Beautiful blond hair, cute little baby face, big watery eyes sparkle, and aura is moving.

"Little Richelieu, what's the matter?"

"Hee hee~"

The little guy smiled, looking very playful, completely different from when he just woke up.

"Commander, sister Amagi and the others were playing trick cards just now."

"Oh, what about you?"

"I'm watching my sister play."

"Sister? Which sister?"

"It's sister Richelieu~"

Cutie said this, as if it was a matter of course, and then looked at Su Hao with suspicion, how could you not even know this?How can you not even know about Sister Richelieu?

"Haha~ Did she win or lose?"

Su Hao laughed, picked up the little guy and sat on his lap.

"I won, sister Richelieu won, Ron lost, she was absent-minded and wanted to run, but was caught by sister Richelieu, sister Richelieu is awesome! o(~▽~)d"

It's Richelieu's sister, not Richelieu's Mama. I've never heard someone called Mama in the ship mother. Of course, part of the reason for calling it that is because the secret of building a boat will be exposed.

Although it doesn't matter to be exposed, anyway, Su Hao himself can't explain clearly, and when others ask, he can only understand but not express.

But the current situation is that, unlike the relationship between Little Chicheng and Chicheng, little Richelieu is quite clingy to Richelieu, and is very cute and obedient.

At this time, Su Hao hugged her, rubbed his cheeks, and kissed her. His soft cheeks were so comfortable that he died, ahhh, how could there be such a cute little guy?

Thinking of this, there was another sound of running outside the door.

A head, first the ears and then the pair of sneaky eyes.

"Little Chicheng?"

"Hey hey~"

No one was there, it wasn't that there was no one, it was the lord, there wasn't a single vicious guy, there wasn't a guy with a knife in his smile, there was only one harmless little thing.

She walked in, with a flash of disdain in her eyes.

Little Richelieu looked at her, furrowed his brows, and then stretched them out, transforming into a friendly smile.

"Little Chicheng, you are here~"


Little Akagi's nostrils turned up to the sky.

He responded, walked over, climbed onto the bed and sat down.

"Commander, it's so boring~" She shook Su Hao's arm, "How long will it take to go back?"

"It's only been a day, and it will take several days to go back."

"So boring, so boring~"

Little Chicheng started to act like a baby, but it wasn't really boring, only she understood, isn't it common sense to act like a baby to gain affection?

"Little Chicheng, if you are bored, let me play with you, shall we go hide and seek?" Little Richelieu blinked.

"not good."

Xiao Chicheng resolutely refused.

Hmph~ Peekaboo?What a kid's game.

Besides, if you want to hide, you can't hide for you.

"Then, let's go and see the sisters playing cards?" Little Richelieu said again.

"No, it's so boring."

"Then let's go downstairs for a swim?"

"Hey, you are so annoying, you have to go by yourself!"

Xiao Chicheng waved impatiently, go away, don't disturb me chatting with the commander.


Little Richelieu immediately looked aggrieved, "I'm sorry..."

The little cutie was sad and looked distressed, so Su Hao hurriedly coaxed her a few words.

"Little Chicheng, why are you so fierce? If you don't play, don't play. Little Richelieu is also kind."


Xiao Chicheng was angry, and thought to himself that I didn't ask her to play with her, she didn't want to play with those in the first place.

But seeing the sad look of little Richelieu, little Chicheng stopped talking immediately.

It is true that she is a bit fierce but...


Little Chicheng suddenly noticed that little Richelieu glanced at him.

In the depths of the eyes filled with tears, there is... pride?pride?And... Disdain! ?

(~_,~ )


She is disdainful, but she actually disdainful?

Wait, isn't it?I read wrong?

Little Chicheng tilted his head.

Little Richelieu's kind of weak chicken, how could he think about this.


A guy who can only pretend to be cute and cute, probably because he misunderstood it.

But it's hard to do. If the commander hates me because of this, how can I conquer the port area in the future?

Sigh~ Forget it, let’s be patient and accompany these little things.

Conquer the little ones → Conquer the commander → Conquer the big ones → Conquer the small Akagi in the Minato area The plan is complete, and the conquest of the Minato area will start with the baby.

At this time, she scratched her hair and saw that little Richelieu restored her smiling face under Su Hao's comfort, so she said, "Then little Richelieu, let's hide and seek. You come to me, and I will hide."

Hmph~ Go find me, I'll hide in the commander's room.

In this way, I got the favor of the little kid again, and I can get along with the commander alone, perfect!

But in the end, little Richelieu shook his head.

"No need, if you don't want to play, forget it. Sister Richelieu said that you can't force others to do things you don't like."

"Little Richelieu is really sensible." Su Hao touched her head, and said with a smile, "As expected of Sister Li who brought it out, it is indeed so, and I will remember it in the future, you know?"

"Yes, I understand, Commander."

Little Richelieu responded sweetly.


Little Richelieu was smiling, and Su Hao was also smiling.

Xiao Chicheng watched, the smile belonged to them, and he had nothing.


Didn't you say you wanted to play peek-a-boo?What does it mean not to force others?

You are so kind, why didn't you say it just now, damn it! ~

After a stumble, Xiao Chicheng suddenly became depressed.

After a while, she saw the phone in Su Hao's hand.

"Commander, I want to play on my phone, I want to play games."

"What's so fun about mobile games?"

"Whatever, otherwise I'll be bored to death."

Saying this, she saw that little Richelieu blinked his eyes, as if he wanted to speak, so she immediately shouted: "I want to play with my mobile phone, I don't play with other things!"

"Commander, let her play." Little Richelieu chimed in, "It's nothing to play with."

"Oh~ I really can't do anything about you."

Su Hao turned on the phone and handed it to Xiao Chicheng, "Here, don't mess around."

"Well, I know."

Xiao Chicheng happily took it over.

Just about to invite Su Hao to play together, little Richelieu jumped out of bed and pulled Su Hao.

"Commander, I want to eat apple pie, please make apple pie for me."

"This, well then."

"Make more, the other sisters also want to eat, and Xiao Chicheng, Xiao Chicheng, you can play games here, I will make apple pie with the commander, and bring it to you when it is ready."

Little Akagi:? ? ?

"If you're all gone, then I too..."

"That's right, it's better to do more." Su Hao led little Richelieu out, "Little Chicheng, you play here, don't mess with your phone, and I'll ask little Richelieu to bring it to you when the apple pie is ready. .”

After speaking, the two left the room.

Xiao Chicheng was alone in the room, and the color tone of the whole person degraded from color to black and white.

Wait...wait for me!


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