Why does St. Louis' tone sound...a bit like a boudoir's resentful woman?

Although he would complain a few words in the past, in fact, St. Louis himself is also the serious and responsible type, who occasionally teases him, probably a feeling of a calm and unhurried big sister.


Is it my delusion?

The three major illusions in life, Aunt Sheng likes me?

At this moment, Richelieu settled down the little guy and came over to deal with the matter.

After leaving for so many days, she certainly felt sorry.

As soon as she walked in, St. Louis left.

Richelieu was a little confused, and looked back, "Xiao Hao, what's wrong with St. Louis? It seems a little unhappy, is it because I left everything to her?"

"Ah, probably... isn't it?"

"Did you just say something?"

"Not at all." Su Hao scratched his head, "Just talking... a little wronged."

"That may still be my fault. I'll talk to her later."

Admit if you are wrong, Richelieu is not unreasonable, after all, it is indeed her problem to leave quietly this time.

However, it's the same even if it happens again. At that time, I didn't think about anything, I just wanted to reach Su Hao as soon as possible.

But after finishing speaking, Richelieu changed his tone: "But I didn't expect St. Louis to be so angry. It stands to reason that this also gave her a chance to show off and strive to become a marriage ship in the future."


Su Hao turned his head with question marks.

"Sister Li, what did you just say?"

"What I mean is that St. Louis has paid so much for the port area. Now help manage the port area. It will become a wedding ship in the future, so I can share more things for you."

"Wait, wait, sister Li, ah... where did this wedding ship start? Why do you think about St. Louis becoming a wedding ship?"

Su Hao was depressed.

Fried chicken depressed.

On the other hand, Richelieu took it for granted and didn't speak, but the meaning revealed in his eyes was probably 'Don't you want to? '.

Ah this.

"Anyway, sooner or later." Richelieu seemed very open-minded, "You should be more proactive, Xiao Hao, for an excellent ship girl like St. Louis, otherwise her enthusiasm for work will be consumed after a long time...Huh? Wait, Did you bring back anything special for St. Louis?"

Su Hao shook his head honestly.

It never occurred to him.

"Alas~" Richelieu sighed while resting his forehead, "I finally know why she is angry now. She has worked hard in silence for so long. Anyway, I should give special thanks to express your concern for her...Xiaohao, you really are a little I have no experience chasing girls."

Su Hao: "???"

I?Chasing girls?

Sister Li, I will tell you that I have so many wives, are they all being chased back?

Of course, it can't be said to be chasing backwards. Anyway, the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife doesn't need to be so pretentious. Once they get along well, the relationship will naturally sublimate.


Whose fault do you think it is, Miss Li!

Thinking back to the old high school days, those young and budding loves, with a sour smell of love, were crushed by Sister Li with a strong posture on the first day of school.

At the opening ceremony that day, Richelieu appeared in the eyes of everyone, so beautiful, holy and charming.

She told everyone in the most straightforward way, all of you, don't think of my brother!

Because of that, even though Su Hao's handsomeness was enough to be rated as Xiaocao, no girl took the initiative to confess to him in the whole high school.

And he never chased any girls.

So, theoretically speaking, Su Hao really has no experience in chasing girls.

At this time, Richelieu was pondering for a moment, but he didn't care about Su Hao who was caught in the vortex of memories.

After a pause, she said: "Then it's better than this. You can just find an opportunity to confess your love to St. Louis. Anyway, being clumsy has its advantages. For a person with rich experience like St. Louis, it might be better to be clumsy."

Su Hao opened his mouth.

When I came back to my senses, only Abba Abba was on my mind.

"Is there a problem?"

"It's too big, okay?" Su Hao's face was full of black lines, "Sister Li, you think things are too simple, who is St. Louis, I didn't know how much it took to fish her into the port area. You still want to give me a ring now?"

"Then do you like it?"


Richelieu dared to ask, Su Hao dared to answer.

Honestly, like it.

Richelieu chuckled: "That's right, it's you who overcomplicated the problem."

In her opinion, St. Louis, as the boss of such a large group, can commit himself to a small port area, how commendable it is.

It's fine to join the port area, and under Su Hao's persuasion, he is still in charge of finance. The management of the port area is more thoughtful than her management of the company. Why?

In this, I'm afraid it's not just because of her status as a ship girl in the port area.

To be someone else, Richelieu really had to think about it.

After all, one more marriage ship means one more person to share Su Hao with her.

But in St. Louis, she couldn't find a fault.

Moreover, for the better development of the port area, this ring must be given away!

"Let me see first."

Su Hao slammed his mouth, not knowing what it was like.


He still holds three rings in his pocket!

Anyway, the matter of the Guanghui sisters has to be dealt with first.

Thinking about it this way, just after he came back, Su Hao's head grew bigger.



Aunt Sheng, Aunt Sheng, even though Richelieu said that, Su Hao still plans to wait and see for a while.

Find a chance, give St. Louis a little more time, get a taste of what's going on.

The main thing is that Aunt Sheng's rank is too high, Su Hao always feels that he can't hold it.

Although it is reasonable to say that Sister Li, Tiancheng and these ranks are all very high, but they are different from Aunt Sheng.

Like Sister Li, there is no one who has been running for ten years.

The same is true of Amagi's words, the two have had an inseparable bond since they woke up.

The other ship girls are also considered to be the category with relatively low difficulty in love.

In terms of St. Louis, it is reasonable, but it cannot be beaten.

In addition, considering this juncture, he had to find a way to announce the matter of the three glorious sisters.

After going back and forth, how can there be so many thoughts to give St. Louis a ring?

The main reason is that there are three pieces and three wedding ships here in one breath. It is estimated that the port area will become lively.


Thinking about it this way, one ring has two rings, one ring has two rings, this is indeed the case for men.

But Su Hao felt that he was not a scumbag, he just wanted to give every wife a warm home.

For this reason, Su Hao no longer cared what others said about him.

Go on, go on, just call me a bastard who loves the mother-in-law!

After returning to the port area, I worked hard all day to deal with work.

However, St. Louis has already dealt with most of the troublesome things, and what is left to him is some necessary document approval, contract review, etc. It takes time, but it is not difficult to do.

At this time, he sat at his desk, compared the list on the desk, and recorded it in the system.

"In less than a month, we have a lot more resources in the port area. If this continues, the warehouse will burst again."

In the game, the warehouse is often exploded, and the supplies cannot be collected when they are full, but this is the reality, and there are such extravagant troubles, tsk~

Richelieu chuckled softly: "There is no way, who made our port area strong, by the way, Xiao Hao, last time I talked about the establishment of the Lingshui Port area branch..."

"That, I remember, but I always feel that the branch is weird."

"Then it's simpler, establish a garrison base, and use the base as the basis to advance the management of the port area a little bit outward. Our port area has this strength, so it's time to do something that other port areas dare not do."

"Then sister Li, how much do you think is more appropriate to advance?"

"Based on the current scale of our port area, at least in the sea area within D area, there should be no sirens." Richelieu smiled confidently, "Clearing out this sea area is of great significance to the development of Lingshui City , In addition, for our port area, the exploration of the sea area near the area is no longer enough to meet the development of the port area, and we need to focus on deeper sea areas, just outside the D area."


This is like playing checkpoints in the game. After the level is raised, the benefits of playing 1-1 all the time are too low.

"Then find an opportunity to discuss with everyone, and form a defensive line in the form of a stronghold to push forward, but the station will be assigned to the ship girl."

"It's possible to take shifts, but in fact, we don't need too many people. Firstly, our ships in the port area are strong, and those sirens in the sea area within D area are too weak. Secondly, the work of stationing the stronghold is mainly based on vigilance, so safety matters Very secure."

Su Hao nodded, and briefly discussed it. As a future plan, just like Sister Li said, the world's number one port area should also look like the number one.

Not long after, accompanied by Dido, Su Hao came to the warehouse to look at the full supplies.

Satisfied, so cool.

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