
Here, in the rest room of the yacht, a group of big girls are playing joke cards around the kotatsu.

After a few rounds of boredom, I threw the cards aside and chatted.

Chicheng said with a smile on his face: "Speaking of which, the little guy ran away just now, Richelieu, is it okay if you don't look at her?"

"What's there to care about, little Richelieu is so obedient." Richelieu said indifferently, "But little Chicheng, that child is a bit disturbing, you should call her here."

"Hehe~ Xiao Chicheng is very cute, the commander really likes her."

Chicheng is very calm. Although she doesn't like that little thing very much, she has to say that the little ship girl is really cute. The commander likes the little guy so much, so he must have been fascinated by little Chicheng.

Although it's annoying for the commander to be captivated by others, it's Xiao Akagi after all, and Xiao Akagi's fascination = Akagi's fascination, isn't that the same?

"Not necessarily." Ron couldn't help interjecting, "That little thing, you can tell it's the annoying type at first glance, and it's just as annoying as you."

"Are you ashamed of Chicheng?" Bismarck glanced at her, "Ron, when you get to the port area, please calm down a little, or I will throw you back to Iron Blood immediately."

Ron refused: "Why? I'm the ship's wife in the port area now, and you have no right to control me!"

"Since you are the iron and blood left behind in the port area, of course I have the right to control you as the person in charge, or do you want the emperor to come and control you?"


Hearing the emperor's name, Ron was a little scared.

Before coming, the other party took her to have a heart-to-heart talk alone, and the content of the heart-to-heart talk was quite terrifying.


Bismarck, just be proud of yourself, and wait until I become a married couple to see how you manage me.

Seeing her deflated, Akagi laughed: "Are you ashamed to say, don't you know how bad your character is? The commander will hide when he sees you, but the commander will definitely hug Xiao Akagi when he sees you, hehe~ "

"You think too much, Xiao Hao obviously prefers the type of little Richelieu."

"No, it's obvious that Little Chicheng is a little bit more, and little Richelieu is good, but he lacks the nature of a child. Didn't I say Richelieu, do you know how to take care of children?"

Chicheng sighed helplessly, "Children should be naughty, that's how they look like children. You see so many little guys in the port area, watching Yinghuo, they are not very strong and like to be mischievous. Why? The commander likes her so much? And Xili, isn't Xili naughty enough to make trouble? I still want to sleep in the commander's room at night, so noisy, the commander also likes her, why?"

London, who was eating melons, murmured in a low voice: "Isn't it because Su Hao is a lolicon?"

Aurora pulled her sleeve hastily, shut up, you don't want to sink from the boat.

Richelieu was not shaken by Chi Cheng's words, but instead said: "Compared to them, I think Xiao Hao likes Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa more, isn't that obvious?"

Little Guanghui Xiaobeifa...

Akagi frowned slightly.

Indeed, these two little guys are tricky.

Fortunately, there is already a little guy, so even if Guanghui and Beifa want to use the excuse of "building a small boat" to take the top position, they will not be able to do so.

Thinking of this, Chicheng felt better again.

Continue to pinch with Richelieu.

The battle between two marriage ships with children is quite a picture of two children arguing about the sun.

And the other ship girls present seemed to be familiar with it, eating and playing with their phones in peace.

After a long time, a strong fragrance floated in.

Su Hao walked in with an apple pie, and said with a smile, "Everyone... ahem, everyone, come and taste the apple pie."

Behind Su Hao, followed by a little guy.

Little Richelieu was also carrying a plate, and Su Hao had done a lot, and he couldn't take it all by himself.

"Sisters, let's have some snacks~"

The little guy puts the tray in the middle.

Beifa was helpless: "Master, you can just call us for this kind of thing."

"It's not a big deal, you guys should also rest, come, come, try and see how it goes."

"My proud master, your workmanship is naturally the best in the world."

"Don't brag about Sirius, is it okay to taste it first?"

The hot, fragrant apple pie was served, and the girls of the ship immediately became excited.

"Huh? Where's Little Chicheng?" Tiancheng discovered Huadian.

Akagi, who couldn't wait to take a bite of the apple pie, was stunned for a moment, that's right, where is my daughter?

"Little Chicheng is in my room."

Su Hao said something casually.

Immediately afterwards, the entire rest room fell silent.

"Playing with my phone, the apple pie I made with Little Richelieu."

I feel the need to explain, even though I haven't done anything wrong, what are you doing? Don't you guys trust me so much?

The corner of Richelieu's mouth was raised slightly, and he glanced at Chicheng indifferently.

Akagi who noticed this small movement suddenly opened his mouth, and the old blood stuck in his throat.

Little Akagi, you useless thing!

Obviously, Little Akagi vs Little Richelieu, the contest between mischievous and cute(?), the latter won.


The secret contest between the little guys actually corresponds to the people standing behind each other. Originally, the Richelieu family was the only one in the port area, and it was the elder sister, the wedding ship or the secretary ship. Now Chicheng jumped out and challenged the majesty.

However, the challenge is the challenge, and there is only one person who can't do it. The big ones can't beat the small ones. Don't look at the little Richelieu. In fact, she has inherited many advantages of Richelieu. The average kid is no match at all.

Akagi was beaten to the ground, but no one could help. Needless to say, Kaga is completely clueless in this regard. Akagi originally planned to use it to dominate the port area. There is the highest plan for the three sisters to control the port area in the future. After several twists and turns, he had to reappear in the rivers and lakes.

Come in a room at this time.

The three sisters of Akagi got together.

"That Richelieu is really abominable!"

She said angrily, as if she had said such words several times.

As for this kind of anger, both Amagi and Kaga are no strangers to it.

After all, Akagi had been angry all night when he was extremely angry.

However, Akagi just talked about it anyway, as an effect to heighten the atmosphere, and then she looked at Kaga.

Don't talk, just watch.

Until Kaga felt uncomfortable.

"Sister, sister, why are you looking at me like this?

"Kaga!" Akagi looked serious, and put his hands on Kaga's shoulders, "Now, we sisters are missing you."


"So, what I mentioned before..."

"Akagi, don't embarrass Kaga too much." Amagi said, stopping Akagi's words, "What do you do because of something, this kind of thing is of great significance to us ship girls, Akagi, you can't do it for us It's convenient, and it broke the beautiful reverie in Kaga's heart."

"What, obviously I just hope that our three sisters can be together forever and share the happiness that others can't experience, uh..."

Kaga opened his mouth, what, don't make me seem withdrawn, I also...

Soon Kaga shook his head again.

"But." Tiancheng took a sip of tea and looked at Kaga with a smile: "Speaking of which, Kaga, when you came back from Sakura without hesitation, you were also worried about the Lord in your heart, right?"

"It's because I said it before." Kaga said, avoiding Amagi's gaze.

"I remember Kaga, you prefer that kind of powerful type, right? Tosa is exactly the same as you in this point, but ah, Tosa is much more calm than you. If you lose, you will join. When did you learn to be arrogant? Woolen cloth?"

"No, I just..."

Kaga sighed, shook his head and said: "Actually, I didn't think about it. The purpose of my stay in Minato was to accompany my sister. Although Minato is already my home for me now...to protect Minato. District, even if it takes my life, I will not hesitate."

Kaga's words were quite firm.

For her, she has completely regarded the port area as her home.

Of course, in Kaga's heart, Su Hao is special.

The belief that every ship girl exists in the port area is originally built around the commander.

It's just that Kaga is a little special, after all, she didn't have any affection for Su Hao at first, and she wouldn't have come if Chicheng hadn't come.

Although it is still delicious in the end.

To be honest, the scene of defeating the ship girl with a human being really shocked Kaga for ten thousand years.


Yes, Su Hao is the strong one in her mind.

As for the strong, Kaga has always respected them.

Therefore, in Kaga's heart, there is more respect for Su Hao than admiration.

Dear person, how can you rush?

Kaga thought so in his heart.

Not long after, the tea party of the three sisters, Kaga left, became a secret between the two sisters.

And Kaga came to the deck, enjoying the comfortable feeling of the sea breeze.

Looking down from the top deck, she felt that the yacht was ridiculously big, like a passenger ship, and then she saw Su Hao resting on the lower deck, with Befa standing beside him, holding little Richelieu in his arms , very leisurely.

On the other side, Ron was sneaking behind a baffle, holding a notepad in his hand, secretly writing something while reading it.

It seems that there are other people talking, but no one can be seen, and then a few black shadows fly in the sky, looking up, it is the company flying the plane.

"You really never miss the opportunity to train."

As soon as Kaga turned his gaze, he saw Enterprise standing steadily at the top of the yacht, with his beautiful silver hair swaying in the wind.

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