Washington finally understands, no wonder it is so strong, it seems that the so-called 'First Port Area' is not in vain.

She originally planned to drop by to challenge Su Hao Port area, but she didn't expect to meet her here.

"Very well, I've decided, I'm going to your port area for special training." Washington grinned, "I won't leave until I defeat all the ship girls in your port area, and continue my journey!"


Washington's out, Washington's A's out, Washington's...

[Ding~Washington joins the big family of the port area. 】

Regarding the statement of joining if you fail, Washington did not break his promise, and very straightforwardly said that he would go with Su Hao immediately.

And she said that she would defeat all the ship girls in the port area before continuing to travel. All the ship girls, including the war weariness, gave her a blank stare.

Not to mention Su Hao, Washington wants to win against his own port area?What a joke, you can't do half of your attributes.

But he is more concerned about Washington's words. How does this guy know the information about the Maritime Safety Administration?

This doubt was soon answered.

Marriage company: "???"

York City: "???"

Hahahahaha Man: "Sister Washington?"

Washington: "Huh? What is this place? Chat group?"

Su Hao: "@全部人员咲呵~Everyone welcomes new members to join the port area."

Sister Bride: "@stlouis"

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

Santiago has received your red envelope.

The wedding ship raider has received your red envelope.

Neptune Neptune received your red envelope.


Marriage Enterprise: "Is it really Washington?"

Washington: "Of course I am Washington. By the way, which company are you? You also have York City and Harman. I thought you were in the White Eagles."

York City: "Wait, Washington...White Eagle Maritime Bureau?"

Hahahahahaman: "Hey, really, the avatars are all the same."

Su Hao: "???"

Washington: "Haha! I remembered, before Essex said that you are in a port area... Oh yes, yes, so it is here, there will be a joint meeting in a while, right? I just happened to be here too. "

York City: "Why are you here? Not at the White Eagle Maritime Bureau?"

Washington: "I've been out for a long time and have been traveling around. I plan to go back after a while, but it seems that I can't go back now."

York City: "Why?"

Washington: "Because I lost to War Weariness in the exercise just now, I now agree to join the port area, and I will leave after I win all the ships in the port area."

Marriage company: "..."

York City: "..."

Sister bride: "Take it away, the next one."

When Washington joins the port area, temporary equals permanent. Everyone knows exactly what the situation is.

It’s just that Washington is self-conscious, Tie Hanhan, she doesn’t feel anything wrong with this statement itself, in fact, she doesn’t care even more, if she knows that there are many existences in the port area that are more powerful than war weariness, Washington will definitely jump for joy .

Hit, you can hit!

Whether you can win or not, you have to fight first.

As for her thoughts, Su Hao has seen so many ship girls, so he knows a little bit. He feels that this guy is very similar to Tosa, and he likes lively ones, so cheer up.

In this way, Su Hao's trip to the academy is almost over.

Here, in the port area, Neptune, who had just received the red envelope, was staring at the sky nervously.

Suddenly, a black vortex appeared.

Then two figures came out from the inside, one of them was a 'big' girl with blond hair and looked down with a smile.

"Nepton, do you miss me?"



Chapter 555 The Four Goddesses of Neptune

Richelieu stood in the scientific research room, looking at the four 'cat builders' who had been refitted by Ming with a strange look on his face.

These four people, no, it should be said that they are four goddesses from different worlds—although at the beginning Richelieu thought they should be female nerves, but after seeing the other party use that extraordinary mysterious power, she was temporarily considered Believe it.

"Richelieu, this is Belle, this is Bran!"

Neptune introduced Richelieu.


Richelieu nodded: "Hello, I am the secretary ship in the port area, the battleship Richelieu."

"Hello." Belle stared at Richelieu very curiously, "Are you really transformed from a battleship?"

Richelieu chuckled lightly and said, "Don't you already have ship power? We are similar, but our main body is indeed a battleship that has appeared in history."

Neptune immediately said: "Belu, it's true, as I said just now, this port area is everyone's home, there is a human commander that everyone admires and likes, and the ship's mother is all kinds of Girls, but you can use the ship suits to fight the enemy at sea, don't look at them, there are many petite and cute ones, but they are super powerful."

"Wait, what did you just say?" Belle interrupted Neptune, "You just said... there are many petite and cute ones, where are they?"

"Ah? I've said so much, why do you care about this sentence?"

Bei Lu refused to let go: "Where is it? Take me to see it!"

Richelieu: "..."

Why do you feel that this picture is somewhat familiar?Isn't this the same reaction as the Ark Royal hanging in the woods when he heard the little guy?


"Don't worry about it, Belle is like this." Nuovalu hurriedly explained, "But she is indeed a gentle sister, so she won't do anything strange to everyone."

Richelieu nodded, "Are you really from another world? Although I have seen it before... can this kind of thing really be done?"

"With the power of a goddess, you can do it." Bran closed the book in his hand, her voice was very soft and pleasant to hear, "We are gods who have mastered divine power, but in this world, the power of faith cannot pass, so Nip They couldn't take the initiative to open the space wormhole to go back, but now that we have positioned ourselves, we can go back at any time."

That being said, because of Neptune's insistence and everyone's curious attitude towards this world, I plan to stay temporarily to see the situation.

"It's actually a jump between two different spaces. I feel that Yubari and I can also develop this kind of technology. Maybe we can go to the world of Neptune to play like this in the future!"

"Shuttle world?"

Richelieu was slightly taken aback. Is this kind of thing possible with the current technology?

She never thought about this possibility, and even if there was, Richelieu would not allow such a dangerous experiment without knowing the risk factor.

"Actually, if you want to go now, you can go. You just located the nodes of each other's plane. If you travel through the space wormhole, you should be able to arrive smoothly."

Nuova Lu smiled, "If you want to go, you are always welcome."

"Let's talk later."

Richelieu shook his head. There are still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with here. Besides, the responsibility of the port area is to manage and maintain the safety of the coast. You said that in Donghuang, even traveling to other countries is easy to say. One or two months is enough. up.

But if you want to go to another world, you can't get through the phone, what if there is something urgent?

Although Richelieu had a certain degree of curiosity about the outside world, she didn't plan to go there either.

Besides, Ming is not sure. If the ability to travel the world is in the hands of others, Richelieu will not be at ease. It's not that she doesn't believe in Neptune and the others. The main reason is that it has a lot to do with it. no.

After chatting for a while and understanding the general situation, Richelieu asked Dido to settle down the four goddesses.

In the afternoon, Su Hao came back with the girls.


I went out to experience the campus life. Although the time was a little short, it was relatively good to get back a ship girl.

Su Hao thought about it, it would be great if he could get a ship girl back every time he went out.

There are three or four hundred ship girls in Bilan, they can be scooped up in a few years, right?

Well I was thinking about peach.

But when he returned to the port area, he was a little surprised when he heard that two more goddesses had arrived.

Belle, Bran, good guy, the four goddesses of Neptune are all together now.

You know, when we were in the game, there were a total of eight ship girls linked, and Su Hao couldn't build it due to the Holy Black Heart. He was so angry that he wanted to smash his phone.

In the end, I could only comfort myself with the excuse of 'anyway, the linked ship girl is not counted in the collection rate'.

After the four goddesses of Neptune arrived, they gave full play to their advantages. The small villa where they were vicious before has now become a playground. Looking at Bei Lu who is hugging left and right, with a face that is so happy that he almost faints, Su Hao is very serious. It is suspected that this guy is Ark Royal in disguise.

But u1s1, when Royal Ark is happy, it is more like an orgasm with flushed cheeks. In contrast, Belle still maintains a sober state. Is it worthy of being a goddess?

Goddess, I want to hug too!

"This is Lord Commander!"

When Su Hao came here, Neptune introduced to Bran and Belle, "It is the support of all the ship girls in the port area. Now we are also considered ship girls in the port area, so we need to call the commander."

"Hehe~ It's more... cuter than I imagined."

Bei Lu looked at Su Hao with a smile, "I really can't figure it out, so many powerful ship girls would listen to a cute human boy. The reason for this is really interesting."

"No." Neptune clicked his tongue and shook his finger, "Not all human commanders are like commanders, there are still many 'dock areas' in this world, but the commanders of those port areas , are all elderly, at least in their twenties, right? And the strength of the port area is still very poor, the commander is special."

Neptune Barabara said a lot. These are all things she is familiar with in the port area. Every ship girl said that she can memorize them now.

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