"Your commander, who is it?"

Perhaps feeling a different feeling from the war weariness, the silver-haired ship lady chatted a few more words with great interest.

"My commander is here!"

Elizabeth took a few steps, and at some point the scepter she always used to pretend appeared in her hand. At this time, she raised the scepter high and pointed it at Su Hao, "Worship, ordinary ship girl, you will have the honor to be with the world's strongest port area!" During the period before defeat, before the shame of failure befalls you, please be grateful for this opportunity!"

Elizabeth's words made the scene a little more subtle.

Su Hao raised his forehead, Nima is so embarrassing, I really want to bury my face in Befa's chest, I am ashamed to face anyone!

"Is Elizabeth getting into the drama too much?"

Mikasa asked softly.

Hiei chuckled: "Maybe someone wants to fake the show and do it for real."

Mikasa was at a loss for a moment.

She seems to have seen this scene?


Chapter 554 Washington joins the chat group

The exercise begins.

No matter what you say, whether you can win or not, it doesn't depend on your mouth. You can only win against the opposite sex with your mouth, not against the same sex.

Not to mention that War Weariness was already suffocated, so she didn't care who the other party was, anyone who dared to look down on War Weariness, she would give it to my mother!

As soon as the battle started, the silver-haired ship girl felt the oncoming oppression.

It was a piece of naval equipment that could be called by its name.

The huge naval gun, the trial-made 410mm triple-mounted gun T0, compared with her triple-mounted 406 main gun, suddenly became unsavory.

With the development of scientific research and technology, there have been clear data on the tests of the power of various naval guns. Of course, although everyone knows that one is good and that is good, it doesn’t mean that you can choose whichever you want. Even Suhao Port Area is now , also use gold if there is gold, purple if there is no gold, and blue if there is no purple.

If you don't have any blue equipment, then use the one you bring to make do with it first. There is no way, there are too many monks and too little porridge.

As for yyds Sister Control 6, there are not many in Suhao Port District.

Whether it is powerful or not depends on the ship equipment. Those who can get high-level ship equipment are generally very powerful.

So the silver-haired ship girl's complexion suddenly changed.

But she was not afraid but happy.

"Very good, that's right. After fighting for so long, a reliable opponent finally appeared."

"Warspite, despise the existence of the battlefield, remember, your opponent is Washington!"

As the line of sight went from near to far, the two faced each other and moved in a circle at high speed. The word Washington was transmitted from a long distance along with the sound, allowing the people watching the battle on the shore to hear quite clearly.

Then also a moment after speaking, Washington's naval gun attack resounded.

War-weary originally wanted to throw a few words of trash, but in the end, a naval gun was fired head-on.

"Young man, you don't talk about martial arts!"

During the drills of the Royal Fleet Girls, they would give a polite introduction, and then exchange a few words to talk about their experiences. After all, it is a drill, and of course the main purpose is to learn from each other.

But Washington called without saying a word, which made the old lady feel angry.

The old lady was angry and shot, easily avoiding the trajectory of the opponent's shells, without even firing the main gun, and directly approached Washington to close the distance.


The progress of the battleship was even more brutal than imagined, but it was obviously to Washington's appetite.

She grinned: "Come on, Warweary!"

As soon as the words fell, a practice bullet hit her face.

Washington was a little stunned. From such a distance, did he hit?

Another shot, Washington dodged, counterattacked, and while avoiding the battle, he was still quickly closing the distance.

Washington raised his brows, and was about to rush over to use her military fist to teach the other party how to behave, but he hit him again.

This time, he was hit in the face.

Washington was angry: "Why do you keep slapping your face!"


Another shot.

"You try again!"


"You're done, I'll tell you!"


"Hey! Can you hit me anyway?"



clap clap clap...

"Okay, okay, stop fighting, I admit defeat, admit defeat!!"

At sea, Washington was being chased and pounded by war weariness.

"Ah this..."

The melon-eating crowd looked at each other in blank dismay.

They were expecting that there would be a fight between dragons and tigers, but this... what's going on?The strength gap is so big?

"War weariness so strong?"

Mikasa was a little surprised, "Why do I feel that she is stronger than me?"

"It's become stronger." Bismarck did not comment on Mikasa's so-called 'better than himself', but said very pertinently: "It seems to have become stronger than when we fought last time."

"Hmph~ Of course, War Weariness is Ben...but my guard, of course he is stronger!"

"Hehe~ Speaking of which, I also feel that I have become stronger recently."

"Chapayev, are you ashamed... Well, I also think I have become stronger."

"U1s1, I just feel like I've become stronger."

"Majesty also... Well, after drinking a lot of wine, it probably became more powerful."

"What, you've all become stronger? Bragging." Elizabeth didn't believe it. You guys are jealous because you've become stronger because of war weariness. How can it be possible to say that you have become stronger?She didn't feel it.

For Elizabeth's words, Mikasa expressed affirmation: "Yes, how could it be possible that they have become more powerful, and everyone has not attacked recently."

"But I feel like I'm getting better and better!" Little Hiei raised his head and said.

The little guy can't lie, but it's normal for a rookie to improve quickly... Probably.

Then Bismarck's face suddenly changed, and when she remembered something, she looked at Su Hao who was talking to Gu Ping, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

No way, but...

Bismarck fell silent.

"Fuck! Su Hao, your family is so war-weary?"

Gu Ping stared straight at the opposite side, War Spite vs. Washington, his War Spite was chased by Washington, and Su Hao's War Spite was chased by Washington. How much is the difference?

Gu Ping said that he was not very good at calculating this question.

Zhu Qiao was also surprised, but she was much better than the commanders around her. After all, the port areas of the two had always cooperated.

Na na, let me tell you, in such a small scene, I have seen chasing the siren boss to fight!

"Small idea."

Su Hao said indifferently.

"Still mean?"

"Small idea."

"Your sister."

After thinking about it, Gu Ping can only say that this kind of scene is really embarrassing.

Not long after, War Weariness and Washington returned.

Lost, and lost very thoroughly, Washington expressed incomprehension.

A second ago, she had already achieved a score of 5:0, and she won almost easily. Why was she beaten so helplessly after encountering battle exhaustion?

She couldn't understand, and just stared at Su Hao with wide eyes.

She looked at Su Hao, and then saw the ship girl next to Su Hao.

War-weary, he walked back and stood beside Elizabeth. When he saw Elizabeth, he ignored it. When he saw Bismarck, he was blown away. This is super strong.Seeing a group of hooligans in the Soviet Union, the oncoming sense of oppression actually has a feeling of 'same kind'.

What, these girls... have a problem!

"who are you?"

She looked at Su Hao.

The strongest Minato, that little guy just said so.

Su Hao smiled gently: "My name is Su Hao, the commander of the port area of ​​Lingshui City."

"Su Hao...Su Hao..." Washington frowned suddenly, "That Su Hao who kidnapped the Archbishop of the Iris Country? Didn't he go to the extreme north?"

"Huh? You know me?"

"Nonsense, it's written in the documents of the Maritime Safety Administration."

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