Nuova Lu's thinking is quite clear, she is not as stupid as Neptune, she knows how to repay her kindness or exchange equivalent value, she can't let others help her for nothing, right?

And she is also very interested in the existence of this kind of ship girl. It just so happens that it should be more interesting to repay her favor and then go to sea to fight.

"As long as you like it."

Su Hao smiled, "By the way, Ming, how is the progress of scientific research?"

Speaking of this, the cat who was a little proud just now disappeared in an instant.

"It's not going well meow, the analysis experiment of the mental cube has encountered a bottleneck, and I can't upgrade the mental cube, so I can't wake up the scientific research ship girl meow~"

This is the biggest difficulty that iron-blood scientific research overcomes. Su Hao is a little surprised that they can do this kind of thing. Sure enough, should they raise their arms and shout "iron-blood technology is the best in the world" at this time?

However, the source of Iron Blood's black technology is likely to be related to Sirens. Thinking of this, Su Hao said, "Don't worry, I got back some new information this time, and you can see if you can get any inspiration when the time comes."

"Hoo meow~? Commander, do you have any more information?"

"Well, there are some, I'll give them to you after sorting them out later, don't worry, scientific research projects are a big deal, there can't be any sloppy... I think it's better to do this, while you are working on data collection these days, let's take a look at Gascogne Based on what I have learned so far, the existence of Gascogne is achieved by lowering the requirements for the Rubik's Cube of the Mind, so can she complement the strength she should have by upgrading her mind?"

Yubari sat on a naval turret and tilted his head: "Master, do you mean to let us find a way to upgrade by slowly completing it?"

"Probably this is the way of thinking. Anyway, there is no good way for the time being, right? It can be used as a backup option. I will sort out the information later, and I will give it to you when the time comes. Multiple ideas and multiple possibilities."

"Yes, meow, Commander is so smart meow!"

Shortly after leaving the research room.

The progress of the scientific research ship girl, the technology related to the advanced mental Rubik's Cube does not seem to be so easy to research, but Su Hao is not in a hurry, one small step for scientific research, one giant leap for mankind.

It's a pity that the purifiers were caught this time instead of the higher-level sirens. The purifiers and scavengers don't have to look forward to it at all. They probably won't get any valuable information from them. The words of the builders are similar, although she Unlike the two Purifiers, Asasi is the only one.

Here, the three sirens were arranged in a small villa.

"We live here?"

Purifier oVO

"Why not the basement?"

Sirius, who brought them here, was full of curiosity. It was the first time he heard that someone wanted to live in the basement.

She doesn't know the identities of these three guys, but they must be the new ship girls in the port area. Anyway, the proud master asked her to do this, so the reason is naturally irrelevant.

The clearer immediately grabbed the cleanser, and said in a low voice, "Shh~ this must be the welfare that the commander boss secretly arranged for us, don't say so much, keep a low profile!"

The Purifier suddenly realized.

This is because the boss is thinking about them, and working for the welfare of the members of the organization!

The builder was also puzzled. It was the first time he saw that the captives could live in such a good place, but when he thought about the purifiers and scavengers on the ship, they ran around every day to eat and drink in various places, and even the royal tea party was never absent. screen, the builder is relieved.

That's it, you tell her life as a captive?

Although the builder had never done it or captured any prisoners, according to the records in the book, wouldn’t the prisoners be locked up by the master in a dark basement with iron chains, and then treated with whips and candles?

While thinking wildly, it took a long time.

Sirius prepared the daily necessities for them.

"Three, the room has been tidied up. The daily necessities are in your room. Fruits, snacks and other things need to be purchased by yourself. You can go to the dock or the city. Afterwards, the host will equip you with mobile phones, and you can also do online shopping. , but please remember that the delivery man cannot enter the port area, and a special pick-up point has been set up outside the gate of the port area, you can go and see for yourself.”

Sirius explained some basic common sense of life in the port area, and then left.

In the hall, the Purifier and the Cleaner looked at each other.

"Did you hear that? There's still mobile phones, and monthly wages."

The purifier smacked his lips, "Did you get paid every month before?"

The Scavengers shook their heads immediately.

"How about you, the builder? Do you have money?"

I didn't want to pay attention to it, but the builder shook his head.

"And mobile phones, mobile phones are the kind of small bricks that humans use."

"I know this, I heard that you can surf the Internet."

"That's called surfing the Internet." The builder couldn't help but say, "Searching various information and data through the Internet gives us similar terminal capabilities, and can also make phone calls for newsletters, and use various entertainment software, video software, and chat software. of."

"Wow! Builder, you are amazing, you know everything!"

"Yeah, what did you say we ate before? Cookies, can you make them?"

The builder thought to himself that I have never eaten it, but I have seen it. Do you think I can do it?

"No, but the production process can usually be found online."

"Then let's do it!"

"Do you have money to buy materials?"

"No." The purifier shook his head, "I've never seen money... Huh? That's strange, why have I never seen money? I never thought of asking the dream weaver before."

The clearer waved his hand: "What do you do so much, anyway, we are messing with the commander boss now, he gave us money."

The builder pondered for a moment, then wondered, "What did he tell you?"

Although the purifiers and scavengers are a bit stupid, the basic truth is still understood. There is no possibility of cooperation between humans and sirens so far.

In such a situation where they are forcibly restrained, it stands to reason that they cannot surrender to the enemy, unless...

The builder suddenly had a bold idea.

"Hee hee~ Well, if you work harder, you might be able to get the commander's approval."

The purifier patted the builder on the shoulder, "Just work harder, just work harder."

Builder: "..."

If it wasn't for the ship's outfit being broken, she really wanted to kill these two bastards.


The influence of the three Siren sisters staying in the port area is much greater than that of other camps coming to the port area. After all, it should be said or not, the siren is an irreconcilable enemy to ordinary people.

However, Su Hao repeatedly emphasized that the ship girls should not bully them, how to treat them, just like ordinary ship girls, anyway, Su Hao doesn't expect them to do anything for the port area, and coming here is nothing more than opening their mouths, um, There is still something to do, and that is to cooperate with Ming and Yubari's research.

The Siren's ship equipment is special, although there is no way to use it for the ship girls in the port area, but if you study it, you may be able to make an enhanced version.

Su Hao said so, and the appearance of the Purifiers made everyone see that they couldn't generate hostility, so after removing the initial hostility, the ship girls had no idea about them.

Afterwards, the ship girls from all parties settled down steadily, and Yixian also sent news to Su Hao that the joint meeting was scheduled to be after the Donghuang Spring Festival. At that time, Su Hao Port District will entertain them in conjunction with the Donghuang New Year Festival. .

Of course, there is no problem with this. It is grand, and you have to pay more.

What about the expenses?This is definitely necessary. By the way, there are too many people this time, and I have to build a few buildings, otherwise I won’t be able to live there.

In this case, Yixian didn't look into it carefully, regardless of whether you can't live there, after Su Hao said, the money will arrive in the account the next day.

With the money, everyone will not hurt their feelings. Su Hao is in a good mood and bought a mobile phone for each of the three Purifiers after buying a few buildings for nothing.

[Ding~ The group leader invites purifiers to join the port area]

[Ding~ The group leader invites the clearer to join the port area]

[Ding~ The group owner invites builders to join the port area]


PS: 12 o'clock, rush~

Chapter 536 Purify pro, clear sauce, build cuteness

Volkland: "Huh? Another newcomer is here?"

Tartu: "I'm not a newcomer."

Sister-in-law Sara: "??? Why are there two idiots and one dumb."

Lexington: "Gaga, you can't be so rude!"

Su Hao: "Ahem~ These are the Purifiers. Everyone has seen it in the past two days. The Purifiers are now changing their minds and working with the port area, so they are not sirens from now on."

Marriage Enterprise: "Commander, this..."

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "It always feels unbelievable, but when I think of being a purifier, I feel nothing is impossible."

Portland: "The upstairs is correct, after all, it is a purifier."

Atlanta: "I think I should explain it to the Maritime Bureau?"

Su Hao: "I've already told Yixian that she let us decide for ourselves. Instead of letting them go on causing chaos, it's better to stay in our port area. Keeping them can be regarded as contributing to the cause of mankind."

Jean Bart: "I think we should study it first."

Dunkirk: "Eh? Jean Barr, you haven't slept yet? It's late in the Iris Kingdom, isn't it?"

Jean Bart: "Working on a few files, just finished."

Joan of Arc: "It's hard work."

Jean Bart: "It's been hard work, by the way, Joan of Arc, when are you coming back?"

Joan of Arc: "Let's not talk about it, I'm making macarons with Dunkirk, let's talk later."

Jean Bart: "..."

Volkland: "Let Sister Barr, when will you come over to play?"

Vicious: "When you come here, remember to bring me the Manjiu pillow in the room. I forgot last time."

Joan of Arc: "There are also those clothes in my wardrobe. Last time I left in a hurry, I didn't bring many of them."

Jean Bart: "Aren't you making macarons?"

Joan of Arc: "Oh yes, let's go first."

Things seemed a little crooked, something was wrong, Su Hao immediately brought everyone's attention back.

Xiao Guanghui: "Why don't they speak?"

Little Zeppelin: "I'm sure I can't use it, hehe! I didn't know how to use my phone when I first got it!"

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