"Commander, feed me~"

Little Akagi opened his mouth.

"No feeding!" Chicheng slapped the table.

No, she already wanted to flip the table.

This little guy actually dares to rebel?

Little Chicheng, you dare to rebel?

"OK OK."

Just when Chicheng was about to roll up his sleeves to have a fight with little Chicheng, Su Hao immediately pulled her back, "Sit down." At the end, he looked at Beifa again, "Befa, please order a cup of tea for Chicheng .”

Beifa was looking interesting, and when he heard Su Hao's words, he responded and walked towards the counter with some regret.


Chi Cheng sat down with his mouth pouted, and put his arm around Su Hao.

Xiao Chicheng curled his lips: "It's disgusting for such a big man to act like a spoiled child."

"You repeat words, aren't you disgusting?"

"But I'm a child~" Xiao Chicheng said with a smile, "The commander said that children are little angels, hehe~"

Akagi: "..."

Just you, little angel?

Black padded jacket.

However, she is now finally aware of this serious problem.

At first, I thought that Xiao Chicheng should be as innocent and lively as most of the little guys in the port area.

It doesn't matter if you are naughty, just give me some favors, and then scare and frighten, and you will be very obedient.

But Little Chicheng is different.

This guy is a perfect replica of her... No, her personality is not so bad.

I don't know who this little guy looks like, with such a bad personality.


There is no awareness of a child at all.

How dare you even refute what your mother said?

This is heaven!

"Come on, let's have a cup of tea."

At this time, Beifa brought tea to Akagi.

Chicheng breathed a sigh of relief, comforting himself to maintain a normal mind.

She was just too excited. Originally, when facing the 'enemy', she could always maintain an elegant and calm posture.

Only by calmly and rationally at all times can we strategize and win a thousand miles.

At this time she learned from Amagi.

Here, seeing Chicheng calm down, Su Hao also heaved a sigh of relief.

It's fine if there's no fight, after all, the current situation is already chaotic enough.

Just before, he had received consecutive calls from Sister Li Assaulter and Dido.

Then I contacted the news in the group, and now regarding the incident in Xiao Chicheng, the port area has become a mess.

Richelieu even asked him when he would go back. Although he didn't say what he was going to do when he went back, Su Hao knew exactly what he was going to do.

And Raider and Dido.

Maybe, Tiancheng and Enterprise also have thoughts.

Coupled with the three glorious sisters who were lurking, thinking about Su Hao makes him feel...

Chi Chi is dangerous!

No, I can't go back!

Even if you die and are nailed in a coffin, you have to shout out with a corrupt voice: I will not go back!

However, there are troubles if you don't go back.

The reason why I stayed here with Xiao Chicheng was to avoid Ron's harassment.

With the requirement of creating a better future together, the other party tried to persuade Su Hao to try to build a boat with her in the spirit of contributing to the port area and adding bricks and tiles.

Of course Su Hao rejected him, after all he is a decent person.

But Ron still didn't give up.

At this moment, Su Hao took a look outside the coffee shop. Ron didn't like to come to this place. There are actually few people here for coffee and so on. It is mainly used by the ordinary staff of the Jianniang Base.

Ron didn't come, so don't worry, there won't be an explosion, and everything is still under control.

"Chicheng, what are you doing so excited? Isn't it good in the morning?"

Su Hao appeased Chicheng who was blown hair first, and then said to Little Chicheng: "You too, even if you don't follow the rules of humans, according to the rules of ship mothers, she is Chicheng and you are Little Chicheng, so you have to call me sister. From now on, everyone They are all good sisters in the port area."

"Oh~" Xiao Chicheng pouted, "Chicheng~sister~~"

The little guy deliberately elongated his voice, looking weird.


"Look, Commander, she is killing me."


"Commander, this little thing obviously doesn't have the slightest respect for people. I'd better teach her a lesson first. The ship girl will follow the ship girl's rules. Whoever has the biggest fist is right."

Chicheng was about to roll up his sleeves again, when a gentle voice sounded from behind.

"No way, Akagi, didn't you say that you should be united and friendly?"

Tiancheng came slowly, and sat down beside Xiao Chicheng with a smile, "Master, Ron was still looking for you just now."


"I told her you went to the seaside."

"Uh, thank you so much."

"Haha~ It's nothing, it's really not suitable for Ron to get involved at this time." Tiancheng took the initiative as soon as he came, and at this time she looked at Chicheng and said with a smile: "Little guys have their own personalities. This is a good thing, as long as you are not introverted, you will be able to quickly integrate into the group when you arrive in the port area, Chicheng, don't play with your temper."


The big Chicheng eats the small Chicheng, the big Chicheng is eaten by Tiancheng, and the commander takes everything.

Little Chicheng glanced back and forth with small eyes, silently counting in his heart.

Anyway, it's always right to hug the commander's thigh tightly.

Originally, she wanted to call Su Hao's 'subordinate', but the current situation still doesn't work. A smart child needs to be able to stretch and shrink.

Hmph~ Once the Commander is settled, the most important step is to conquer the port area.

But before that, beware of Akagi's special attack.

Xiao Chicheng immediately turned his attention to Tiancheng.

"Sister Tiancheng~"

She called out obediently.

"Hehe~ What a cute little guy." Tiancheng smiled slightly, "If there is anything you don't understand in the future, just come and tell me."

"Well, I know~"

Xiao Chicheng smiled sweetly.


Damn little guy.

Chicheng took a sip of tea and narrowed his eyes.

She saw the insincere smile of the other party at a glance.

Because is there anyone who is super familiar?

It's just that Su Hao and Tiancheng are both facing Xiao Chicheng now, and Chicheng knows very well that it's useless to be angry at this time.

Just wait, it will be better for you.

Just as she was thinking, Chicheng saw Xiao Chicheng looking at her.


Akagi was so angry that his hands were shaking.

calm down.

In this way, in a strange and harmonious atmosphere, several people enjoyed a warm time.

Not long after, Chicheng pulled Su Hao away.

Xiao Chicheng looked at Tiancheng beside him, who didn't seem to intend to follow.

"Sister Tiancheng?"

The little guy was puzzled.

Tiancheng put down the teacup unhurriedly, and followed the direction in which Su Hao and the three left until their backs disappeared.

Only then did he turn his head to look at Xiao Chicheng.

"It's naughty, little guy." She said with a smile.


Xiao Chicheng was stunned for a moment, suddenly, she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

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