"Kaga, why are you here?"

"How about blowing hair? Are you interested in a comparison?"

Kaga unfolded his ship suit, raised the corner of his mouth, and his fighting spirit quickly rose.

"Ah, now?"

"Anyway, it's impossible for a siren not to have eyes to bump into it."


Others are cautious at sea, they have always been rampant at sea, wishing to meet a few sirens to practice their hands, after all, it is too boring.

At this time, she released the carrier-based aircraft, and the company put away its idle mood, and the two powerful aircraft carriers began to stage an anxious aviation battle.

Su Hao lay on the bench to rest, raised his head, and what he saw was not a fat eagle but an iron eagle. The carrier aircraft nimbly drew its trajectory, and the sound of guns and guns rang out.

The lady on the yacht was immediately attracted.

"It seems to be the carrier-based aircraft of Enterprise and Kaga."

"Really, to play like this on a yacht, be careful not to be affected by the yacht!"

I don't know who called out, and after a while Richelieu also came out.

"What's going on?" She raised her head, her frown quickly relaxed again, "Xiaohao, who do you think will win?"


Su Hao thought for a while and said, "Although Kaga is powerful, the company is first-class as an aircraft carrier."

"Maybe Kaga caught up with her hard work."

"Sister Li, people have their limits, and so does Jian Niang. Besides, don't forget that there is a Black Rubik's Cube in the enterprise."

u1s1, the enterprise is indeed stronger than Kaga, but I didn't expect that a battle that I thought would be more intense suddenly turned into a one-sided advantage for the enterprise somehow.

"What? It was fine just now, what is Kaga doing?"

"It's gone, it's gone, oh~ how could Kaga make such an obvious mistake?"

Although the loss was reasonable, it was surprising.

It stands to reason that the gap between the two shouldn't be that big, right?

Here, Kaga walked back to the cabin with a troubled face.

God damn it!

It's just too ugly!

It's too bad to lose!

Kaga was very annoyed, but at the same time, helpless.

Things are changing rapidly on the battlefield. Just now, when she was doing well, the company suddenly attacked her, bang, so fast!

Aside from the technical gap, the direct reason for her failure was that the company suddenly said, "Little Akagi is exactly the same as Akagi. I don't know if Xiao Kaga will?" '.

In fact, it was just a joke, or the company was really confused, but with this sentence, Kaga suddenly became confused, and the battle suddenly became one-sided.

It's just a small contest, but...

It's really ugly!

It's like losing the face of a battle.

However, no matter what you lose, you lose. On the battlefield, it doesn't matter if you sneak attack or not.

"What, that guy from the enterprise, it's thanks to her that she can say that."

There was a resentment in Kaga's heart that he had nowhere to vent.

Little Kaga or something, it's too outrageous.

Little Kaga or something.

Kaga's walking speed gradually slowed down.

At this moment, she frowned slightly, and in her mind, unexpectedly, she thought of such a picture inexplicably.

No, no.

Kaga quickly shook his head.

It would be cute but...

It's not my style at all, I just need to keep getting stronger and make my own contribution to Minato City.

Besides, I'm not a married woman, so why think so much.

This must be what the company said on purpose, tactics, yes!

Tactical attack, careless, failed.

Just as he was thinking, a voice came from behind.



Originally, Su Hao didn't intend to come here, but because Richelieu asked if something happened to Kaga, and then when the company came here, he also said something casually, and I don't know why it suddenly became strange.

There is a problem with the ship's mother, as the commander, of course I have to come and take a look.

As a result, he came over and found Kaga standing alone in the cabin corridor in a daze.

He yelled, and Kaga almost jumped up as if he had been taken aback.

"Why are you standing here? What happened just now, is there something uncomfortable or something?"

Although Jianniang will not get sick, there are still frequent ups and downs in her state.

"No, it's nothing..." Kaga's cheeks flushed, and he felt like he was caught by the teacher on the spot for his petty tricks.

"Really? You seemed to be out of shape just now. If there is anything, just tell me at any time. I am your commander. Although I am a bit useless, I still hope that you can rely on me more."

"Well... I know, it's okay."

Jia He looked away unnaturally, she felt a little guilty and couldn't face Su Hao squarely.

After all, I was still thinking about 'Little Kaga' just now.


Sister, I'm sorry.

"I wanna go."

Kaga left in a hurry.

Su Hao scratched his head, why is it so different from the usual Kaga?Sure enough, it's still in a bad state, right?

Shaking his head, he left the cabin.

The yacht docked near a deserted island in the evening.

The sunset slanted down, and the golden sandy beach was rendered into a dazzling and beautiful picture.

Kaga Talang walked onto the beach, raised his head, and saw a lush palm grove, and there were tall coconut trees on the beach. The sunlight fell through the gaps in the leaves, bright but not glaring.

The beach was covered with sand crabs, and seabirds looking for food fell in the distance. The waves pushed the rising seawater to submerge the beach, and the cool seawater flooded her heels, and the seabirds were startled by the waves.

The tide receded to reveal the golden sandy beach. Where the rays of the sun fell, the sand and beautiful shells on the beach reflected the colorful light. When I picked up a piece, there was another person in front of me when I raised my head.

"Dinner is ready to eat here."

Su Hao said with a smile.

"Well, do you want me to do something?"

"No, you just need to rest, Befar and the others will do it."

"You can't keep making them do it."

"Haven't you been working hard silently?"

Su Hao smiled and waved his hand as a signal.

"Let's go, it's rare to see a good view here, let's go for a walk."

Kaga hesitated for a moment, and saw that everyone was starting to build a fire in the distance, and no one seemed to notice, so he nodded.

As a result, when the two of them started walking along the beach, the girls who were busy just now looked over one by one.

"What are you doing?" Ron clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, "Obviously I came first."

"you first?"

"I first proposed to come to the island."

"Oh, then your task is complete, goodbye tool man."


Tiancheng looked away, smiled and clapped his hands, "Okay everyone, before the Lord returns, everyone prepare a loving dinner and wait."

Shangri-La muttered: "I'm not the ship's wife in your port area, why should I be full of love?"


Although it is a desert island, there is not so much messy garbage on the shore.

The branches and fallen leaves were washed aside, and the golden sand beach was finally seen now.

There are beautiful shells, I picked up a few and prepared to take them back for collection.

Kaga followed Su Hao absent-mindedly, watched him lower his head to pick up things, and couldn't help but also went to help.

"Picking up these things will definitely be useless in the end. It's a waste of time."

"It can't be said that beautiful things will never fade, and these shells are also endowed with a better meaning, aren't they?"

"What's the point?"

"My memories of being here with you. When I see shells in the future, I will think of the picture of picking up shells together on the beach of an unknown island one day, on the sea, in the evening. How about it? Isn't it beautiful? "


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