Looking at it this way, it really fits Tiancheng's character, she is always so cautious.

Ming knows, she has also heard about what happened to Tiancheng before, Jian Niang is amazing, in every sense, even now it is impossible to predict all the things that may happen to Jian Niang.

Just like this time, the little ship girl, if it wasn't for Chicheng's accidental success, who would have thought that the ship girl could really 'give birth' to a child?

Only when this kind of thing happens, can we find the corresponding reason to explain it, and it is much easier to speculate conversely than to prove it positively.

Tiancheng's body was built from a python, few people knew about it, Ming didn't know, at this moment a device appeared in her hand, pointing at Tiancheng, the device made a beeping sound.

After a while, Ming looked at the numerical display above.

The durable armor value... Wow, it's so high, and the shelling value is also very high, as expected of Amagi Meow, it's amazing Meow!

Amagi was slightly confused: "This is?"

"A simple state testing device meow~" Ming said with some pride, "It can quickly detect the state of the ship's mother, including various abilities corresponding to numericalization."

"It's amazing."

Tiancheng was sincerely amazed, it seems that even the Maritime Safety Administration does not have such a thing.

"Hmph~ This is the cat invented by Ming and Yubari!"

In fact, it was made using the technologies provided by Su Hao, but thanks to her and Yubari's excellent skills, the otaku cat really didn't blow it out. In a sense, both Ming and Yubari belong to technology nerds.

"So there's nothing wrong with my current state?"

"No problem meow, why don't you say that Tiancheng is the best ship girl I've ever seen meow!"

"Yes...that's it."

Amagi pursed her lips.

Is it okay...

"Yes." Ming clenched his fists to cheer, "So let's make a boat as much as you want, meow!"


Tiancheng was a little embarrassed.

It was seen, but it was nothing.

"Thank you~"

After expressing his thanks, Tiancheng prepared to leave.

A figure flashed past the door.


The waves pushed the yacht and shook it slightly. At this time of night, everyone was in their rooms, and the whole yacht seemed extraordinarily quiet.

"Oh~ Tiancheng, Tiancheng, you are really disappointing."

Shaking his head secretly, Amagi blamed himself in his heart.

The problem now is no longer a matter of 'building a boat'.

It was a mental illness, a hurdle, and she found that she was always a little bit unable to get over it.

The so-called heart disease is roughly like this.

It's as if some people know that they have depression, and they know what to do to be good for the condition, but they just can't do it.

If you can't do it, you can't overcome it, it is a defect.

Amagi couldn't forgive himself for being like this.

Walking to the deck, facing the sea breeze, her long chestnut hair danced gently, and a sense of emptiness emanated from her body.

"If you wear another cherry blossom umbrella, it will be the Tiancheng I am most familiar with."

A voice came from above.


Amagi looked at the figure sitting on the railing of the upper deck with some surprise.

Kaga jumped down from the top and walked to Amagi.

"It's so late, why don't you stay in the commander's room and come here to have a wind?"

Kaga's tone was relaxed, and it was rare for him to tease Amagi, but the latter had no intention of joking with her at all.

"what happened?"


"Sure, how long do you think I've known you?"

Kaga frowned slightly, "It's really strange, I encountered something annoying today, but it turned out to be you."

"It's not a big deal..."

"Come on, you can't even fool me with your appearance, let alone your sister." Kaga was full of curiosity, "What is it that bothers you?"

Elegant and leisurely Zhuge Tiancheng, in the port area, you can think of it as calm and unhurried, not panic when things happen, the pillar of the port area.

"Don't talk about me, it's you. Did you say anything to the commander in the evening? Seeing that you are in such a good mood after you come back."

"I..." Kaga chuckled, and said without hesitation: "I'm discussing little Kaga with the commander."


Tiancheng was startled.


Figured out?

Kaga spread his hands: "Commander keeps asking, so I have no choice but to say~ Let me explain in advance, I am not trying to steal a man from you, Commander is someone I respect, he is a strong human being, and he is also the one I most recognize A human being."

"What, you are the ship's mother, and the lord is the commander. There is no such thing as whether to grab it or not."

"Haha~ But in my opinion, you wedding ships are as lively as fighting in the port area every day." Kaga laughed, "It's really interesting as a bystander."

Tiancheng was helpless: "Why do you look like a different person today."

"I should be the one asking you this sentence. It's not like you, Tiancheng, who hesitates. The Tiancheng I know is a 'ruthless character' who makes decisive decisions and never hesitates when it's time to make a move. He's frightening." Harbor Counselor."

"You, don't make me sound like a villain, am I that scary?"

"Of course it's scary for others." Kaga chuckled, "But for us, Amagi is the most reliable companion. We, especially Commander, everyone trusts you all the time."

"So, please have more confidence in yourself, please? You are carrying everyone's expectations. How can the powerful battlecruiser Amagi be weak?"

"Congratulations to you..."

"Okay, okay." Kaga stretched his waist, swayed and walked into the cabin, "It's really sleepy at this late hour, oh~ Do you want to go to the commander's room to rest tonight? Forget it, My sister seemed to be calling me just now, so be it."

Looking at the back of Kaga leaving, Amagi felt warm in his heart.

She turned to look at the pitch-black sea.

When he turned around again, there was a smile on his face, and his purple eyes shone brightly in the dark night.


Here, Su Hao was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

Recently, I downloaded a game called Yuanshen, because they were all playing z23, and Su Hao also wanted to try it. He had no hope on the sea, but there seemed to be a signal station nearby, and he could barely receive a mobile phone signal here.

However, there are some cards, and the skill issuance is delayed for half a day.

z23: "Oh~ Commander is dead again, good food!"

Javelin: "That is to say, the three of us can beat the dungeon, but we can't beat the dungeon with the commander."

Lafite: "Because I have to be distracted every time to protect the commander."

Su Hao: "That's why I told you to leave me alone, just hit yours."

Lafite: "No, the commander is the commander, no matter where you are, we will protect you."

Su Hao: "Ha... I'm really touched when you say that."

z23: "So the funds for the game room are not enough, Commander, you are so moved, hurry up and send a big red envelope."

Su Hao: "Why is it not enough? Didn't you just give the money last time?"

z23: "Last time was last time."

Javelin: "z23 bought a lot of game cards, Vicious bought a lot of snacks and Coke, Lafite bought a lot of wine, and the rest is gone."

z23: "For the rest, Javelin bought a lot of comics."

Lafite: "It was all spent by the javelin."

z23: "Yes, that's her."

Javelin: "Huh? Why is this? Ayanami and I have the least share, okay?"

Su Hao: "Okay, okay, I'll talk about it when I go back... By the way, I don't think this is very good, isn't it the latest character? The legendary adult, why does it feel so good?"

z23: "Who told you that the newest is the strongest."

Su Hao: "Isn't this common sense? The new release is the son of the version, and we will find a way to weaken it later, otherwise, who would spend money to draw cards? Players are not idiots."

z23: "Who knows, anyway, it won't work this time, you are playing a support, and you are also a weak chicken in support."

Su Hao: "No wonder I always die."

z23: "You died because you were too skillful~"

Su Hao: "It's not right, it's too stuck, it takes me a long time to move even if I move, forget it, let's play."

z23: "Commander is going to retire, that's great everyone!"

Lafite: "Goodbye, Commander~ I miss you."

Javelin: "Come back soon."

After chatting for a few words, Su Hao quit the game.

"Too stuck, play a game."

Shaking his head, he couldn't help complaining a few words about his krypton gold card draw just now, he was just like an idiot, and he will never krypton again in the future.

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