[Sister-in-law Sarah withdrew from the group chat. 】

Everyone: "..."

[Lexington invited Saratoga to join the group chat. 】

[Saratoga changed the group name to diving, do not disturb]

The sister-in-law was injured, it was [-] million points of critical damage, Su Hao, who had been peeking at the screen, thought about it and finally chose to continue peeking at the screen.

At the same time, he also paid attention to Xiao Tiancheng who was pressing the phone, and after hesitating for a while, he picked up Little Richelieu.

There is no way, Xiaotiancheng is too...


Although the life on the yacht is leisurely, it is not so boring. I chatted with the little guy, and then I was asked by Shangri-La about the secret of "building a boat". Come, then Xiaotiancheng was 'born' properly!

The yacht is so big, surrounded by a sea, the sea is full of water, how can you find the ship's wife?

Shangri-la thought that if he got this secret, and then the Maritime Safety Administration added it to the learning content of the Naval Academy, maybe the number of ship girls would be doubled in the future.


The idea was good. On that day, Shangri-la came out of Su Hao's room blushing, and never mentioned the matter of 'building a boat' again.

As for Bismarck, she doesn't care too much. Like the company, she has the biggest headache of raising children. Of course, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have a headache, after all, she is not a married woman.

Ron wanted to die, but it was a pity that Richelieu stared at her and sabotaged her plan several times.

In the end, Ron refused to accept it, so forget about Bismarck's defeat, and go to stop others?

Lost Dog Golden Retriever Lost Dog Golden Retriever Lost Dog Golden Retriever...

Not long after being so arrogant, she was pinned to the ground by Bismarck.

Strictly speaking, Bismarck is Ron's guardian, with a 100% bonus to Ron's special attack.

Su Hao is happy about this. Although he accepts Ron to join the port area, at present Ron's character really needs to be strengthened. In the future, when she enters the port area to accept the influence of the beautiful culture of the port area, and her character is restrained, then It's never too late to relax.

It doesn't matter if it is tight now, it will definitely be looser in the future.

It's just that Bismarck had no idea, but one day Tirpitz suddenly came over and asked, "How can I wake up the little ship girl?" Su Hao was so frightened that he immediately turned on his phone and looked at the almanac. House'.

However, it is impossible to enter the house. If Bismarck finds out, he might be hanged and beaten. Although the latter usually does not care much about Tirpitz, once something happens, he will immediately turn into Shura and lead Iron-blooded people beat each other until they don't even know their mother.

But Tirpitz was just asking, and then more attention was paid to the little Richelieu and the others. Su Hao found that Tirpitz usually looked cold, but he was very loving in his heart, cold on the outside and hot on the inside. , It's probably what she said.

"Commander, teach me how to play with a mobile phone~"

On the yacht, Ron took advantage of Bismarck's absence and moved to Su Hao's side.

I bought a few mobile phones for them in a supply island city before, and now Xiao Chicheng has his own mobile phone, joined the Minato Game Club, and hides in the room every day to play games. grab.

And little Richelieu is not interested in mobile phones. She prefers to stay with Su Hao rather than playing games. This may be because she has inherited the characteristics of Sister Li. She was born with a 200 favorability degree. If it is not because she is a little guy, I'm afraid that if Su Hao falls asleep at night, there will be one more person under the quilt.

Of course, it was probably because of this, that Richelieu was very relieved of the little guy.

Chicheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth, look at him, little Chicheng, you are really a five!

At this time, other people were not around, and it was rare for Ron, who took the mobile phone, to find a little chance. Now she was really picking up the time left by others.

Su Hao knew her intentions, but he still taught her patiently. To be honest, there was always a beautiful girl like Ron who posted up by his side. As a man, at least he was very satisfied in his heart.

Alas~ man, it is such a simple creature.

"Like this, unlock, click here, this is the chat software I told you earlier, you know how to use it, right? And this, it is the software for watching videos, this is..."

Su Hao taught by hand.

"Eh~ Which one? Commander, please speak slowly."

Ron was flirtatious, and squeezed her body over. At this time, she was wearing a beige down jacket, but this was the only jacket with the neckline open, revealing a deep cleavage. In Su Hao's eyes, the huge white tender ball hit his field of vision desperately, even if he didn't want to see it.

"Ahem~Miss Ron, please respect yourself."

Beside, Su Hao's loyal maid, Sirius Xing, coughed lightly.


Ron pretended not to hear. As an excellent commander, Su Hao couldn't open his mouth to make the ship's mother sad, so he could only sit there bearing the burden of his breasts.

But Ron's plan still failed, Bismarck did not come, but after a while Richelieu came, accompanied by little Richelieu.

Su Hao remembered that little Richelieu was here just now?It's really strange.

Richelieu is here, and the newcomer Ron is going to give way to the veteran, and Richelieu is a wedding ship, so there is no room for Ron.


Seeing his position being squeezed out, Ron was about to explode.

"Why?" Richelieu glanced at him, "It seems that you, as a newcomer in the port area, still have a lot to learn. I will arrange the work for you when you go back."

Ron froze.


Just wait, when I grow up completely, what kind of broken port area, let me see my mother lift it up, and then fly away with the commander!

Sirius, who witnessed everything, shook his head secretly.

Young people, too young too simple.

The survival code of the port area, never confront Sister Li head-on.

Richelieu is an older sister, everyone knows this in their hearts, even if you are a married woman, she is also a married man, and the married man is different, anyway, this is what the women in the port area think in their hearts, it is fine if they don't fight.

Although Chicheng and Richelieu are at odds with each other, she is very smart and will hide beside Tiancheng to pretend to be powerful. Ron is a newcomer with no power or power. In the end, he can only rely on Bismarck to cover him, but Bismarck himself has no important position in the port area. , so her defeat was doomed from the very beginning.

Of course, whenever Ron recalled this experience many years later, he realized that the most important turning point in her life was when she first entered the port area. That night, Ron grew up a lot.

That's probably the case. Time passed leisurely at sea, and when he looked back, Su Hao found that he had entered the waters of Lingshui City.


When they went out, they beat gongs and drums, and when they came back, the pier was still crowded with ship girls.

I talked about it in the group before arriving, and the long-awaited ship girls came here. At this time, the yacht docked at the pier, and Su Hao and a group of people came down from above.

A lot of girls gathered around, North Carolina, a newcomer, she looked left and right, a little puzzled.

"Commander Su Hao is so popular?"

Although this question feels a bit redundant, as far as she knows, even in the port area, the relationship between the ship's mother and the commander is not that close, and some commanders in the port area even operate the port area as a 'company'.

This model has recently become popular in some places. In addition to their own ship girls, there are some other free ship girls in the port area who provide remuneration as commanders, and the free ship girls come to the port area to work and handle some daily affairs. In the cooperative relationship, the ship's wife can leave as she wants, it doesn't get in the way.

"The commander is already so popular."

Washington stood there with his arms folded. She didn't go there. After all, she was not close enough to Su Hao. Joining the port area was to fulfill her promise, and she had no choice but to lose.

"Commander, Commander, you're so smooth." North Carolina glanced at her and said helplessly, "So when are you going back?"

"Haha! Don't worry, wait until I clear this dungeon."


"I mean wait until I defeat all the ship girls here."

"you sure?"

"what happened?"


North Carolina was thinking that they had to find a chance to knock Washington out.

Otherwise, if she continues to stay, she will become a fool sooner or later.

If you are not a fool, why talk nonsense all day long?

While the two were talking, Su Hao in the distance had already come over surrounded by the girls.

St. Louis also reported to Su Hao about North Carolina, so it was not surprising that the latter saw her.

"Welcome to the port area." Su Hao smiled, "How do you feel?"

As soon as Su Hao opened his mouth, everyone's eyes immediately gathered.

North Carolina is under a lot of pressure.

"Very, very good, this is the most beautiful and powerful port area I have ever seen."

"That's good, have fun. If you have any requirements, just tell me, or tell my ship girls...Let's go, go in first, I bought a lot of gifts and came back."

Su Hao finally shouted to everyone.

"What, is there a gift? Where is it?"

"rua! I want a gift, I want to roast a whole lamb!"

"Xili, you are enough, eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat, you foodie."

"Huh? Assault, do you have any opinion on foodies?"

"No... George V, can you put the sword down?"

After marching into the port area, Su Hao distributed the special products brought back from Iron Blood to everyone, and briefly talked about the journey.

In fact, everything that should be said has been said in the group, but everyone was surprised by the arrival of Tirpitz. They thought it was only Bismarck, but now, all the sisters are here.

Needless to say, Prince Eugen, this guy is so shameless that he regards the port area as his home, so it is not surprising that she will come.

After chatting for a while, everyone left with presents in their hands. After a while, Su Hao returned to the office.

"Has anything important happened these days?"

he asked, and St. Louis went berserk.

"A few more days? You've been gone for almost a month!" Aunt Sheng was furious, her beautiful eyes widened and she said, "You can go, why did Richelieu suddenly run over? Huh? He was so anxious to have a baby." Will the boat come out? You are not here in such a large port area, so let me take care of it with a light patrol?"

Su Hao immediately begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Sister Li is like that, your lord has a lot~ Besides, what are light patrols and not light patrols, Yixian is also a light patrol, and she can manage the entire Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau, her ability is here, St.Louis you too, in my heart you are the best!"

"Come on less." St. Louis rolled his eyes, "It's useless even if you praise me like that, don't expect me to manage the port area for you in the future, I'm just a financial manager now, just a mere financial manager, don't take me too seriously, just Let me fend for myself."

Su Hao quickly apologized twice.

But then, something felt wrong again.

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