Leave with the little ones and meet Bismarck.

In the past two days, Tie Xue's side has been relatively calm, rather it has been a little dead silent. Emperor Frederick the Great is quite busy, he doesn't know what he is busy with, and he has not seen anyone. Su Hao has been communicating with Bismarck.

At this time, there was another person beside Bismarck, that is the beautiful Tirpitz.

"Tirpitz told me just now that you want to invite her to the port area?"

When Bismarck opened his mouth, Su Hao was terrified.

"Ah, this is... I think Tirpitz is boring here, so I want to invite her to play for a while."

Su Hao looked at Tirpitz, who seemed to have gotten used to Bismarck's straightforward character.

Rather, maybe the pair of sisters didn't regard this as something difficult to talk about. Thinking about it, isn't the most embarrassing thing when fishing for a boat is the commander?

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to accuse you, Commander." Bismarck smiled, "Tirpitz is here at the base, and he really doesn't like to get along with people. I'm also a little worried..."

"Sister." Tirpitz looked a little unnatural, not to mention she was like a lonely child.

It's not that she doesn't like making friends, she just prefers to be quiet.

"I also think you can find time to go out and have a look, relax. There are all kinds of ship girls in the port area. Their strength, knowledge, and knowledge are very strong. There are many things you can learn from them. Always If you stay in one place, you won’t be able to improve in the future.”

Speaking of this, Bismarck looked at Su Hao, "Commander, I have drawn up a plan for the past two days. It is a plan for the members of the Jagged Fleet to go to the port area regularly. I think they will go to the port area to communicate with the ship girls inside. Yes. Their growth will be of great help, and I will submit this plan to the Sangvis high-level soon, and before that, I hope to get your approval, please."


Su Hao aba aba aba.

Bismarck, I didn't catch what you said just now, can you say it again?

"As I said before, not only Tirpitz, but other members of the Jagged Fleet, and even Emperor Frederick the Great, I think they can learn a lot when they go to the port area."

This is the real feeling from Bismarck.

She hadn't been paddling for so long in the port area.

According to her understanding, the Suhao port area does have a very magical power. As long as they stay in it, the ship girls will have a feeling of wanting to become stronger from the bottom of their hearts.

And, this thought can become reality without you even knowing it.

Maybe it's the atmosphere, Bismarck thought.

There is the relaxed and happy atmosphere of daily life, and the tense and chasing atmosphere during training, while in battle, everyone will fight with each other and cooperate with each other.

Moreover, the cooperation with each other is quite ingenious, and the degree of tacit understanding is very high.

After careful consideration, Bismarck formulated this plan.

"Will Sangvis agree to this kind of thing?"

Su Hao was taken aback by Bismarck's words, although he didn't mind, but after all, this kind of thing, the exchange between the national camp and a port area, it seems... huh?Seems like it's no big deal?

Of course, if the possibility of the ship's mother being taken away is taken into account, then the problem becomes even bigger.

"I will convince them." Bismarck looked serious, "I think this is an important proposal that is beneficial to the progress of Iron Blood!"


Su Hao spread his hands: "Since you said so, of course I won't refuse, as long as you can convince the high-level Sangvis, I don't care."

"Thank you~" Bismarck said sincerely, "Sister, please accompany the commander, I will report this matter."


Bismarck left, Su Hao and Tirpitz wandered around the base.

In fact, Su Hao is familiar enough here. After so many days, with his identity, except for a few special places, other places are basically unimpeded.

"Your sister is really vigorous and resolute in her actions, she is daring."

Su Hao sighed, I am afraid that even Richelieu would not have the courage to propose such a proposal.

It is conceivable how much pressure they will face at that time, and if something happens later, the iron and blood executives will have to trouble her.

In this way, it would be difficult for Su Hao to attack the people of the Jagged Fleet.

Of course, he didn't think about it at all. What about the commander and the ship's wife is called a shot?That's normal communication.

But then again, who the hell cares about this after a few years?

"My sister is like that, maybe that's why she can convince everyone."

Tirpitz's eyes carried a hint of longing, "Sister, she... can always make the most correct decision to guide everyone when others can't see ahead, so as long as she is here, everyone You will feel at ease, which even Frederick the Great cannot replace."

"Actually, before you came here, other people in the fleet were not friendly to you. At the time when you were in the port area, it was my sister who gave special advice, and nothing happened in the end."

"Haha~ I can see it." Su Hao smiled, "Especially Dezhi, she gave me a glare a few times when we met."

"But it won't be anymore, everyone... actually already believes that you are a human being who is good enough to be the commander of my sister."

Tirpitz's tone was soft but extremely serious, "I also believe that, whether it's my sister or you, then when you arrive in the port area, I will ask you, Commander, to give you a lot of advice."

As a ship girl to exchange and learn, the path Bismarck is pointing to is not the behavior of "Jagged [-] boys", but a path that can indeed make the Jagged Fleet stronger.

"Of course, you are always welcome." Su Hao stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "No matter what the request is, I will try my best to satisfy it."

"Etiquette in Donghuang?"

"No, just as an ordinary commander."

Tirpitz chuckled, and reached out to hold Su Hao shallowly.


Although Bismarck's proposal was bold, it was indeed quite reasonable after Su Hao thought about it carefully.

The growth of the ship girl also needs to be learned. Although the Rubik's Cube can help them quickly master combat-related skills, if they don't fight against a more powerful ship girl, their strength will still stay at that stage.

Moreover, what Bismarck proposed was regular and staged exchanges, and it didn't mean that all of them would flood into the port area.

This means that the regular expansion and regular ending also avoid the danger of not being able to come out to a certain extent.

As for how much you can learn, that's up to the girls themselves.

Maybe I didn't necessarily learn much. For example, although a certain z23 has indeed increased in strength, no one can tell whether it has become stronger or weaker in the end.

However, this proposal did not seem to be approved immediately, and Bismarck has also been busy these two days.

However, the matter of building a small boat seemed to be stuck, and then everyone discussed and decided to let Chicheng try again.

Try it, try it again, try again, originally planned to start a football team, but failed in the end.

St. Louis: "Sure enough, that time in Akagi was an accident, right?"

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "0.05% probability?"

Marriage Enterprise: "What a delicate number, why is it this number?"

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "I don't know, just a flash of inspiration, bang~ I thought of it."

Victory blatantly: "Haha~ Let's just say it's not that easy. Building a boat or something is too scary."

It is blatant and fearsome: "There are no small boats in the world. If there are more people who build them, there will be small boats."

Guanghui: "You two..."

St.Louis: "Guanghui, you also have a daughter."

Little Guanghui: "???"

Helena: "I always feel that the topic is getting more and more strange."

Cleveland: "Helena, where are you? I've been looking for you for a long time."

Helena: "You don't know how to chat in private..."

Cleveland: "Haha~ private chat private chat."

Portland: "Strange, I suddenly smell lilies."

Helena: "???"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "So it was just an accident after a long time?"

Dafeng: "I don't believe it, I also want to have an accident with the Commander, Commander, when will you come back, Commander? Commander?"

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "It's definitely not an accident, just watch, I'll have a second soon!"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "Upstairs, I heard that you gave birth to a black heart, and you were so angry that you vomited blood?"

Marriage ship Akagi: "Who said, I don't know how cute little Akagi is. The commander really likes her, and I was discussing it with me last night."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "What are you talking about?"

Lexington: "Gaga, stop asking, you don't need to know about this kind of thing."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "No, I just want to know!"

Lexington: "Stop messing around, Xili and the others are asking you to play a game."

Firefly: "Little Gaga, come and play horse riding and fighting!"

Dafeng: "Where's @Commander?"

Elizabeth: "That's weird."

War weariness: "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Elizabeth: "It's strange, it's so lively, why didn't Richelieu bubble?"

War weariness: "Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen her in the past few days."

Dunkirk: "You're not in the port area, how did you see it?"

Jean Bart: "Where is my sister? I sent a message and she didn't reply."

Dunkirk: "Where's @dideaurichelieu?"

Marriage Ship Dido: "I don't know anything, don't ask me!"

Elizabeth: "It's tricky, war-weary, go!"

War weariness: "Your Majesty, I am in the royal family..."

Elizabeth: "It's useless, the king will do it himself!"

Essex: "What, did something happen while I was away from Docklands?"

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