"Hey~ It's better to buy skins for wives with krypton gold in the past."

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Su Hao walked over and opened the door, it was Tiancheng.

Recently, Sister Li took little Richelieu to sleep every day, which was inconvenient. Chicheng didn't come over, and the company seemed to be watching something. Seeing Tiancheng at this time, Su Hao burst into tears.

Woooooo~ On a cold night, only the naizi of Amagi can bring a little warmth.


Tiancheng folded his hands in front of him, and bowed to Su Hao, "I'm sorry."

"Uh, what's wrong?"

Su Hao was a little puzzled.

"My lord, what happened last time... was Amagi's fault, and I have been immersed in a negative attitude these days, which really damaged the image of the marriage ship in Minato, so I'm sorry~"

Su Hao froze for a moment, last time?Wait... oh, it's that one.

He couldn't help laughing.

"That's it?"

Tiancheng nodded seriously: "Master, you can punish me, Tiancheng swears that he will not make such a mistake again in the future!"

"What are you talking about?" Su Hao hugged her, and said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't care about that at all. Of course, I didn't mean that I didn't want a small Tiancheng, but I didn't even want Tiancheng because of this kind of thing. You are the most important thing to me. If you want to say that I am angry, there is also, Tiancheng, you can tell me if you have anything in the future, don't always bear it alone, okay?"

Amagi was taken aback for a moment, and then revealed a gentle smile.

"My lord, I'm sorry~ Tiancheng will never do that again."

The Lord is so gentle.

Tiancheng smiled slightly: "Master, this time, Tiancheng will not be confused again."

Saying so, Tiancheng held Su Hao's hand, and the two came to the bedside.

Tiancheng had a strong premonition in her heart, she felt that this time it would definitely work!

It doesn't need to be 7 times like Chicheng, but a kind of emotion triggered from the body as the carrier of this missing, to wake up the little guy sleeping in her heart.

However, the most direct way to arouse this feeling is naturally to spend a good night with the one you love.

Su Hao didn't think too much about it at this time. He vaguely guessed Tiancheng's thoughts before, but the latter didn't speak. He believed that a ship girl like Tiancheng would definitely find the answer in his heart.

Whenever you need his help, he will reach out without hesitation.

But now it seems that there is no need, Tiancheng is still so good.

And so... big.

It's really big.

Every time I get alone with Amagi, I will sigh like this.

The palms were kneading constantly on the soft Oupai, this touch was simply intoxicating, and the fingertips were extremely sensitive to the cherry red buds, making Amagi couldn't help but let out a suppressed moan.

Tasting gently, sucking, what lingered at the tip of his nose was a pleasant smell, Su Hao buried his cheeks, at this moment he just wanted to be intoxicated on Tiancheng's warm chest.

"Well... the Lord still likes this, really, there is nothing you can do about it."

There was a gentle smile on the corner of Amagi's mouth, and a doting look in his eyes.

She stretched out her hand and gently hugged Su Hao's head with both hands.

After a long time, the two separated again, and under Tiancheng's guidance, Su Hao lay down, confused, and saw Tiancheng use her foul European style to fall down, landed on...

"Master, let Tiancheng continue to serve you."

This time, Amagi didn't have any distracting thoughts in his mind.

There is no fear and worry.

She just wanted to make the bond between her and her beloved become deeper.

The moon sinks like water.

So at the same time, on the other side, in Akagi's room.

"Huh? Where did you go just now?"

"Go outside and blow some air."

"What about my elder sister?"

"She, she shouldn't be coming back tonight."


The next day.

There is an extra little guy on the yacht.


PS: Hey hey~ I feel that the little guy can't stop. The idea that came up in a flash of inspiration before, I always feel... If I go on like this, I really want to play football in the port area!For the next little guy, if there are any, just take them all at once. Of course, not all of them will be taken at one stroke. Well, we will arrange it at that time.

PPS: I graduated, everyone! !

Chapter 596 Want to Give Aunt the Ring?The first scientific research ship in the port area!

Tiancheng Chicheng, Xiaotiancheng Xiaochicheng.

Who can experience double happiness?

In fact, for Su Hao, he never thought that a small sky city would jump out immediately.

In the final analysis, this kind of small ship girl is actually a manifestation of the deep bond between the commander and the ship girl on the one hand, and on the other hand, it depends on the ship girl's intentions.

It's not that there is a deep bond, but on this premise, the ship's mother will appear if she has the urge to bring a little guy.

And this impulse was interpreted by Tiancheng as "special persistence", if it wasn't for too deep obsession, it would not have awakened Xiaojianniang.

Richelieu's persistence, Chicheng's persistence, and Tiancheng's persistence.

However, there are still people who are not very persistent.

Such as enterprises.

During the days wandering on the yacht, Su Hao also went to the corporate room, but nothing was left after one night.

Ah no, exactly what was left behind, but not what everyone thought.

"Little ship girl... I don't really want it."

This is the words of the enterprise, because after seeing the appearance of the little Chicheng, and the little Richelieu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, considering the possibility that a little troublemaker may be "born" in the end, the enterprise finally thought about it, forget it , more on that later.

But then again, the little guy is like an adult, looking at Little Chicheng and then Little Richelieu, he is actually not sure, after Su Hao finally sees Xiaotiancheng, he will be sure.

What the hell is this 'little' ship girl?

It is said that a little girl should be called a girl. Just by seeing that face that is disastrous to the country and the people, I know that this is definitely not what a child should have, and after seeing the peaks and peaks protruding from her chest, I am even more sure of this. idea.

If Xiaotiancheng is a little guy, then look at Saratoga in the port area, she is going to be autistic.

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Impossible!!"

Passing by a place for supplies, when I was resting, I don’t know who sent a message to the group, which immediately caused a huge wave.

Elizabeth: "This is Tiancheng's child? Why is it so big?"

Sister-in-law Sara: "It's definitely not, Prince Eugen, don't talk nonsense, this is obviously a girl who was kidnapped by the side of the road, how can the little guy be so big."

Mikasa: "It looks really similar to Amagi, it was carved out of the same mold."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "That's not right either!"

Mikasa: "There's still a tail."

Sister-in-law Sara: "No, no, no! I won't admit that this guy belongs to Xiaotiancheng!"

[Administrator Tiancheng invites Xiaotiancheng to join the group chat. 】

Sister-in-law Sarah: "???"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Everyone, this is my child, please give me your advice from now on, @小天城来, say hello to everyone."

Xiaotiancheng: "Hello everyone.jpg"

Mikasa: "Yo~ This dynamic picture is really cute. Hello Xiaotiancheng, I am your sister Mikasa, and I am in charge of Sakura's affairs. If you want to play with Sakura in the future, just come to me anytime."

Kaohsiung: "Why do I feel a bit like Nagato? He looks so delicate, and he doesn't have that immature feeling, like a little adult."

Nagato: "???"

Kaohsiung: "Master Nagato, have you learned to type?"

Nagato: "No, but Chokai adjusted the voice for me."

Chokai: "Master Nagato sees the crowd so lively every day, she also wants to talk."

Mikasa: "Why can't you learn to type?"

Lu Ao: "Hee hee~ my lord sister is drinking tea every day in a daze, she didn't study at all!"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Is everyone's topic off topic?"

Sister-in-law Sara: "@婚船天城 Did you pick up a ship girl somewhere?"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Ah? Why do you say that?"

Sister-in-law Sara: "Look at Xiao Chicheng and the others, and then look at your little Tiancheng, isn't there too much difference? Humph~ I've already seen it, you can't fool me!"

Xiaotiancheng: "Hello, Sister Sara~"

Sister-in-law Sara: "Who is your auntie!? I am my sister! I am my sister!"

Xiao Tiancheng: "But everyone said I can call you sister."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Who, what bastard is talking nonsense!"

Prince Eugen: "Photo.jpg @小姐子萨拉 Compare it yourself."

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