Saying so, Kaga's mouth curled into a smile.

not bad.

she said in her heart.

"Haha~ It's just so-so, anyway, it's quite meaningful to me, so you can just accommodate me."

Su Hao smiled indifferently, "Come on, pick up some more."

"I want this too? It doesn't look very good."

"Pick it up if you think it looks good, but it's okay to pick up a little more, and pick it up slowly when you go back."


The two looked up and bowed their heads diligently on the beach.

After a while, Su Hao said: "Speaking of which, Kahe, you have been in the port area for a long time, right?"

"It's okay." Kaga replied, "I went back to Sakura in the middle."

"Yeah, thanks to you Sakura, Mikasa has been telling me."

"It's the result of everyone's hard work."

Kaga shook his head lightly, "I just did what I should do."

Kaga didn't want to mention too much about the heavy cherry blossoms. The memories of the past may not be so good, and thinking about it just adds to the troubles.

Su Hao didn't say much, he just chatted briefly, until he walked far away, the beach was replaced by a reef, the waves kept washing away, and the sound of the waves echoed in his ears.

"It's beautiful."

Kaga turned his head to the side, the sun was setting, and the fiery red piece connected the sea and the sky, forming a beautiful sunset on the sea.

She walked to the rock and watched quietly. After a while, Su Hao came to stand beside her.

"Yes, the seaside, shells, sandy beaches, and this beautiful sunset, how about this memory?"

The corner of Kaga's mouth raised: "It's not bad."

"Sometimes you stop on the road, stop to appreciate, and if you let go of your vision, you can discover more beautiful things."

"Commander, are you implying that I only do things with my head down?"

"No, I'm just talking about our journey. It seems that Ron is right to suggest stopping and resting on the island."

Su Hao spread his hands and said with a smile: "I didn't say that Kaga, you are always thinking about becoming stronger and ignoring other things around you."

"Commander, you..."

Kaga was angry and funny, paused, and said helplessly: "Indeed, I admit that you are right."

Su Hao chuckled: "Then, can you tell me what's going on with you today? The battle against the company is not the usual you."

Su Hao knew about Kaga, and it was because of that that he thought of tonight's arrangement.

To be honest, since Kaga came to the port area, Su Hao really didn't care enough about her.

Of course, there is also a relationship that is too busy, but in general, human beings are like this. When new people forget the old ones, things that were once elusive will not be cherished so much once they are obtained.

Although Su Hao often reminds himself that there is nothing to be proud of, cherish every girl around you, bastard!

But now, if there is anything Kaga needs him to help with, Su Hao will definitely do his best.

"You really want to know?"

Kaga didn't have a reason, and he wasn't so flustered anymore.

It's just that she doesn't think Su Hao really wants to know.

"Well, really." Su Hao patted his chest and raised his head: "Although I'm just a mere human, as a commander, meeting the requirements of the ship's mother is also what I should do. No matter what it is, don't underestimate it. Me, if you have anything to say, just say it, and I will find a solution for the rest!"

"Actually nothing."

Seeing Su Hao's confident appearance, Jia He suddenly became mischievous.

"Actually..." Kaga looked at Su Hao with a smile on his face, "Actually, I was thinking, what would it be like if there was little Kaga?"

Su Hao: "???"


PS: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhcome on!

Chapter 595 The visit of North Carolina, Tiancheng is the best in the world!

Su Hao took the ship girls to Iron Blood, and the port area is not so quiet.

Although Richelieu also went out, the port area still lives in the same way as it should be. In such a large port area, there are still some people working.

The news of the establishment of the Alliance Headquarters in Tianlingshui City Port Area has also spread like wildfire among ordinary people. Even though the Maritime Safety Administration did not deliberately publicize it in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, many people still know about it.

At least here in Lingshui City, ZF sent people to congratulate them before. They pulled a large cart of flower baskets, banners, etc., and were finally packed up by Richelieu and thrown into the grocery store.

And those shipping companies that were originally in Lingshui City, some of them did not, all applied to strengthen their cooperative relationship with the port area. So far, the coastal escort business in Lingshui City has basically been taken over by the port area.

The port area takes jobs away, which means that it is difficult for those free ship girls to find large-scale escort jobs when they arrive here.

But it is obviously not suitable for all ship girls if there is only this kind of task.

Gradually, Lingshui City has become a place that Liberty Ship ladies don't want to come to.

"Ah? Go to Lingshui City, there, don't go, don't go!"


"There is no oil and water. I couldn't find a good entrusted task even after I went there. In the end, I barely found a far away one. I still don't know where to go."

Probably that's it.

Because the escort came here, sometimes it took a long time to find a satisfactory escort job.

Unless it is specifically for tourism.

Tourists, what are you doing in Lingshui City?

Look at the people, look at the port area, look at the handsome commander here?

The ship girl is not so superficial.

Su Hao originally thought that he would be able to find a lot of ship girls if he became famous in the port area, but the reality is often so cruel.

However, the free ship girls were not picked up, and sometimes some ship girls can still be picked up.

such as……

At this time, a golden figure appeared outside the port area.

It took a long time to get here from Baiying. Originally, the Baiying Maritime Bureau had a lot of work. Even if the company leaves, Essex will not go back these days. Think your purpose is too obvious?

Although Bai Ying's ship's wife said so, but Essex also said to go back immediately, go back immediately, go back immediately, the horse has run away and hasn't boarded yet.

In the end, he had no choice but to come as a dispatcher of the White Eagle Maritime Safety Administration. At this time, North Carolina appeared here.

She wants to see how exaggerated this legendary port area is.

eat human?Eat ship girl?

After all, it was a coincidence, the company got to know the commander here because of what happened back then.

Essex because of business.

Washington...isn't surprising that he ended up being lured in because he had no brains.

In North Carolina, she was rational.

"North Carolina!"

A call came from afar, and York City brought Haman over to greet him.

North Carolina looked left and right, "Where's Washington?"

"She is going to perform the mission in the port area."

"Miss White Eagle, do you work for the port area?"

"Because Washington has now joined the port area."

When York City said this, North Carolina was stunned for a moment, didn't it tell me that it was here for training? ?

"And what about Essex?"

"Going to perform the mission in the port area."


"Stop talking about it, let me show you first."

North Carolina nodded and followed York City into the port area.

Again, she is a rationalist, and she will not jump to conclusions until she fully understands it.

"Commander went to Iron Blood some time ago and took away some of the heavyweights in Minato, Enterprise, Amagi, Akagi Kaga, you should know all of this, right?"


"Bismarck is also among them, but this time when the commander came back, she also came, and it seems that Tirpitz also came."


The rationalist North Carolina pushed her glasses, only to realize that she had forgotten to wear them. She was not short-sighted in the first place, and she could see everything around her clearly.

She saw a group of little guys running over, the one in the lead seemed to be Saratoga from the former headquarters of the Maritime Bureau.

She saw a maid leading a group of maids. York City explained that it was a group of maids in the port area. Now the Royal Bepha is the head maid, but the word royal has already been removed.

She also saw some people sitting together drinking tea, the brilliant, the Hood, the fearsome victory, George V... A bunch of big ships had nothing to do during the day, drinking tea leisurely.

Seeing the ship girls in the port area, I counted for a long time and finally gave up decisively.Seeing the floors of the port area, one building, two buildings, three or four buildings, five buildings, six buildings, seven or eight buildings, all of which fell into the port area and could not be seen.

The size of the port area is terribly large, and the number of ships is astonishingly large.

The port area is the alliance base, guarded by the four camps.

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