

After chatting for a while, Frederick the Great simply left.


Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "This emperor is so powerful."

The pressure, and those eyes that seem to see through people's hearts, if it wasn't for Su Hao's cheeky enough... ah bah, his heart is calm enough, an ordinary commander would have slid over to kneel and lick her stockings long ago.

"It's really powerful." Richelieu said worriedly, "Xiao Hao, pay more attention, and don't tell her the secret of the Black Rubik's Cube. She is different from Bismarck, and I feel... more wild."

Wildness, crazy wildness, like a dormant tiger, it looks like a beautiful cat at first glance, but once it moves, it becomes a ferocious tiger, eating you up to nothing.

"more or less."

Compared with wildness, Su Hao feels that motherhood seems to be a bit more, but it's a pity that the emperor didn't treat his mother, and the relationship is not in place, so it needs to be cultivated slowly.

"All in all, just be careful."

After parting, Su Hao went to the residence to pack everything.

After going out for such a long time, I feel that the whole house is much deserted. The house is like this, the more people live in it, the warmer it gets.

Putting down the things, wandered around the port area, and gave the gifts brought back to the ship girls. Many ship girls bought the souvenirs of the Northern United like Guanghui. Su Hao didn't buy many, but the gifts were light and affectionate. Heavy.

Let me tell you, here in our port area, a hug from me is worth a gift worth hundreds of millions of others, do you believe it?

At this time, the gift was handed out, and after wandering around for a while, Su Hao came to the newly built scientific research room in the port area.

As soon as he entered, a naval gun was pointed at him.

Neptune yelled: "Ah! I found a suspicious person who is not the ship's mother, I will kill you Neptune!"

Come into my arms! .jpg


PS: I was watching New Three Kingdoms recently, and I just realized that there are 95 episodes, 1 episode is 46 minutes, I am so cracked!But it is very beautiful, the Three Kingdoms, it really is a classic among the classics~

Chapter 535 Why Don't You Live In The Basement?

With the help of Ming and Yubari, the two goddesses who entered this world by mistake completed the ship girl transformation plan.

"Now they can fight like ordinary ship girls?"

Knocked a few times on the ship suit on Neptune's body, and there was a bang bang bang bang, Su Hao was amazed, "How did you do it?"

"It's actually very simple, meow."

Ming said as if showing off, "Yubari and I have invented this technology a long time ago, but it has been useless, because the ship outfit is just a ship outfit, and it does not allow the transformed people to possess Same body structure."

Su Hao understood: "It means that it is impossible for ordinary human beings to go out to fight the sirens like this, and they can't bear the reaction force brought by the firing of naval guns."

"Yes, meow, but Neptune and Novalu are goddesses, so it doesn't matter."

Su Hao nodded thoughtfully.

So, if he also put on a ship suit, wouldn't it be...

Wait, wait, labor is not a ship girl, what kind of ship outfit is it!

This kind of feeling is like men's and women's clothing, although everyone can wear it, but you are a man and not a woman, why should you wear women's clothing?

For a reason, Su Hao is the commander but not the wife of the ship, so it is possible but absolutely unnecessary to install a ship on it.

"Hee hee~ This thing looks really powerful."

Neptune grinned, and then looked at Su Hao, "You are the commander of the port area, right? Everyone's commander, you seem to be just an ordinary human, why can you command so many ship girls? Don't you Do you have any special abilities? Superpowers? The kind that can make the ship's mother unable to resist?"

Su Hao spread his hands: "I don't have that kind of ability, the commanders in this world are all ordinary people."

"Then why did the ship girl listen to you? It's so strange."

Neptune tilted his head and looked at Su Hao, "Could it be that you beat them because you played games, so they became your trophies?"

Saying this, she was hit on the head by Novalu.

It is not a good thing to say that the living ship girls are spoils of war, and she vaguely found that the ship girls in the port area have real feelings for Su Hao, the commander. In the next second, he was blasted out by a group of ship girls.

"Novalu, what did you hit me for?"

"Clean your head."

Novalu ignored her protest, "Commander of the port area, we should have reported our situation to you. Our companions have already contacted us, but they have not been able to come here for the time being, so we still need to go here Stay here for a while longer, but during this period, we will also go to sea to fight the 'Siren' like your ship mother, and perform our duties, in order to repay your kindness for taking us in."

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