Marriage Ship Enterprise: "Essex, how is the mission going?"

Essex: "Perfect solution, don't worry senior."

St.Louis: "@Diddo you know something?"

Marriage Ship Dido: ">.

St.Louis: "Huh? Dido, you have to swallow a thousand needles to tell a lie~"

Marriage Ship Dido: "Ah, actually..."

While the group was buzzing, Su Hao's side was also buzzing.

Dafeng hit him hard, not because he didn't want to reply, but because he couldn't get away at all.

"Commander, come, this is a heart bento made by Ron himself!"

Su Hao was walking by the pier, looking for the submarine, but he couldn't find the submarine, but met Ron.

"Miss Ron, please don't pester my master like this." Sirius said with an unhappy face.

"Hehe~ I'm just flirting with my commander, what's the problem?" Ron smiled triumphantly, "I'm the ship's wife in the port area now."

"It's just a ship girl in the port area. What you do is what our maid team and the marriage ship in the port area should do. You have overstepped."

"What's the matter, anyway, as long as the commander is happy, hehe~"

Sirius refused to accept it, and his job as a maid was taken away. If it was a wedding ship, it would be fine. A mere Ron, who has only joined the port area for a few days, is so small.

It's a bit difficult for a guy who is neither big nor small. The most important thing to be a maid is etiquette, as well as understanding one's responsibilities and one's own position.

When the owner needs it, he should appear immediately, and when the owner doesn't need it, he should be on call at any time.

To serve the master, as a maid, even if she is not married, if the master has some special needs, of course she must try her best to meet them. Sirius thinks that this is what a qualified maid should do.

Ron is not a maid, she doesn't demand so much from the other party, but once her proud master is involved, it is impossible to give in!

"It's us maids who make bento."

"So, I've said it's just an interaction between the ship's mother and the commander. Besides, can you do it? I heard that you are the worst at cooking~"

"Hum." Sirius was sent to the army, and immediately counterattacked: "I don't know, but Madam Richelieu will. She has been with the master for ten years. She has taken care of the master since she was a child, and knows everything about the master. She likes She knows all the sports-loving food, I don’t know it, and it’s not your turn to make it, Mistress Richelieu, and the head maid of Bepha, they all know it.”


Ron chuckled, "It's just that you came a little earlier than me. What's there to be proud of? Besides, you're not the commander, how do you know he doesn't like it? Commander, tell me, what do you think of the bento made by Ron?" Sample?"

"Ah, it's good, it's good." Su Hao sighed inwardly, Mom, who will save me.

"Is it just good?" Seeing Su Hao's perfunctory, Ron pouted and said, "I worked very hard. It took me a whole morning to do it. Commander, tell me with your heart, what I did is the same as that called Richelieu's ship wife did it, who did it better? It must be me who did it better?"

As soon as the voice fell, a cold voice came.

"Oh? You want to compete with me in cooking?"

Surprised, Su Hao turned his head and saw the familiar golden figure in his memory.

"Sister Li, why are you here!?"


Chapter 593 Richelieu's Soul

Richelieu is here!

Su Hao was really taken aback.

This is silent, straddling an ocean, and just appeared in front of him so abruptly. To be honest, Su Hao thought he was hallucinating.

But the facts were in front of him, in order to verify that Su Hao even pinched Sister Li Ou Pai a few times with his own hands.

The result was knocked on the head immediately.

Knead when no one is around.

Miss Li said so.

Well, Su Hao admitted, this is Sister Li.

Not a hallucination or someone pretending to be.

As for why he came here from Donghuang all the way, Richelieu didn't say.

Obviously, Su Hao is going to set sail to go home soon, but she came here, this is the fact, this is the surprise.

What is a surprise?

The surprise was that Sister Li came, and Ron was pressed to death.

There is no way, as a ship girl, Ron can't beat Sister Li 100%, plus Sister Li's character is almost a "helping brother crazy devil", Ron can't get any benefits when getting along with Su Hao arrive.

In the end, he could only show his middle finger to Richelieu angrily.

And slipped decisively before the latter's naval guns came over.

She is going to training!

Train hard!

She now realizes that strength is the last word.

Without strength, even if you become a ship girl in the port area, there are still a large group of guys pressing on your head.

If you don't have the strength, how can you fight those marriage ships?

It would take her a long time to fight Sirius!

Not to mention Richelieu with such a high level.

Ron decided to slip away. This came from the ship's mother's intuition. Su Hao was surprised, but he didn't care too much.

"Sister Li, why did you come here so quietly?"

Su Hao didn't watch the group just now.

But he has been watching these days!

If Richelieu left, there would definitely be a group of people in the port area who would say that.

But the group was extremely quiet, obviously the news of Richelieu's departure had not been revealed before.

Just now, under the persecution of everyone, Dido had no choice but to speak out.

Richelieu went to Iron Blood, and before leaving, he confessed that it would be fine if he didn't find it, and if he found it, he would let St. Louis act as the secretary ship.

Anyway, St. Louis has been represented before.

St. Louis: "Really... You all ran away after leaving a group of things to me? Then what am I now? I want to manage the company, manage the finances of the port area, and manage the secretary ship?"

Cleveland: "Haha~ Don't say that in St. Louis, you are now an acting secretary, and you have been upgraded!"

St.Louis: "You think I care about that?"

Portland: "Understood, what St. Louis wants is not a secretary ship, but other identities."

Portland was silenced by Administrator St. Louis for 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Elizabeth: "Wow! That bastard Richelieu is so despicable!"

Dunkirk: "It's been a thousand miles away. I have to say I was taken aback."

Soviet Rosia: "Isn't that nice."

Kirov: "Isn't that great."

Aurora: "Isn't this very good."

Mikasa: "???"

Essex: "So, what's wrong with that?"

Marriage Ship Raider: "Why do I smell a strange smell?"

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Body odor?"

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "Bah, bah, bah! I don't have that kind of thing, if you don't believe me, ask the commander!"

Hood: "Watch~"

George V: "Watch~"

Nevada: "Watch~"

Yuli: "rua!"

There was a cheerful air in the crowd.

Richelieu didn't care about that, and faced Su Hao's question at this time, he said with a rather casual expression: "It's nothing, I just haven't come to Iron Blood for a long time, just come and have a look."

Saying this, she was really looking around, as if she was looking for something.

Sirius whispered: "Mistress Richelieu, little Chicheng is not here."

"Cough, cough cough!" Richelieu was choked, and immediately said: "I'm not looking for her, I'm just... well, Xiao Hao, that was Ron just now, I feel pretty good."

It's not bad, naturally it comes from the evaluation of the ship's mother, the feeling of strength.

"Yes, she is Ron, Sangvis should agree, and then Ron will go to our port area as the garrison ship girl."

"Well, that's fine, but she has a bad personality and needs discipline."

Richelieu looked back from a distance.


There is no sign of Xiao Chicheng anywhere.

"Ha... that's what Ron is."

After Ron ran away, the three walked back while chatting.

Su Hao looked at the group, good guy, it's about to fight.

The biggest opinion is St. Louis. There are so many people in the port area, so it feels like they are all supported by her.

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