"One wave after another is not enough, even if some people know it is fake, but there are so many people in the world, there are always some people who see wind as rain, have no opinion, and are easy to be led by news. One person is led and continues to spread, three people Five people, if the rhythm is brought up, it will be troublesome to suppress it, after all, this is the Internet."

"You are so proficient, don't you do it less?"

"Where there is nothing, my reporting has always been based on my conscience!" Gridley denied it flatly, jokingly, her White Eagle reporter Gridley, this is a golden sign.

After a while, Gridley left.

Su Hao sat on the chair without moving, and glanced at the message that kept flashing in the lower right corner of the computer.

To be honest, suddenly becoming the object of attention from all over the world, he is still under a lot of pressure.

Although he always has a smile on his face, he just doesn't want to worry the ship girls, and most of the ship girls are used to this, or the so-called world attention is nothing special to them, after all the ship girls Has always been a maverick existence.

But Su Hao is different, even if he consciously wants himself not to care, but people are like this, the more he pretends, the more he cares.

As for the things reported in the news, I know that they are deliberately smearing to gain attention, but I still can't help but get angry after reading it.

But it's okay for now, the news from the Maritime Safety Administration has just been released, and preparations are underway for overwhelming news.


Su Hao leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and rested.


After a while, a gentle voice came from my ear.

"Ah?" He opened his eyes, a little dazed, and then noticed the brilliance in the white down jacket beside him.

"Because the door was open, I came in directly." Guanghui explained softly, his eyes lingering on the computer screen on the desk, "I heard from them that the Maritime Safety Administration has made an official announcement."

"Well, just this morning, almost all the things that should be settled have been settled. In a day or two, there should be troubles on the Internet."

Su Hao said it very relaxedly. If it was Gridley, he would definitely not be aware of it, but the careful Guanghui still felt a trace of uneasiness in this calm tone.

"Yes, at that time everyone will definitely praise and worship the commander." She chuckled, then walked behind Su Hao, reached out and gently kneaded the position of his temples, "You must not have thought that the commander would be so young and promising."

"Uh, Guanghui, I believe what you said."

"Guanghui is not flattering you, Guanghui is just emphasizing the facts."

With a gentle tone and soft fingers stroking his head, Su Hao suddenly realized the purpose of Guanghui's coming.

That's right, it wouldn't be a surprise to anyone who came here, even if he didn't tell everyone, everyone would know, after all, these were all ship girls who had a deep bond with him.

Somewhat moved, I wanted to say something but felt unable to say it, so I just calmed down like this.

With a smile on Guanghui's face, the scene at this moment seemed to be frozen, until there was a crackling sound outside the window. In the winter at the end of February, the sky was drowsy and raining.

"Guanghui, I remember you said you wanted world peace before?"

"Well, but this is more like a wish and expectation. It doesn't necessarily mean achieving real peace. As long as we can work hard in this direction, Guanghui will be very happy."

"That's right, this is just like you, you don't deliberately pursue a certain goal... But, I still want to try, work hard to see what step I can reach, if one day we can really usher in peace, would you like to Will you face it with me?"

"I'm willing to do it anytime." Guanghui smiled lightly. "No matter how difficult or difficult it is, rich or poor, in Guanghui's heart, the direction that the commander is moving forward is the place that Guanghui wants to reach."

Saying this, Guanghui gently hugged Su Hao from the back of the chair, wrapped his arms around Su Hao's chest, and said softly: "However, I also don't want the commander to force myself too much, as long as there is something I can do Things, no matter what, I want to share for the commander."

"Ah, thank you~"

There was a fragrance from the tip of the nose, a very sweet and warm smell, it must be the smell of brilliance.

Su Hao couldn't help but think that the delicate and extreme tenderness will make people addicted, and it will also make people full of courage to dare to challenge everything. This is how he is now. If someone wants to bully the girls around him, he can roll up his sleeves and fight. Ten, no, one hundred, one thousand!

Inexplicably, after thinking about it this way, my mood immediately became more comfortable and empty, and I was no longer so nervous and depressed.

"Ah, ah, cough~ I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake."

An untimely voice sounded.

On the reclining chair on the left side of the office, the fat dinosaur stretched out, flexing its Miaoman body.

She rubbed her eyes pretendingly first, then looked around, with exaggerated surprise on her face.

"Eh? Sister Guanghui, why are you here? Eh? Sister Guanghui, why are you hugging the Commander? Eh? Sister Guanghui, you are actually playing stickers with the Commander? Could it be that you two... Wow! I'm going to tell Sister Shengli !!"

After finishing speaking, he happened to realize how terrifying all of this was, and ran out of the office in a hurry under Guanghui's astonished gaze.

Wedding ship, ring, here I come! !


PS: Don’t read yesterday’s book push. That guy is an idiot. He felt that the writing was bad, so he was going to delete it. Although he prepared carefully for half a month, if he couldn’t get results, it would be a garbage book. I think so, so don’t click on that book.

Chapter 575

Kewei suddenly appeared and interrupted the good things. Su Hao was a little annoyed, why did he forget that this guy was there?

But she was there at first, and she said that her sisters had all gone to play, and came to sleep in the office bored, but in fact, she was probably worried about Su Hao, so she came to accompany her.

Accompanying him, I don't know whether he was really sleeping or pretending to be sleeping. Anyway, Su Hao was helpless when he was caught on the spot.

Guanghui was very calm, and didn't do anything, is there a problem with hugging?Is there a problem between the commander and the ship's wife?

Um?you have a problem?Um?There is a problem with a soft landing that crushes you.

Anyway, from Guanghui's point of view, the purpose of my trip here has been achieved, to relieve the mentally and physically exhausted commander, relieve the stress, have you seen my sisters?This is the correct way to open.

As for Shengli's claim to help the commander relax, Guanghui doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe that the two of them can do this like herself, be gentle or something, even if they pretend, they are only treating outsiders.

Can the commander be considered an outsider?He is the person with the closest relationship, and he has never been gentle with victory and fear towards such a person, and acting like a baby and being willful is the norm.

So, sisters, you are still too young.

And on this side, Kewei really ran back to his residence excitedly.

She has been waiting for this day for a long time!

The three-year period has come, and the Dragon King returns to his throne!

As long as Guanghui becomes a marriage ship, then according to the previous statement, after Sister Guanghui has a ring, she and Shengli will also be able to become a marriage ship in a legitimate way.

It wasn't possible before, it was difficult to do, she had a whole body of ambition and couldn't display it, but now she has reached the highest H!

Kewei rushed back, Shengli had just come out of the bathroom in vain, his whole body was fragrant and tender, when Kewei hugged him, his face immediately looked disgusted.

"Sister Shengli, Sister Shengli, listen to me, good news!"

Listen to what you say, Shengli pushed away the fearful with disgust on his face, dried his body thoroughly with a bath towel, wiped here and there, um, there is no water, it is dry.

Victory is very calm, what can you say?The back and forth is nothing more than what the commander did, or discovered some little secret.

Things like 'Commander flirting with Aunt Hood', 'Oh my God, Commander actually did that with King George V in the room...', 'Commander's sexual interests and hobbies', etc., can be memorized in victory Out.

"Sister Shengli, let me tell you, just now I saw Sister Guanghui and the commander making love to each other in the office!"

In this way, victory will not be sleepy immediately.

Sister Guanghui and Commander are flirting with each other?

She hurriedly asked what was going on, but with a smile on her face, she proudly told about her pretending to be asleep, and finally pretended to wake up to surprise them.

After speaking, Kewei was immediately beaten by Victory.

"You idiot! What are you doing when you wake up? If you don't wake up, maybe Sister Guanghui and the Commander will have another move. Maybe it's possible to take one step to the stomach! You, you, what a waste of opportunity! You stupid!"

Kewei felt aggrieved immediately, "How is it possible, that's the office, where can I go next? Besides, I'm asleep, but I'm still there, there's no way I can go next."

Victory curled his lips, thinking how impossible?

Sister, you are still too young.

What's so weird about a one-step-to-stomach thing in the office?

What?someone here?Terrible sleeping?Isn't that better?

Shengli feels that this kind of opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Imagine that he is in the office like this with the commander, from the desk to the sofa, and then leaning against the wall. The commander is rude and urgent. After all, he is in the office. Come, and then someone really comes at a critical moment, what should I do?How to do?There were people outside the door, including Richelieu knocking on the door, and a fearsome sleeping inside. Just thinking about this situation...

It's so exciting!

Just thinking about victory makes her feel so excited. Although that person is Guanghui, as a sister ship, she thinks that Guanghui might also like this kind of thing?Right?

It makes sense that sister ships have the same hobbies, right?

However, alas~ sister, sister, you are so young.

There's nothing to do about it, Victory can only sigh and pat the dreadful shoulder, sorry, very sorry.

Kewei immediately felt baffled, what does Sister Shengli mean by your appearance? Are you unhappy that Sister Guanghui is going to become a wedding ship?

Oh, yes, Sister Shengli likes the kind of sneaky ones, but she is not, she likes the upright ones, she likes to be known by others, and people envy her as a married woman.

Three people together, just treat them honestly, or four people together?Multiplayer?Hmm~ I'll talk about it later when Sister Guanghui officially becomes a wedding ship.

Shengli likes to be sneaky, Kewei likes to be upright, and the two each have their own little thoughts.

And so on, two more days passed.

In the past two days, as Su Hao thought, the news about Su Hao on the Internet was overwhelming.

The significance of the formation of this alliance seems to be ignored by everyone. What these people are most concerned about is whether it is really appropriate for such an important position to be held by a young man?

Although Su Hao was considered well-known all over the world before, his qualifications are still too young after all.

What's more, those who are famous are in the circle of commanders. For outsiders, most of them pay attention to some commanders who have been famous for a long time.

These people have experienced many battles, and their deeds can be found in the local Maritime Safety Administration. After a long time, even people who are not in the commander's circle can learn about it.

But Su Hao, who is Su Hao?

Not a year has passed since I became commander.

Then, the person who started picking up Su Hao's news on the Internet appeared.

And the more you pick it up, the more outrageous it is, where did you live before, where did you go to school, which class was at the same table as xxx, which girl in the class had the best relationship with, suspected of having an affair with the school belle, and finally because of my sister's intrusion, she was awesome on the grounds of studying Beating mandarin ducks, ruthlessly abandoning the school belle.

Even the best brother, Gu Ping, was picked out now and bombarded with phone calls and messages.

After enjoying the celebrity treatment, Gu Ping was also made nervous by the news, and finally had to shut down the phone, what do you like.

Gu Ping's mentality is very good, he is too lazy to care about these things, and he is in the academy, so he doesn't push you much.

Although there are quite a few people in the academy, everyone is civilized and reasonable. They don’t talk about reason and martial arts online. They come to call, send messages, come, and harass him, a 19-year-old promising boy, okay? ?This is not good.

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