"Why not?" Kaga's voice.

Beifa didn't ask, but Sirius looked at Su Hao worriedly.

Master all right?

Each of these wedding ships really didn't know how to feel sorry for their masters.

"Hoo meow~? No???"

Ming squeezed in from the back, took a lot of effort to come to Su Hao, and tilted his head curiously.

Su Hao's face turned dark, and he was surrounded by a group of girls early in the morning, waiting to see the baby, what the hell am I...


He said angrily.

Sirius immediately comforted: "My proud master, please don't be sad, I believe there will be one next time, come on master!"

Su Hao: "..."

But let alone the next time, why not this time.

This question is indeed worth pondering.

After all, Tiancheng took the initiative to make a move, Zhuge Tiancheng didn't fight an uncertain battle, he asked for it last night, so it stands to reason that at least [-]% of the success was achieved, right?

"Tiancheng, what's going on?"

Businesses are also concerned.

If Tiancheng is not successful, it means that this kind of thing is not so simple.

Then she doesn't have to be so eager to try.

"do not know."

Amagi shook his head embarrassingly.

Then everyone looked at Ming.

Ming was about to cry: "Don't look at me, meow, I have already told you all the theoretical information, and the rest is your business, meow!"

There is no way for Ming, anyway, the conditions are all here. In the final analysis, theory is theory, and practice can bring true knowledge.



The news of Tiancheng's failure quickly spread in the group.

Everyone originally thought that [Commander] + [I] + [One Night] = Little Ship Girl, but this formula does not seem to be valid, at least there must be some necessary factors missing.

It's unbelievable that Chicheng can succeed, but Tiancheng can't.

As a result, Chicheng suddenly became a sweet pastry again.

St. Louis: "Chicheng, watch private chat."

The army of private chats continued, but what was surprising was that Richelieu did not bubble up in the group today.

Although Su Hao is also concerned about this matter, but after all, what can he do with such a small boat?Can't wait!

But at least knowing that boats can't be built casually, this also indirectly dispels the idea that some marriage ships are like hungry wolves, and gives Su Hao a chance to breathe.

Two days later, everyone's research and discussion entered a bottleneck stage.

Tiancheng couldn't figure out what was the difference between what she did and Chicheng. She couldn't figure it out, especially the other ship girls. Moreover, considering Su Hao's physical condition, the company had a thin skin and didn't ask to occupy Su Hao.

And Chicheng also knew how to restrain himself. Although she really wanted to have a football team with Su Hao, she immediately hesitated when she considered that the birth might be 11 black-hearted cotton.

In addition, my elder sister just failed, and if I succeeded again "accidentally", wouldn't that be a blow to my elder sister?

Only this kind of thing can't be done.

If it's someone else, it's a different matter.

For example, someone surnamed Li.

By the way, St. Louis has given out red envelopes, why is Richelieu not moving at all?

Here, Su Hao, who has rested for two days, is in good spirits.

The matter of the boat continued to ferment, but after all, it was only inside information, and Sangvis didn't know about all this, so there was almost no change in the day-to-day.

Tease the little guy, make some apple pie to increase the favorability of the iron-blooded ship girl. The biggest gain in the past few days is that the friendship with the little guys of the wolf pack has progressed rapidly, and z46 has become a friend who can exchange communications.

It's just that when Su Hao friendly invited these little guys to play in the port area, he was rejected.

Conscience in heaven and earth, he just wants to help out seeing these cuties being so boring every day, just to play and not to stay for a long time.

Even being rejected, Su Hao was not discouraged.

He thought of an important person.

Su Hao: "Is @U47 here?"

U47: "Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......"

Su Hao: "What are you doing?"

Ayanami: "Commander, U47 is swimming."

Su Hao: "Swimming and playing with your phone?"

Ayanami: "St. Louis bought the latest water-discharging mobile phone for U47 to use."

Su Hao: "Phelps special waterproof machine!? Surprised.jpg"

U47: "Commander, how do you know?"

Su Hao: "It's okay, is it convenient for you to receive the video?"

U47: "Wait a minute, I get dressed."

Su Hao thought to himself that he didn't need to wear it... Ahh!

Of course I will wear it.

Not long after, the video was connected.

Su Hao found a group of little guys from U81.

"Come here, let me show you my baby."

"What, what? Brother Commander, did you make egg yolk pie again?"

"It's been said that it's apple pie...it's not important, let's see who it is."

The wolf cubs gathered around and stared curiously at U47 on the screen.

"Who is it?" U81 tilted his head, "Who is here?"

"She's U47."


"A pack of wolves, U47, a lone wolf."

"don't know."

What a lone wolf, but everyone knows the name pack of wolves.

U47, Bismarck once said that the fleet would be fine with another U47, but unfortunately, even if it is a national camp, it is not so easy to gather a submarine for a battle formation.

Not to mention specifying who to ask for.

"Give me Kangkang."

U81 has a big face stuck on the screen.

"Okay, okay, don't get so close, you can see it."

"It seems to be stuck."

"No card."


"No card is no card."

U81 was angry: "It's obviously stuck, you can see that she didn't move, her eyes, nose and mouth didn't move anywhere!"

As soon as the voice fell, U47 said: "Hello, I am U47... Commander, is it okay to say that?"

"Ah, yes, please, look, U47 greeted you."

A group of little guys looked at each other in blank dismay.

U73 stared at the phone: "Why do you feel so dumb, Brother Commander, you made a robot, right?"

Su Hao blushed: "How is it possible, U47 is a genuine submarine, and she is super powerful, do you know that? She dared to go deep into the Siren Grand Fleet alone, and no one was too lazy to drive straight into it. She has super combat capabilities. Among the wolves, she is the most powerful submarine." Wolf King."

"I know I know."

"U556, you know a bun."

"I know, U47 is very powerful, even better than U81 you."

"Hmph~ I don't believe it, U81 is number one in the world!"

"Shameless, boast yourself."


The little girls were chattering, and U47 couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"So...Commander, can I go into the water?"

U47 doesn't seem to be interested in these wolf cubs.

The wolf king looked down on wolf cubs, and the wolf cubs rebelled one by one. Su Hao's big plan was destroyed before it even started.

But at any rate, Su Hao let them become friends with each other. Anyway, they have frequent contact and U556 takes the lead. I hope everyone can become good sisters who can do whatever they want in a port area.

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