"Well, that's right, if it's about combat capability, it's true."

Leipzig lowered his head and said, "Then a weak ship girl like me must be of no use."

"Huh? It's nothing. I'd be happy if there were ship girls like you in my port area."

Thinking of the group of Pippi shrimps, Su Hao's egg hurts.

"You don't know how naughty those little guys in my port area are. Take a chestnut, there is a one named Firefly, who bumps into things every day. He is not afraid of being stupid alone, but afraid of being stupid with a group of people. Of course, there are cute ones too. Yes, like little Guanghui Xiaobeifa."

Su Hao said with a smile, "Of course it's good to have a personality. Every ship girl has her own strengths and weaknesses. The ship girl is not a god, just like a human being. It's better to say that it's not perfect. I think so." .”

So far, many ship girls in the port area have been tossing around, but Su Hao still likes them.

You say the little guys are making trouble, let's make trouble, and seeing their cute and wronged appearance after making trouble, I really don't want to fight.

The big ones make trouble too, do you think victory is scary?

But the big troubles are actually easy to deal with. You can fight with your tongue, but you can't fight the small ones.

"If you want me to say Leipzig, you are very good. You can make food that everyone likes to eat. It took a lot of time to remember everyone's hobbies? You are also working hard in your own way, or you just go to mine Minato, I will pay you."

Su Hao said jokingly.

But Leipzig didn't answer, just lowered his head and listened to Su Hao.

After a long time, there was a loud noise outside.

"What? It smells so good!"

"Wow! Sister Leipzig is cooking delicious food, brothers, come on!"

"556, rush the duck!~"

A group of little guys rushed in from outside the kitchen.

"Huh? Z46, you are also there, and the commander of Donghuang!"

The U81 rushing to the front stopped, and the people behind braked one by one, bumping into each other, forming a small train.

Wolf pack submarine.

Su Hao smiled kindly at them: "How are you all?"

As soon as the words fell, these little guys immediately got together.

"How to do how to do?"

"The commander of Donghuang is here."

"How to do how to do?"

"Sister Deutsch told us not to contact him."

"What to do... Uh! U556 What did you hit me for?"

"U101, stop talking."

“(╯▽╰ ) smells so good~~”

"Did sister Deutsch say anything?"



"I didn't say anything, I don't remember."

"Very well, sister Deutsch didn't tell us anything."

"Rush rush!"

We got together and chattered, and soon seemed to reach an agreement. At this moment, turning around, U81 took the lead and shouted: "Hello, Brother Commander!"

A group of little guys behind him shouted.

"Hello, hello."

So cute, a group of iron-blooded submarines, it seems to be hugged back.

"Come on, I made you an apple pie."

Su Hao turned on the oven, and a strong fragrance wafted out immediately.

“(╯▽╰ ) smells so good~~”

"Didn't sister Leipzig do it?"

"It's not me... the Commander did it."

"Why is z46 there, is z46 helping?"

"I'm the instructor." z46 took out the book, but was ignored.

A group of little guys got excited when they smelled the aroma of apple pie, and surrounded them one after another.

Su Hao has rich experience in dealing with the little guy, and it is a condition for a kiss in exchange for food, but it must not be said now, it will be troublesome if he is treated as a strange millet.

At this point he divided the apple pie and gave them portions.

"Delicious!" U81's eyes lit up, "It's delicious~"

"Apple pie, good time!"

A group of little guys were having a great time eating.

"Do you often do this in Minato too?"

z46 held a piece and took a bite, thinking it was great, so he asked curiously.

"This is the first time I do it, but I often do others."

"When you're in a bad mood, eat something sweet and you'll feel better."

Leipzig said something suddenly, and then found Su Hao looking at her, and hurriedly waved his hands: "I'm talking nonsense."

"This is not nonsense." Su Hao smiled, "I think it makes sense."

Leipzig blushed a little shyly.

This is a complete replica of the unicorn!

"z46 said... Commander, you might be frustrated, that's why you asked to borrow the kitchen..."

Leipzig blinked.

"Ah, of course there are some words of frustration, but now that I see you all, I'm completely fine."

Su Hao rubbed z46's head, "Thank you."

z46 lowered his head and responded.

"Brother Commander, Brother Commander!"

"I want more, I want more!"


A group of little guys shouted loudly.

Seeing this group of cute little guys, a bold idea came to Su Hao's heart.


The yacht was bombed, and a group of little guys came out.

Although z46 doesn't talk much, he is actually very caring and careful. If he goes to Minato, he will definitely get along with Ayanami. Before thinking about it like this, he shouldn't have introduced Bran to her, and should have introduced Ayanami directly.

As for the submarines of the wolf fleet, all of them are Su Hao's favorite little guys in the game, but it is too difficult to take them away. The wolves are the core of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl, and they are really going to be taken away , it is almost impossible to step into the iron-blooded territory in the future.

But it seems that there is no loss if you don't step in?

Wait, wait, I, Su, am not that kind of person.

Anyway, Su Hao is just doing what he should do, the commander's business, he can do whatever he wants to get along with the ship girls. As for whether he will be attracted by his own personality charm in the end, that's none of his business.

And the strategy of apple pie went well. Seeing that everyone likes to eat it, Su Hao made a few more and gave it to the other ship girls of Tie Xue.

Ron rushed out from nowhere and smelled it. It was the commander's sweet treat. He wanted to snatch it, but he got involved with Akagi, and was knocked unconscious by Emperor Frederick the Great and took him away.

Then in the afternoon, Bismarck came to talk about the compensation for the yacht. It would definitely not work if he wanted to get the same one. Then he said that he decided to lose money, and finally said that he needed to discuss it again.

At the end of the day, a sentence came suddenly, "Commander, do you agree if Ron is asked to go to work in the port area to pay for it?" '.

Su Hao was taken aback on the spot.

Ron working pay off?

Repay several hundred million?

Although it is reasonable to say that if a ship girl as powerful as Ron goes to a port area, the benefits will be huge, and the value created by continuous creation must be more than a few hundred million, but if you are in your own port area...

Sister Li, Enterprise, Tiancheng, and Bismarck appeared in Su Hao's mind, and then he compared it with Ron, and suddenly it didn't look good.

Bismarck didn't say anything explicitly, just asked this question.

However, Su Hao felt that it was [-]% likely to happen.

Now Ron's position in Iron Blood is very delicate, he only thinks about the second and fifth boy, and is also a violent old lady, strong but strong, but Iron Blood is not bad for a powerful ship girl like her.

The current role, I am afraid, is mainly to assist scientific research technology, to study what is the reason for her special personality.

When the results of the research come out, it doesn't make much sense for Ron to stay in Sangvis.

Coincidentally, it may be distressing to take out a few hundred million iron and blood bases. After all, there are so many scientific research costs, and the burden of support from the Jianniang headquarters to various places is also heavy. In fact, income and expenditure are in a stable state.

Su Hao naturally understood what was going on here, and seeing Bismarck looking a little embarrassed, he didn't refuse right away, but made a phone call with Sister Li to discuss it, and the latter replied: It depends on performance.

Then I discussed it with St. Louis, and the latter also gave a reply: the new yacht will be delivered as soon as possible.

Su Hao planned to watch his performance, but he subconsciously didn't like Ron very much. It wasn't until the next day that Iron Blood held a party, and Ron in a black dress appeared in front of him.

"Hehe~ Commander, do I look good in this outfit?"


Chapter 588 Ron Attacks Su Hao at Night, The Real Man Wants to Dismantle the Gundam With His Bare Hands

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