It doesn't matter if Su Hao is not here, there are others, why is Richelieu not here, why did he slip away?

The position of the secretary ship is vacant. Except for the girls brought by Su Hao, the only marriage ships are Assaulter and Dido. Assaulter is not good at management, and Dido can only play as a support. After thinking about it, she seems to be the only one. It's the most suitable, and it can't be handed over to the ship girls of the major camps, right?

St. Louis was angry, and other ship girls tried to persuade them.

Even Elizabeth, who was clamoring originally, was persuading her, saying that 'it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years' and 'wait for her to come back, just wait for her to come back'.

Everyone was very enthusiastic, but Su Hao saw it, and felt that everyone was afraid that the rich woman in St. Louis would not give out red envelopes in the future?

Then a group of ship girls were in Aitricheliu.

But Sister Li ignored it completely, and didn't even have the thought of turning on the phone.

"Sister Li, did you leave the matter to St. Louis again?"

Su Hao just said something, to be honest, he really didn't expect Richelieu to come, why did he come?Thinking about it, I always feel like I guessed it.

"It should be tempered more. When the port area becomes larger in the future, we can't just rely on us to manage it? I think St. Louis is very good."

Richelieu's face was normal and serious, as if he was talking about an equally normal thing.

"Besides, Xiao Hao, there is one more thing I want to tell you when I come here this time."

Oh?Actually have something to say?

"what's up?"

"The last time I heard you said that you wanted to build a resort island in St. Louis, I thought for a while, why not just build a Lingshui port branch, so that we have a reason to apply to ZF for a deserted island as a port construction base."

Su Hao: "???"

What the hell is setting up a Hong Kong branch?

I’ve only heard of the branch of the Maritime Safety Administration, can a branch be established in the port area?

Good guy, Su Hao is just a good guy.

"And then?" He was indeed attracted by Richelieu's proposal.

"I'll have a good chat with you in the evening."

Richelieu said naturally, "I have drawn up many detailed plans for this plan, and I will tell you tonight."

Sirius: "???"

She had been listening, and thought that Richelieu really cared about the port area, was serious and responsible, and was a bunch of blah blah blah.

But now she seemed to hear something was wrong.

Doesn't this still want to come to find the master? ?

Su Hao also thought it was weird, but he didn't think much about it. After all, when he got along with Richelieu, some things came out naturally, which made him feel almost at home.

But then I thought about it, wouldn't it be nice to talk about it on the phone?


Richelieu came, and Ron lost Huarong Road.

They proposed a plan that seemed important but didn't seem to be very important. After a while, the company and the others also got attention. They rushed over and were quite surprised when they saw Richelieu.

"I'm here to talk to Xiao Hao about something, and I'll take a look at the situation on Tie Xue's side."

Facing the weird eyes of the ship girls here, Richelieu explained.

Everyone doesn't say it on the surface, but they know it in their hearts.

But someone else said it.

Shangri-La raised his forehead and said: "Richelieu, the alliance has just been established. Commander Su Hao and several important wedding ships are not in the port area. Why are you here? What you should do now is to stay in the port area. In case It’s easy to deal with accidents.”

Richelieu is a secretary ship, her status is different, and her ability is strong. Of course, she is safe to guard.

The results of it?

You actually ran all the way from Donghuang.

Is there something?

You're talking about what's going on!

"Don't worry, the port area is very good." Richelieu was quite calm, "Everyone is very harmonious, and we will go back soon, nothing will happen."

Shangri-la wanted to say something, but was stopped by Aurora, who whispered: "Shangri-la, if you keep asking, you will be beaten."


Only then did Shangri-La realize that something was wrong.

Because Richelieu didn't look at her the whole time, but kept his eyes on Xiao Chicheng beside Tiancheng!

"This is Little Chicheng?"

Richelieu opened his mouth, and then showed a smile: "Welcome to the port area."

Little Akagi: "~!@#$%..."


Why does it feel so scary!

Obviously such a good-looking big sister.

Obviously such a gentle smile.

Why?Why does it give her the same feeling as when Tiancheng talked to her?

"Okay little Chicheng." Tiancheng patted her on the head, "Hurry up and call someone."

"Ah, oh... Richelieu... sister, sister!"

The moment Xiao Chicheng felt the slight change in Richelieu's eyes, he immediately changed his words.

"Hehe~ What a good little guy." Richelieu smiled.

Amagi smiled too.

"you do not say."

Only Xiao Chicheng wanted to cry.

"Richelieu, you came all the way here, what can't you say on the phone?" Chicheng pouted, "We're going back soon, it's really unnecessary for you to come here specially."

Richelieu ignored her.

At this time, she looked at Tiancheng, and there was an expression in the eyes of the two that only the other party could understand.

Encrypted chat:

Richelieu: How is it?Have you reached a conclusion?

Amagi: No, I've thought about it over and over for the past few days, but I still haven't figured out what the problem is.

Richelieu: What about Chicheng?

Amagi: I asked her, and there is no difference in comparison.

Richelieu: Could it be that she withheld important information?

Amagi: Impossible, Akagi won't hide anything from me, and I've asked the lord... I feel that it's the same no matter how many times I try in this situation, so I don't think it's necessary for you, Richelieu. demand.

Richelieu: No, I must try!

A time rift pulls the two back to reality.

No one noticed anything was wrong.

After chatting for a while, Frederick the Great came over after receiving the news.

Although it was uninvited, but in the end it was still a big person, and Frederick the Great took time to accompany him until the evening, and held a small welcome ceremony.

into the night.

in the room.

Su Hao came out of the bathroom and wiped his hair with a towel.

Here, Richelieu was sitting at the desk, holding a tablet in his hand.

The above is the interface for logging into the Maritime Safety Administration system.

"Sister Li, let's deal with these things after we go back."

Su Hao said casually.

Although he can work outside, sometimes he doesn't know much about the situation and it is difficult to deal with it. At this time, Richelieu is still in communication with Dido while dealing with it.

"Is it the master?"

Dido's voice came from the phone.

"Ah yes, Dido, good evening."

"Good evening master, then I won't disturb your rest."

"Eh? Wait..."

Before Richelieu finished speaking, the phone was beeping, and the phone hung up.

What a sensible maid.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Okay, it's time for Dido to rest, you can't keep bothering her, right?"

"That's right." Richelieu sighed softly and put the tablet away, "I'm going to take a shower."

She went straight to the bathroom.

After a pause, he came out again, took a towel and walked in.

Then he came out again, took the nightgown he was going to wear, and went in again.

Su Hao was puzzled, why is Sister Li a little forgetful today?

After drying his hair, Su Hao lay on the bed and fished.

Victory: "Commander, has Richelieu arrived yet?"

In the chat group of the small team, Shengli sent a message.

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