It's just that this period is somewhat sensitive.

"I still have to go, Iron Blood can't invite me for no reason."

"Didn't Bismarck tell you?"

When he was in the stadium before, Richelieu noticed Su Hao and Bismarck who were watching in the corridor. The two were obviously talking about something. Now that I think about it, it is likely to be this.

"Ha...not all of them." Su Hao touched his nose, "I thought about it when I received the invitation letter before."

"Is there still a reason for Bismarck?"

Sister Li insisted on this point, Su Hao was helpless and could only ask other ship girls for help.

"My lord, did Bismarck say anything else?"

Tiancheng still loves me, Tiancheng is still a good wife, Su Hao was moved, and then spread out the chat records with Bismarck for everyone to see, to prove that he and her are innocent.

Look, you see, we are a pure white relationship between men and women!

"This is not an interrogation, Xiaohao, what are you doing so clearly?"

The corners of Su Hao's mouth twitched slightly, thinking, Sister Li, can you stop laughing when you say this?You still had an 'I'm angry' look on your face just now, and now you're smiling again, I don't confess, can you laugh?

"Iron blood." Chicheng leaned lazily on the sofa, "I don't care anyway, if the commander is going, I will go too."

"But if it was in the past, what would happen to the port area? Now that all the major camps are here, there must be people who can hold the scene to stay."

"Richelieu." Chicheng said with a smile, "Richelieu is the secretary ship and the commander's sister. She is the most suitable."

Richelieu took care of the house, and he and the commander flew over the sea, um, the needle did not poke.

Richelieu glanced at Chicheng indifferently and did not speak.

At this time, Tiancheng, who had been thinking all the time, said: "The only difficulty is that the Lord wants to go to Iron Blood. The only difficulty is that at the initial stage of the alliance, the ship girls from all major camps are there, and even the people from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration are there. As the commander-in-chief, the main It’s really hard to justify leaving.”

Su Hao nodded straightly, this is what he was worried about all the time, that's why he called these girls over to discuss.

"Just right, isn't Iron Blood inviting the Lord in the name of scientific research this time? I do have an idea."

"what idea?"

A product produced by Tiancheng must be a high-quality product, Su Hao firmly believes it.

"My lord, hasn't there been a substantial breakthrough in the scientific research progress in the port area? Regarding the research on the Rubik's Cube, I remember you said last time that you were looking for an opportunity to give the technology to the Maritime Safety Administration, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

The technology given by the observer is certainly not only for the port area, but for the improvement of the overall strength of all human frigates. To put it simply, it is the improvement of the world level. Maybe the strength of the sirens will also become stronger in the future. stronger.

In fact, it is easy to imagine that the gap between ordinary ship girls and ember members is too big, which shows that the potential of the Rubik's Cube is far beyond what it is now.

It's not that Su Hao is selfless or something, we want what should be ours, and some things should be everyone's, so we should take them out without hesitation.

"In this case, why not use this opportunity to exchange scientific research technology with Sangvis, and then release the latest technology of the Rubik's Cube as the commander-in-chief of the alliance after returning, so as to find a reason for traveling Sangvis , and at the same time let outsiders see the strength of our port area, and then ask Gridley to write a few special reports, and the image as the commander-in-chief of the alliance can be completely plumped up."

"In addition, Lord, you can be regarded as an account to Bismarck. In this way, iron and blood can also be stained with glory. When everyone mentions making great contributions to human scientific research, one is the Lord, and at the same time there is iron and blood. Small function, hehe~"

Hearing what Tiancheng said, Su Hao rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "What do you mean that day, it's actually better for me to go to Iron Blood this time? But in comparison, Iron Blood doesn't really want to use their scientific research technology Will it be announced?"

"Hehe~ It doesn't matter whether we go or not, our goal is the same, but the way to achieve it has changed. As for whether the iron blood wants to, what does it matter to us? We only need to declare that the progress of scientific research and technology is from now on. It’s enough to get inspired during the journey of iron and blood, whether it is true or not is not important.”

Tiancheng chuckled, appearing calm and composed, with a feeling of winning thousands of miles without missing anything.

"That's right, Tiancheng, if you say that, I'm sure."

"So let's go, let Richelieu take care of the house, Commander, Miss Tiancheng and Kaga will accompany you." Akagi said impatiently.

Richelieu glanced at her again, but did not speak.

"My lord, I suggest that you take Ming and Yubari, one of them, as for the others..."

"Tiancheng, you go with Xiaohao." Richelieu said, "Choose a few more people, Chicheng, you stay, you are also the elder of the port area, now the port area is at a critical stage, I can rest assured that you are here."

Chicheng is in a hurry, what kind of veteran of the port area, Richelieu, you never took into account me, the "veteran", when there were important events in the port area before!

Do you want my wife to stay with you in the port area?dream!

"Akagi, be obedient."

Before Chicheng could speak, Tiancheng took the initiative to speak, "The port area really needs manpower management at this stage. As one of the wedding ships, you have to share the responsibility for the master."


When Amagi said that, Akagi hesitated.

Then Richelieu continued: "Amagi, let Kaga and Tosa go with you."

"Richelieu, you bastard!"


Chapter 574 Congratulations, Under the Eternal Glory

After several days of playing, the basketball court finally returned to its original state after hard work.

During this period of time, the stadium has become the most popular existence in the port area, lively and fresh things, the little ones like to go there most, and it becomes more lively when there are more little ones.

"Okay, let's go here today."

Guanghui breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Shengli on the opposite side.

At this time, she was wearing a white sports bra and a small white skirt on the lower body, looking like a fashionable sports girl.

The victory on the opposite side is roughly the same. After all, the sportswear of the three sisters are all selected from the uniform style of Shiranui's canteen.

However, the sports bra is not suitable for the ship girl of Guanghui level. The overall size is not in harmony with the size of Oupai. Of course, it is in harmony for ordinary people, even for victory. But brilliance and awesomeness are a little bit reluctant.

The sports bra turned into a sports jersey, and it swayed violently when playing badminton just now, thanks to Su Hao's absence, otherwise he must have a good look at it with judgmental eyes.

Su Hao wasn't there, and there were still many girls in the stadium. As soon as the two of them stopped, the girls who were waiting outside rushed over immediately.

Guanghui and Shengli walked aside and drank some water.

"It's terrible that I didn't come over in the end."

Guanghui sighed, "It's true, I can't call her anymore."

"It's awesome to go to the commander."

"I know she passed away, she is now clinging to the commander, as a sister, my mood is a bit complicated." After finishing speaking, Guanghui looked left and right again, and saw the unicorn standing beside the ping pong ball in the distance. , and then continued: "And you too, don't pester the commander all the time, he's been so busy recently."

"No, we are not always pestering him, we are also giving the commander a good relaxation."

Hearing what Shengli said, Guanghui was immediately curious: "You guys? Stop making trouble. With you guys here, let alone relax, the commander must have a big head. If you want me to tell you that you are all right, you should go to Teacher Sara, which happens to save money. Teacher Sara is pestering the commander."

Want to relax while triumphant and awesome?

Guanghui knew the two of them too well. She was usually a lady, but she was a crazy girl when she was tossing around, not much different from Saratoga.

In comparison, unicorns are much more well-behaved.

"Yeah, the commander really has a big head."

Shengli said something inexplicable, which immediately aroused Guanghui's anger.

"Hee hee~ It's really relaxing, if you don't believe me, you can ask the commander." Shengli blinked, she was telling the truth but not telling the truth again, she tried repeatedly on the edge of death, just waiting for Guanghui to wake up.

"Speaking of which, Miss Guanghui, you haven't had much tea with the commander recently."

"The commander is so busy. Now it's not like before. All the major camps are here, and the pressure on the commander is not light."

Guanghui sighed, thinking that when he first came to the port area, there had been tremendous changes in such a short period of time.

She was a little worried about whether Su Hao could bear it. Even though Richelieu and Tiancheng Enterprise shared the pressure, even if they did nothing, for a human being who is less than 20 years old, this is almost the whole world. The location of the focal point, when the eyes of the outside world are gathered and the pressure of public opinion from the outside world hits, the mental burden is not something ordinary people can afford.

From a personal point of view, Guanghui doesn't want Su Hao to be such a general commander.

But she suddenly remembered that Guanghui couldn't help admiring Su Hao when she talked about her dreams with Su Hao and thought about realizing "world peace" one day. What she wanted was always in her heart, and what Su Hao wanted was always there. performance in action.

At this moment, she felt a little ashamed, ashamed of the gap between her and Su Hao, but she didn't know what she could do.

On the side, Shengli looked at Guanghui who was suddenly lost in thought, and was suddenly a little curious.

"what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..." Guanghui shook his head lightly, "Shengli, you said just now that he was awesome, did you go to the commander?"


"where is she?"

"Well... maybe in the office, but not necessarily, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, go back and take a shower."



Here, Su Hao sat at his desk and opened one of the most eye-catching news reports on the official website.

Beside him, White Eagle reporter Gridley with a camera hanging around his neck said proudly: "I wrote this. The report from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration came out. Hehe~ How is it? Isn't it amazing?"

This piece of news report is an overview of the joint meeting. The Maritime Safety Administration headquarters handed over the matter to Gridley. As an experienced reporter, her report passed smoothly and was posted on the most prominent position on the official website.

At this time, as soon as this news was posted, coupled with the official announcement from the Maritime Safety Administration Headquarters, Su Hao's position as the 'General Commander of the Alliance' was completely confirmed.

Since the morning, he has received hundreds of messages and dozens of calls one after another, mostly from some commanders, congratulations, inquiries, and everything. In the end, Su Hao had no choice but to turn off his phone.

A Penguin account was linked, and a group of people applied to be friends.

No way, this news is too shocking.

"I guess it won't be a few days, no, it might be today or tomorrow, the news on the Internet is probably flying all over the sky~"

Su Hao leaned on the back of the chair and said lazily.

"Now you are famous." After finishing speaking, Gridley said kindly, "However, there is a saying in Donghuang that 'people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong'. It is not a good thing to be too famous. Then you will have Prepare yourself, those news reports on the Internet can do anything.”

"Don't worry, I'm mentally strong and can bear it."

Su Hao smiled lightly, he was too clear about things on the Internet.

Seeing that Su Hao didn't care, Gridley was a little anxious immediately, "It's not a question of whether the mental quality is good or not. Some online news will do anything for the sake of traffic, especially for people like you. If I come to find trouble, Absolutely dig out the big and small things in your life first, as well as your family and relatives, as much as you have, and finally pick the obviously ambiguous things to make a fuss about, to gain attention."

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