Su Hao: "Here we are, what's the matter?"

Shengli: "Hee hee~ She must have seen Chi Cheng give birth to a baby, so she was anxious."

Su Hao: "What, she came to talk to me about something serious."

Victory: "Do you believe it?"

Su Hao smacked his lips. To be honest, thinking about it now is a bit...

Su Hao: "What do you care about so much?"

Kewei: "Because Sister Shengli also wants a baby."

Su Hao: "What kind of baby is not a baby, and it's not a human being. It's actually similar to waking up the ship's mother, but the method is different."

Shengli: "That also has a special meaning, and now Miss Guanghui has a little Guanghui, and I have nothing to do with Kewei."

Su Hao: "You guys think too much, how can it be so easy, if you really think about it, there will be so many little girls in the world."

Victory: "Hee hee~ I'm waiting for you to come back anyway."

Victory is very cheerful, just mentioning this incident, let me tell you, Barabara's fantasy series has started again.

After a long time, Richelieu came out of the bathroom.

The bright blond hair was stained with water, and it was charming under the light. The purple and light nightdress set off the curves of the graceful body. Because the water stains were still wet, part of it stuck to the body, revealing a faint flesh color.

The V-neck was open on the chest, and the water dripped from the tip of the hair, sliding smoothly along the smooth and soft skin into the proud breasts.

What a seductive picture of a hibiscus emerging from the water.

Seeing Richeliu come out and chatting vigorously just now, he suddenly felt dull.

Su Hao: "Stop talking, I'm going to bed, I have something to do when I get up early tomorrow."

Victory: "See through at a glance. jpg Are you sure you can get up early tomorrow?"

Terrible: "Are you sure Richelieu will let you get up early tomorrow?"

Victory: "From now on, the king will not go to court early."

Terrible: "Retire if there is something to do, and retreat if there is nothing to do!"

Su Hao: "..."

Richelieu lowered his head and walked over while wiping his hair.

"Chatting in a group?"

"No, chat casually with Shengli and the others."

Su Hao picked up the hair dryer and turned it on, beckoning to Richelieu.

"I'll do it myself."

"It's okay, didn't you often play for me when I was young?"

"That was when I was a child."

"Eight or nine years old, in fact, I can do it myself."

"What can an eight-year-old do?"

Richelieu insisted, anyway, whether it is true or not, she said yes.

Su Hao smiled. In fact, he really knew everything at the time. After all, he was so old mentally. It was just that his lsp personality was on the rise. There was a beautiful woman here to help you, so why did he do it himself?

And at the beginning I felt very warm inexplicably, but now that I think about it, it seems that when I think about it, I feel warmer more than lsp.

How strange.

At this moment, Su Hao was blowing hair for Richelieu, and the scene at that time could not help appearing in his mind.

Just crossed, fell into war, confused, desperate, was rescued, and fell in love with the girl beside me out of control ever since.

"Okay, let's do it." Richelieu interrupted Su Hao's thoughts.

"It's almost done, blow the clothes again?"

"What are you talking about?" Richelieu said with a smile, "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

How many times have I seen it, but it was still not enough, Su Hao threw away the hair dryer and hugged Richelieu.

The latter blushed.

"Xiaohao, what do you want to do?"

"Knowingly asking."

"Ask if you don't understand."

"You have come from Donghuang, I still have to ask you why."

"I'm here to talk business."

When talking about business, the two tacitly agreed.

Richelieu pursed his lips suddenly, with a look of annoyance on his face.

"If I had known that the little ship girl would appear, I would have come here together."

This tone still says nothing?Su Hao was a little dumbfounded.

"Who would have thought of such a thing? I was taken aback." Su Hao put his chin on Richelieu's shoulder and said, "Actually, I really don't care about such things... ...Having said that, if Sister Li wants to, try her best?"

Richelieu chuckled: "What does it mean to work hard?"

"Uh, please, I'm talking so seriously, don't laugh, the atmosphere is gone."

"I'm not smiling."

"Obviously there is."


"Look, you're still laughing!"


The two fell on the bed.

Richelieu was lying down, and at close range, his beautiful eyes met Su Hao's.

"Xiaohao, as you said, you have to work hard~"


"If you don't succeed, you are not allowed to leave."

Ah, well, Sister Li, you are already like this, what else can I say?


In fact, for Su Hao, whether it is a small ship girl or a big ship girl, they are all the same in his heart.

The ship's mother appeared and came to her side, so she had to treat her well.

He never cares about who is big or small, whether mothers are more expensive than daughters, whether mothers and daughters are super cute, and what doesn't exist.

But as a commander, the mood of taking care of the ship's mother is equally important. Su Hao has never been a father, but he understands the word 'bond'. He just wants to have more good memories with each other and leave more good memories s things.

So it is not so much that the wedding ship wants to build a small boat, but it is a manifestation of a deeper bond, which is like an ordinary ship girl who wants a ring to become a wedding ship.

Of course, everyone knows to some extent what Richelieu is thinking. Who in the port area does not know Richelieu?

Not to mention the port area, in Donghuang, the Maritime Safety Administration knows it, and the ship girls in the Iris Kingdom know it.

As long as it is related to Su Hao, Richelieu has a 1000% buff superposition.

So this time she was snatched away by Chicheng, and the regret in her heart was even greater than the bombing of the church.

But from another perspective, if it weren't for the example of Chicheng, maybe none of you would know that the boat can really be awakened in this way.


The next day, the sky was bright.

The ship girls gathered in Su Hao's room again.

"So, why did it work again this time?"

Businesses can't understand.

At this moment, she looked at Richelieu who was sitting on the bed with a little guy in his arms, with deep confusion in her eyes.

The little guy also has beautiful long blond hair, and a delicate and flawless little face with obvious immaturity. It looks like Richelieu, except that it is much smaller, and it is obvious that it is his own.

The little guy was leaning against Richelieu's arms, yawning, as if he hadn't woken up.

Richelieu couldn't help expressing her mood at the moment.

"Richelieu, don't just smile." Chicheng was very upset, no, looked at her [-]% unhappy, "What's going on? Did you find any special secrets in the port area?"

"No." Richelieu looked innocent, "I didn't find anything, and this time I came to talk to Xiao Hao about something serious, and last night...well, Xiao Hao said to work hard, that's probably it. "

"What a liar!"

Chicheng shouted loudly, "Obviously my elder sister didn't succeed!"

Tiancheng also looked at Richelieu curiously.

At this time, an encrypted chat was sent, but Richelieu was completely focused on little Richelieu, and did not respond to her inquiry.

Here, Su Hao clicked his tongue: "Weird things happen every year, especially this year."

Up to now, I'm afraid it can't be explained by accident.

However, even if you ask him or Richelieu, no one can tell why.

In the end, Ming, a senior scientific researcher, said that this probably has something to do with the intensity of consciousness.

Now that the Rubik's Cube and material conditions are met, the biggest difficulty lies in thoughts, and this is precisely the most difficult thing to control and the most difficult to explain clearly.

It's even the least scientific of all at the same time.

But if it comes down to it, it was because of this idea that Akagi appeared in the first place.

Everyone knows Chicheng's character, and when he thinks of something to do, especially when it concerns Su Hao, he is as ruthless as going crazy.

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