Lexington: "Gaga, don't be so big or small."

Shangri-La: "No way, that kind of situation."

Sister bride: "What kind of situation?"

Shangri-La: "Let London do the talking."

London: "Let Aurora speak."

Aurora: "Let Commander Su Hao speak for himself."

Su Hao: "..."

Jean Bart: "When the yacht blows up, it blows up. Isn't this kind of thing common on the beach? What to do with such a lively scene, as long as people are fine."

Sister bride: "That yacht is about 4 million."

Jean Bart: "Farewell, there are still things to do."

Upon hearing this number, Barr's whole body was out of shape.

Su Hao: "Okay, don't make random guesses, it's just an accident, now Tie Xue is discussing compensation, it's okay."

Elizabeth: "Whew~ Commander went out for a trip, and Iron Blood lost 4 million yuan. If you go a few more times, Iron Blood will be poor. That's great!"

War weariness: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Su Hao: "...I said it was an accident, how could there be a second time? And why are you tired of fighting all the time? Didn't you return to the royal family?"

War weariness: "I will be where Your Majesty is."

Elizabeth: "This king is very satisfied @死战"

War weariness: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Then there was a scene of "the ministers are loyal" and "the ministers are about to fight to the death" and the like, the group was full of happy atmosphere.

Su Hao put away his mobile phone, ready to check the situation, a lot of things on the yacht are still being salvaged, I don't know what happened.

Just as he was thinking, a head came in from the door.

"Z46, I'm sorry."

"Are you okay?"


"Yacht... BOOM~"

Z46 made a big circle with both hands.

Su Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The yacht blew up, and it wasn't me who blew it up."

z46 gave Su Hao a thumbs up, "I'm rich."

"It's not a question of whether you have money or not. I'm used to looking forward. Anyway, things have happened. It's useless to entangle, isn't it?"


"It's a pity that I originally planned to teach you how to make dim sum, but now there is no hope."

Holding the pastry book in his arms, z46 waved to Su Hao.

"follow me."

"Where to go?"

After z46 left, Su Hao followed her after a pause, and arrived at the Jagged Canteen not long after.

The entire canteen is divided into upper and lower floors, and the kitchen inside has a large space. It is not yet time to eat, and the inside is empty.

Z46 took Su Hao to a stop at the door of a small room.

"here it is……"


"Kitchen? Can it be used?"

z46 knocked on the door, and the door opened, revealing a head.

It was a yellow-haired girl with a hat.

"Ah, z46, you are here." The girl blinked her eyes, and looked at Su Hao with a timid gaze, "Referring to, Commander, welcome."

Su Hao was wondering, z46 introduced the other party as Leipzig.

Leipzig who is assy!

"Where's your fish?"

"Eh? Yuyu it..."

Leipzig was a little shy and blushed, wow, this kind of girl is really interesting to be bullied.

Of course, bullying is still not acceptable, and then z46 explained that Leipzig was originally in charge of the cafeteria, and said that they could temporarily borrow the kitchen for them.

"The materials are all ready."

z46 squatted down and took out a lot of things from the cabinet under the stove, including flour, sugar, oil and everything.

Leipzig also came to help, and soon the materials were all out and arranged.

"Let me do it."

Su Hao took over and let z46 watch from the side, "I'll do it first, you have a look."

"Me too, I help too."

Leipzig took courage.


Su Hao smiled, and Leipzig's cheeks flushed immediately.

"Have you ever had apple pie?"

Su Hao suddenly thought of something he had learned but never done before.

"Apple pie?"

"Ah poo pie."

Leipzig tilted his head, looking puzzled.

She has never done it, and she has never heard of it. Z46 knows it, but obviously has never seen the real thing.

"It's in the book."

She wanted to run out to find a book, but was pinched back by Su Hao, who smiled and said, "Don't bother, I will."

"Then let me go."

Z46's hands and feet were hanging down, but he didn't struggle when he was lifted up, and he still looked calm.

"Sorry sorry, I'm used to it."

"Strange habit."

"Haha~ There are a lot of cuties in my port area, sometimes it's too messy, that's it, just now I saw you running out, so I did it subconsciously."

z46 didn't say anything, but an inexplicable brilliance flashed in her golden eyes. She looked at Su Hao's busy back, with an indiscernible smile on the corner of her mouth.

Leipzig suddenly looked over.

The two looked at each other, and z46 tiptoed to see that Su Hao was busy.


Leipzig was slightly puzzled.

It always felt like there was something I cared about just now.

When she turned around again, she saw Su Hao's hands and feet started to fiddle.

How strange that a commander would do such a thing.

She knows Su Hao, the commander who has been in the limelight recently, because Bismarck is in Su Hao's port area, so there is no one who does not pay attention to him.

It’s just that I originally thought that everyone was saying that this commander is terrible and hateful. He eats people, and now he wants to eat Bismarck.

Originally, z46 came to borrow the kitchen, but Leipzig refused.

Hmm...but it doesn't seem that scary.

Leipzig blinked, staring at Su Hao's movements curiously.

"I'll make more, and I'll take it out for everyone to taste later. What are the characteristics of your Iron Blood? What flavor do you like to eat?"

Facing Su Hao's question, z46 thought for a while and said, "Big elbow."

"... Taste."

"Spicy big elbow."

Su Hao laughed and said, "Pair it with beer?"

Thumbs up for z46.

"No, no!" Leipzig was a little anxious, for fear that Su Hao would misunderstand how strange their iron-blooded XP system is, "Although everyone likes to drink beer, they don't drink it all the time. The prince likes it, Germany can’t eat spicy food at all, Earl Spey seems to eat everything, Bismarck and Tirpitz are similar, they are not picky eaters, but they don’t like spicy food either.”

"Amazing, you know a lot about Leipzig."

Leipzig said with some embarrassment: "Because... because I'm not very good at fighting, that's all I can do..." Then she said with some frustration: "Actually, I also want to fight the sirens like everyone else, but Always trouble them so..."

"Don't say that." Su Hao was busy with the work at hand, and said with a smile: "Emperor Frederick told me that food is also an important reliance to ensure everyone's combat status. Fighting with a better mood, I agree with this point, the mood of the ship girl affects the combat state, which affects the performance, if a ship girl like you from Leipzig goes to my port area, I will definitely welcome it with both hands."

"Eh? Is it?"

Leipzig never thought about the meaning of working in the canteen.

In fact, she just wanted to play her own role. As for everyone who ate and said it was delicious and then went to fight the sirens with great enthusiasm... It seems that this kind of thing has never happened, right?

Sure enough, Commander Su Hao was comforting himself.

Commander Su Hao is really a good person.

Thinking of this, Leipzig was a little curious: "Commander, your port area... I heard from them that it is the most powerful port area in the world."

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