He exhaled heavily.

I have to say that the feeling of getting along with Tiancheng is relaxing and comfortable.

Chicheng is still too hot, too hot to bear.

However, the coquettish fox took off his clothes and pushed you against him, even if he refused, he couldn't refuse.

Tiancheng was different, Tiancheng never asked him to do anything.

Once, once is enough.

good for everyone.

After all, the exchange of love does not need frequency to prove anything, the two have already reached the state of heart-to-heart fusion.

Tiancheng is number one in the world!

There was a breath in Su Hao's heart that he wanted to release.

Tiancheng is number one in the world!

Lowering his head, he looked at Amagi, who seemed to be in a state of deep thought.

Su Hao was puzzled immediately, "What are you thinking?"

"Master." Tiancheng frowned, "Why don't I have that special feeling?"


Su Hao felt a chill in his heart.

Wait, wait, why do these words sound so familiar to me?

Isn't this what Chicheng started talking about last night after the first time it ended! ?

Why is there no special feeling?

Times +1.

Why is there no special feeling?

Times +2.

Until +3+4+...+7!

At the end, if I remember correctly, Akagi is still saying this sentence!

Hearing Tian Cheng's words at this time, Su Hao almost reflexively... withered.


Tiancheng, who was thinking about the reason, suddenly found that Su Hao had let go of her.

She stopped fumbling with her paws, or even hugged her, and just huddled under the quilt by herself.

"My lord, what's the matter with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"

"No, my dick hurts." Su Hao said sullenly.

"Eh? It hurts there... Would you like Tiancheng to rub it for you?"

"No, no, I'll do it myself."

Tiancheng was a little puzzled.

Don't you usually like it?And I also like to let myself use my mouth and chest together, why are you so resistant today?

Is it really that painful?

"Master, are you really all right?"

Amagi immediately abandoned the idea of ​​building a boat, and asked with a worried face.

Su Hao got out of the quilt and looked at her seriously.

"Tiancheng, actually, Chicheng didn't have this special feeling last night, really, I didn't feel anything at all, but Xiao Chicheng still appeared the next day, so don't keep thinking about that wonderful feeling, it's useless of."

Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Master, are you worried that I will oppress you like Chicheng? Don't worry, I will not do that kind of thing. If the Lord is not willing, Tiancheng will not mess around. Everything is for the Lord."


Su Hao was a little embarrassed when his idea was exposed.

Then, I felt warm again.

It is indeed my heavenly city!

Su Hao held her in his arms again.

"Actually, I think, little ship girl or something, there is no need to force it so deliberately. In my heart, you are the most important, and I won't favor anyone just because there is an extra little guy."

"I know, I know what the Lord thinks, but in Tiancheng's heart, I also hope to have a unique bond with the Lord. If there is a little guy around, even if the Lord is not around sometimes, I can't see you." After arriving at the lord, Tiancheng will not feel so lonely anymore."

"In Tiancheng's heart, the Lord is always the most important and special existence, and no one can replace it."

Every word of Tiancheng's words entered into Su Hao's ears very gently.

It made him feel that for the sake of Tiancheng at this moment, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, he will go forward bravely without fear!

Immediately, Su Hao did not wither again.

He wants to stand up and fulfill Tiancheng's wish!

"If that's the case, then try again?"

He felt like he could do it.

Tiancheng shook his head lightly: "Forget it, the Lord should have been very tired last night, so there is no need to force yourself."

"Don't force it, don't forget that I am no longer a human being in essence, I know my body, don't worry."


Tiancheng stood up and looked at Su Hao, his face was full of coquettishness, his eyes were slightly wet, full of affection.

Lips as delicate as cherry red, open and close to spit out the tenderness and temptation of whispering.

"My lord, please love Tiancheng as much as you can."

In one sentence, Su Hao couldn't control himself anymore.

Turning over, Amagi smiled coquettishly, and the bodies of the two were covered under the quilt.

Then, the soft bed made a creaking sound.



The next day.

Three poles in the sun.

Su Hao yawned and woke up from his sleep.

Tired for half the night, but this time I slept enough, I didn't have any dreams, and I fell asleep until dawn.

Su Hao felt refreshed.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Amagi had woken up.

At this time, Amagi was lying on his side with his naked body facing him. From this angle, he could see the small half of the ball covered by the quilt.

The white is soft and elastic.

Three-dimensional world, Two-dimensional chest.

Just like this, the arc thrown can kill people, which is unreasonable.

"what happened?"

He asked, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

No little ones.

Su Hao searched on the bed, lifted the quilt, and there were only two naked bodies of him and Tiancheng.


In Tiancheng's voice, there was a bit of regret and confusion at the same time.

Why not?

Very strange.

Obviously all the conditions have been fulfilled, but the little guy didn't appear, why?

"It's really not, it's strange."

Even Su Hao felt puzzled. It stands to reason that he came here many times last night, basically similar to Chicheng's situation that day.

If you want to talk about the difference, it is probably that Amagi is more gentle.

But this should not be the main point, after all, each ship girl has a different personality.

Su Hao looked at the regret on Tiancheng's face, and comforted him: "It's okay, there will definitely be in the future."

Such words, as if comforting his wife who was not pregnant, made Su Hao feel weird.

If in the past, someone told him that the ship's mother could give birth to a boat, she would definitely jump up and beat the other party's dog's head.

But now I fully believe it.

It's just that, the time and place are obviously favorable, so why not?

Su Hao was also very puzzled, but it's just that it's not suitable to conduct experiments at this time anyway, and Su Hao is not made of iron, so he can't stand the hard work day and night.

After washing up, the two left the room.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a group of ship girls standing at the door with different expressions.

Seeing Su Hao coming out, they stood on tiptoe and looked inside.

"No?" The voice of the enterprise.

"No." Akagi's voice.

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