This is the galley of the yacht.

At this time Chicheng was humming a tune and preparing for a big project - baking cookies.

As a wedding ship, it is of course her duty to make a delicious snack for the beloved Commander, but she did not expect to meet Ron breaking in.

"Why are you here?" Chicheng was displeased, "This is our yacht in the port area, not your iron-blooded base, and it's not what you want to come here."

"Leave me alone."

Seeing Chicheng, Ron felt that Su Hao must be on the boat.

No, maybe in bed.

"Where's the commander?" she asked.

Akagi ignored it and continued to work.

According to the commander's family training last night, try to minimize conflicts with Ron.

Su Hao has worked so hard, of course Chicheng should be more obedient.

Besides, Su Hao is not here, so what she is fighting with Ron is all air.

"Where's the commander?"

Ron asked again, "Did you hide him?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll flip the yacht over."

"You are very annoying." Chi Chengfeng stared, "This is our territory, are you polite?"

"Where's the commander?"

"do not know."

"Then I'll blow up the yacht."

"you dare."

"You are so excited, the commander must be on board."

"No, you can go outside and look for it."

"Do not believe."


Ron wanted to keep looking, but was stopped by Akagi, and then it was like 'Why are you pushing me', 'What's wrong with me pushing you? ''you wanna die? ''You're looking for death' and the most classic scenes before a fight.


"Then you guys started fighting with your ship suits?"

After listening to Ron's proud self-report, Frederick the Great looked at them with his hands on his chest.

At this time, her tone was still calm, but the danger signal in her eyes even lowered the temperature in the room a little.

Then she turned her head to look at the other ship girls, and finally looked at Su Hao who was comforted by Enterprise and Befa.

I sighed in my heart.

Just because of this kind of thing, a super precious yacht was blown up.

On a horse!

The old lady wants to scold someone!

Frederick the Great suddenly felt a little physically and mentally haggard.

She went to find out about that yacht. It was specially made by St. Louis and named "Su Hao". The yacht with a special name is obviously of great significance, plus the cost of the yacht itself...

Tie Xue made a preliminary financial estimate. To buy such a yacht, it might cost 3-4 million Donghuang coins.

3-4 million...

At first, Emperor Frederick the Great was shocked when he heard this number, and immediately ordered everyone in Sangvis not to approach the yacht, especially those destroyers and submarines. A board is money.

The result is now...

Not to mention breaking the board, even the entire yacht was dismantled!

Although there are some responsibilities of Chicheng, in the final analysis, because Ron went to the yacht and insisted on doing unreasonable things, hundreds of millions were wasted.


Frederick the Great felt his brain trembling.

At this time, she did not speak, but looked at Bismarck who was in the room together.

Until now, she didn't know what to do.

She has no right to spend so much money, so she can only submit an application.

But Bismarck might have a way...well, I hope.

Bismarck kept silent, but observed the changes in Ron's expression.

She found a problem.

Ron likes Su Hao. Even if he doesn't like the ship girl next to Su Hao, he will definitely care about such a precious yacht. Ron is not an idiot. If Su Hao hates damaging such a precious thing, wouldn't it be counterproductive?

If Su Hao went back early because of this, Ron, who was still in Iron Blood, would have no chance at all.

If there is still a chance, it can only be... Ron left with Su Hao.

And this condition must be let go, and Su Hao is willing, then the thing that can meet these two conditions at the same time is... blow up the yacht!

Blowing up such a precious yacht is considered a dereliction of duty as a ship's mother, and it is impossible for Iron Blood not to pay compensation. If you consider the losses that will be caused in the future, it is not impossible for Ron to take away Su Hao as 'compensation'. , and Su Hao himself lost his yacht, and it seems that it is not unacceptable to get a ship's wife.

Of course, these are all Bismarck's guesses.

If it was really because of this that the yacht was blown up, then Ron was not as rough as he seemed on the instant noodles.

Seeing Frederick the Great looking at him at this time, Bismarck sighed: "There is no other way, let's make compensation."

Frederick the Great asked back: "How to pay?"

"Ron broke it, let Ron go to work for the commander in exchange for money."

After Bismarck said this, he noticed an imperceptible smile on Ron's face.

This wave, this wave Ron is probably in the atmosphere.

"No need." Su Hao came back to his senses and said, "No need to pay, it's only 3.5 million, no need to pay, really."

Bismarck: "..."

You can't wait to say it, isn't it because you are afraid that we will not compensate you?

"Pfft~" Emperor Frederick couldn't help laughing, "Commander, you are really interesting...Indeed, as Bismarck said, compensation still has to be paid, I'll report it first, alas~"

Smiling and laughing, she finally sighed, and then she narrowed her eyes and looked at Ron.

The latter was laughing in his heart, his body trembled, and he took a step back subconsciously.


"Why? Great Emperor, let me tell you, don't mess around, my commander is here."

"Hehe~ Commander... Well, come with me before that, let's settle the score."

"No, don't...Ahhhhh! Commander! Commander!!"

Ron was forcibly dragged away by Frederick the Great.

Su Hao twitched.

To be honest, the moment he saw the yacht disappeared, he also exploded.

But thinking about it, Iron Blood would definitely have to pay anyway, so it's nothing.

No compensation?If you don't pay for your wages, you won't leave, and you will be poor.

"Okay, let's go."

Bismarck called out those ship girls who were eating melons.

"Commander, don't worry, it's Ron's fault this time, Iron Blood will be responsible."

She said to Su Hao, "Just wait for the news from Frederick the Great, anyway, you still need to deal with things."

"Well, then I'll trouble you."


The matter was not over yet, Ron was dragged away by Frederick the Great, and Akagi was also dragged away by Tiancheng.


On the other side, a few shipwives went to clean up the things that fell from the yacht. This wave of losses was indeed huge, not only the yacht itself, but also so many messy daily necessities. Fortunately, the shipwives could go fishing.

Su Hao didn't know if Ron did it on purpose. If it was on purpose, he would have to beat his ass to pieces if he lost hundreds of millions in such a wave.

Prodigal girls.

drop drop~

Messages from the group.

St.Louis: "@commanderyacht blew up again?"

Sister bride: "???"

St. Louis: "Bismarck told me."

Soviet Rosia: "Huh? Comrade Commander's yacht exploded again? No, how long?"

Marriage ship Dido: "Hey? Did it blow up again? Master, are you okay? Master, are you okay?"

Essex: "Why was it bombed again? Wasn't it bombed once in the Northern Union?"

Tashkent: "Boom bomber, Comrade Jiang."

Sister-in-law Sara: "It's all brother-in-law. If you don't take me there, you will be punished."

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