"No, even though you are the lord's beloved little cutie, you should abide by the rules in the port area. Whoever is older and who is younger, the lord's will will always come first. If you obey, the little guy will naturally Obey the arrangement, we are a wedding ship, theoretically speaking, we need to be a little bit special, so ah."

Amagi showed a gentle smile.

But this smile, in the eyes of little Chicheng, is a hundred times more terrifying than a crazy Chicheng!

This big sister is so dangerous!

The innate intuition from a child tells little Chicheng that he must not act presumptuously in front of Tiancheng!

"So, you have to be obedient and listen to me in the future, you know?" Tiancheng looked at her with a smile.

Little Chicheng nodded hastily: "Understood, sister Tiancheng."

"Ah~ I'm relieved to be so obedient." Tiancheng kept a smile on his face, "Then, tell me, when you were woken up last night, did you have any special feelings?"

Xiao Chicheng was stunned for a moment.

Then, under Amagi's kind eyes, she confessed everything she felt.



Everyone only knows to ask Chicheng, but in Tiancheng's view, Xiao Chicheng's feelings are equally important.

After all, knowing the situation when the little guy was awakened, he could conversely deduce the situation at that time.

Of course, Su Hao didn't know about this, he was just relieved that Tiancheng was not as impulsive as Chicheng.

Sure enough, everyone likes the gentle Yamato Nadeko, even the little one.

Look, how happy Xiao Chicheng is smiling.

Then Chicheng seemed to have figured it out, and stopped expressing malice to Xiao Chicheng. When they were in front of outsiders, the two of them appeared on the same screen as a picture of "mother and daughter loving".

As for whether it was pinched when others could not see it, it is unknown.

But this picture is very effective, at least many ship girls believe that the little Chicheng "bred" by Chicheng, the two should be heart-to-heart, trust each other, and the relationship can't be better.

For this reason, Ron could only grit his teeth and hate.

There's no way, she's just an ordinary ship girl in the port area.

You don't even have a ring, and you don't even have a wedding boat. What are you talking about building a boat?

So she could only ask Su Hao for 'suggestion', but unfortunately Su Hao didn't listen.

This fight can't be beaten again, and there is no way to force it, which is very annoying.

"There is a meeting today." Here, Bismarck found Su Hao and said to him: "The progress of scientific research is not smooth, no matter what method is used, it is impossible to simulate the original data of Ron, so now I have considered whether to interrupt the experiment .”

After spending so many days in the iron-blooded base, I finally heard the most important news today.

Su Hao rubbed his chin, thought for a while and said, "They should have considered the situation of collecting Ron's data at the beginning, right? A lot of these data were collected in our port area."

"Yes, that's why someone proposed to ask your ship's wife to help with the test, but the emperor rejected it because he couldn't reveal the secret."

Su Hao said with a smile: "That's a good reason. It's true that this kind of research can't be let others know casually, but after all, the high-level executives of Sangvis are really obsessed with it. They obviously have such powerful scientific research technology, so spend more energy on research. okay?"

"It can only be said that they consider the problem from different angles." Bismarck shook his head lightly, "They are considering the interests of the iron and blood, and the scientific research ship girl is an ordinary ship girl after all. Even if it is Frederick the Great, who can guarantee her Can she stay in the Iron Blood Fleet for the rest of her life? Once she wants to leave, no one can stop her."

"The funds consumed by a scientific research ship girl are extremely huge, and losing one is a huge loss. Under such circumstances, researching a ship girl who can never 'rebel' naturally becomes the goal pursued by Iron Blood."

"Of course, from the perspective of the world's interests, one more scientific research ship girl is one more help."

"That's right." Su Hao agreed with Bismarck.

Even, he can understand the thoughts of the iron and blood executives.

If it were him, sitting in that position, he might have this kind of consideration.

After all, you can't always let others think from your point of view, you have to learn to think from the point of view of others.

For Su Hao, he is a commander, so he naturally hopes that the ship's mother should be what she is.

But the iron blood executives are different. After considering these premise, they want to seek benefits for the iron blood.

This is normal.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I ask my ship's wife to help. At most, it can prove to my ship's wife that my port area is different. Without the Black Rubik's Cube, they will never be able to research results."

"Black Rubik's Cube..."

Bismarck looked into the distance with far-sighted eyes.

Inside the mental Rubik's Cube, there are still many secrets that they cannot know.


Iron Blood's scientific research progress has been frustrated, which means that Su Hao may soon be able to take Ron back.

In fact, the main reason why he stayed here now was to wait for Iron Blood to let Ron go.

After all, a super powerful pioneer heavy patrol is still very fragrant.

As for the exchange of scientific research technology, Tianming is wandering around in the scientific research room as a newbie these days, and everyone doesn't care about her at all. Everyone 'knows' that Su Hao was invited by Emperor Frederick the Great when he came here this time, and he didn't even think about it. Through technical exchanges.

But in fact, Ming has almost touched all the scientific research and technology of Iron Blood during this time.

According to Ming, Iron Blood's scientific research technology is very similar to that given to them by the Sirens, but not as advanced, so they can only research the advanced mental Rubik's Cube needed for scientific research ship girls, but cannot research the advanced mental cubes that can be used to upgrade existing ship girls. Mental unit of strength.

After figuring this out, Su Hao immediately lost interest. If he really wanted to understand the Rubik's Cube, he had to find a way from the siren.

Speaking of the sirens, last time Bismarck proposed to let the three purifiers go, Su Hao talked to Richelieu specifically, and the latter agreed, but the purifier and the purifier cried, made trouble, and hanged themselves. Walk.

"Life is the people of Minato, death is the soul of Minato!"

"Always fight for the Commander!"

The two chanted tragic slogans, with snot and tears, but they just didn't want to leave.

Su Hao is speechless, md, you shout louder, otherwise people won't know that I'm a sophomore!

There is no way, to prevent accidents, the matter of driving them away can only be shelved temporarily.

After he goes back, find a way to contact the observer and let the latter deal with these three guys.

Su Hao didn't ask for anything from the three of them, he just asked not to make trouble.

However, there are several sirens in the port area, which is somewhat outrageous.

Although what is even more outrageous is that a port area is actually the headquarters of the alliance.

So and so, on the night when scientific research progress failed...

When Su Hao returned to the room, he saw Tiancheng wearing a loose kimono, kneeling at the door and waiting.

"My lord, you are tired, Tiancheng will serve you tonight."


PS: [○? `Д? ? ○]

Chapter 592 On the correct way to open a boat?

Tiancheng felt that she already understood the theory of boat building.

In fact, as I said to Ming, the appearance of small boats is the same as the conditions for shipbuilding.

[Mental Rubik's Cube] + [Ship Hull] + [Materials] = Ship Girl

As long as you keep this formula in mind, there is no reason why you cannot build a boat.

There was no small ship girl before, the reason is that the level of the mental Rubik's Cube is not enough, after all, the mental unit was only recently researched.

But Tiancheng quickly thought of a special case.


It stands to reason that Richelieu has a black magic cube in his body, and since he became a married ship for so many years (crossed out), there should be a small ship girl.

From Richelieu's example, Amagi got an important message.


That is, the [expression of strong self-awareness] of Jianniang.

Because Akagi wants a small boat, this strong self-consciousness is replaced by the factor in the formula is [hull].

As for [Materials], this item is also very simple, after all, the ship's hull is constructed from materials.

In this way, [Mind Rubik's Cube] [Ship Hull] [Materials] will be available.

Of course, a theory is a theory after all, and there are still many doubts.

The most obvious point, for example, after waking up a little ship girl, can I wake up the second one in the future?The third?

Even a football team.

Tiancheng felt that it should be impossible.

the reason is simple.

Each ship contains a collection of thoughts, and a ship can only be awakened once, which proves that there is a limit to the size of thoughts.

The same is true for Jianniang, there is a limit to the strong self-awareness she can show. When the obsession of this consciousness is realized, the obsession will be released, even if Jianniang thinks in her heart, she can no longer express it.

Because she has fulfilled her 'wish'.

But after all, Tiancheng felt that it was necessary to try it himself.

So, Amagi came.

As an existence with a unique status in the port area, she naturally has a way to make the remaining one (referring to the enterprise) give her the opportunity tonight.


The fierce battle was over, and the room smelled of heather.

Su Hao hugged Tiancheng, and gently kneaded the latter's plump breasts with his salty pig's hands, looking like a saint.


There has never been a more comfortable time than now.

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