"Hoo meow~ Commander?"

A cat came out of the full warehouse.

"Ming, why are you here?"

"Commander, I was just about to tell you." Ming was very excited, "After the unremitting efforts of Yubari and I, the first scientific research ship in Minato has successfully appeared, meow!"


Su Hao was shocked.

"Yes meow, I'm here to find supplies, meow. Now the production of the second-order mental cube has been completed, and the data filling has reached 100%. We only need enough supplies, and theoretically we can wake up the ship girl meow~"

"Then hurry up, hurry up, Dido is here to help!"

"Good host."

The progress of scientific research has finally ushered in the final step. Su Hao couldn't wait any longer. After spending so much effort and money, finally some results appeared.

Su Hao: "@Everyone come to the scientific research room to witness the miracle!"

Sister bride: "What's wrong?"

Su Hao: "Through the unremitting efforts of the port area, coupled with the scientific research progress made in this time to go to the Iron Blood Technology Exchange, the port area has broken through the upgrade problem of the Rubik's Cube, and will successfully awaken the scientific research ship girl!"

Bismarck: "Really?"

Elizabeth: "Isn't it?"

Mikasa: "666"

Essex: "Is it so powerful? White Eagle hasn't researched it yet."

The girls reacted differently.

Soon, under the call of Su Hao, the ship girls rushed over from all directions.

So many people squeezed into the scientific research room, surrounding the huge equipment operating in the middle, at this time Ming and Yubari were tinkering in front of the equipment.

Not long after, Ming waved and motioned for Su Hao to go over.

"Commander, the research ship girl's data collection comes from our side, so she has an impression of you in her memory meow, as a commander, come and witness her awakening for the first time meow~"

Saying so, only heard a click.

The machine was running.

The sound of heavy metal parts working rang in my ears, and it took about ten minutes before it stopped.

Immediately, the hatch of the cultivation cabin opened.

A cool breath blows head-on.

Su Hao opened his eyes wide.

The white robe was hanging down, and the beautiful dark blue hair was dancing. Under his expectant gaze, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

The red and blue pupils are particularly stunning, and a touch of human doubt gradually emerges on the almost perfect face.

Immediately, doubts turned into enlightenment.

She looked at Su Hao, and said in an ethereal and gentle tone:

"Are you the one who awakened me from my long-lasting dream? My lord, Ibuki, although I am still a practitioner, if you don't dislike me, I will let you be sent."


PS: The recent epidemic feels a little serious again, and it’s winter again, everyone, don’t go out for a stroll, pay attention to safety!

Chapter 597 Who Let You Be My Commander?

The scientific research was a great success, and Ibuki's wife came to the port area, and Su Hao was so excited.

You must know that in the game, Su Hao especially liked to use Yiqiu, use it, to fight, and use Yiqiu to fight.

Although the panel data does not look good, the thunderstorm damage is frighteningly high. It is really hard to figure out that he is a heavy patrol but relies on lightning strikes to make a living.

But whether she is strong or not, Su Hao likes her.

Beautiful two-color pupils, extremely sexy body, weak and shy sexy, blushing when there is nothing to do, the little Q who is over after the battle is really super cute.

That's it, I don't care if you are strong or not, lsp never cares about these things!

I blow my wife!

Su Hao shouted in his heart.

Then he turned around and hugged Sister Li Tiancheng Enterprise Chicheng Dido Assaulter and other wedding ships.

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, a strong man never shows his vulnerable side.

[The group owner invited Ibuki to join the chat group. 】

Sister bride: "Welcome, welcome~"

Mikasa: "Wow~ Sakura's scientific research ship girl has come out, I feel like I'm going to be invincible!"

Ron: "Tch~ Shige Sakura, I can hit her ten times!"

Mikasa: "Kaohsiung, go!"

Kaohsiung: "The sword is as light as mine, cutting all the mess!"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "I don't care, I want the ring!"

Dafeng: "I don't care, I want the ring!"

Sister-in-law Sarah: "I don't care, I want the ring!"

Hi to H's victory: "Hey hey~"

Sister bride: "Shengli, why did you change your ID again? Don't keep changing it."

Hi to H's victory: "It's okay, anyway, I added the word 'victory', so I can't admit my mistake."

Sister bride: "So is your sister?"

Hi to I's fearful: "I also have the word' fearsome'."

Sister bride: "??? Is your sister too?"

Radiance who wants to turn into light: "No, I just played with it recently because I think it's quite interesting. If it brings trouble to everyone, I'll change it back now."

Sister bride: "That's not true, I just feel strange, nothing."

Su Hao: "So the building is crooked again?"

Ibuki: "Hi everyone."

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

Su Hao: "Long live St. Louis!"

Crowd: "Long live St. Louis!"

Su Hao: "St. Louis is number one in the world!"

Everyone: "St. Louis is number one in the world!"

St. Louis: "Come on, Commander, I'm still angry. Don't think that you can get over it with a few words of coaxing everyone."

Su Hao: "Ha~ I'm not being perfunctory, I'm telling the truth."

Helena: "Why does it feel like a wife reprimanding a wronged husband?"

Marriage Ship Raider: "Helena, you've watched too many romantic dramas."

Cleveland: "Yeah, yeah, Helena likes to watch these things recently, and she's still watching them when I'm working with me, and I can't concentrate, which makes me work hard."

Helena: "???"

St. Louis: "???"

Portland: "???"

Hood: "Cleveland, there's something wrong with you."

Cleveland: "???"

Su Hao: "Okay, okay, what are you thinking about working so hard in Cleveland? @圣LOUIS I'm really not perfunctory, so why don't you want what you want, and I'll buy it right away."

St.Louis: "You're going to cheer me up with something you bought?"

Sister Bride: "Ahem ~ St. Louis, it's almost there."

Ron: "Who is this guy? So arrogant?"

[Ron was banned for 1 hour by administrator St. Louis. 】

Little Richelieu: "Shivering.jpg"

Little Guanghui: "Little Richelieu, come to the room, let's play games together."

Little Richelieu: "Here we come~"

Hi to H's victory: "Commander, what did you do to make St. Louis so angry."

Mutsu: "I'm good at riding!"

Nagato: "Mutsu, you made a typo."

Mutsu: "Eh? Isn't that so?"

Mikasa: "..."

Su Hao: "@圣路易 Where are you?"

Cleveland: "Commander, we're at the pier."

Winter has passed, and the temperature has risen a lot. When Su Hao came back, he saw that the empty house by the pier was already in use.

Shiranui is currently renovating the coffee shop here. She and Ming paid a huge sum of money for the renovation, and she feels distressed, but it seems that she plans to spend a lot of money to hire maids from the port area to serve as shop attendants.

Maid Cafe.

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