Although Su Hao feels that he is very marketable, in fact, he is the only man in the port area, and the ship girl will not go to the coffee shop just because of the maid, right?

So Su Hao seriously doubted whether this way would work.

In addition to the coffee shop, there is also a special seaside canteen. In the future, Shiranui will be guarded here and Ming will be guarded. In addition, there will be a rest area, and there is even a swimming pool. Cleveland said that this is St. Louis’s proposal. After playing in the sea, wash it off by the way. Otherwise uncomfortable.

At this time, Su Hao took Ibuki to wander around the port area, and received a reply from Cleveland, bringing her here.

From a distance, I saw St. Louis and Cleveland talking at the pier.

"Master, why is St. Louis angry? Could it be that waking me up consumes too many resources?"

When preparing to go, Ibuki said suddenly.

"It has nothing to do with this." Su Hao waved his hand, "You have to believe that those resources are just a drop in the bucket for St. Louis. Besides, the supplies in the port area are sufficient now, and she is angry because of other things."

"Ha~ Master, are you afraid of St. Louis?"

Although he woke up not long ago, the situation in Minato was almost understood. Ibuki was very surprised. His Minato was so powerful, and the master was also strong, but why was the powerful master afraid of St. Louis getting angry?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the ship's wife obey the commander's words?

Just like that, the commander stands on the battleship and gives orders, as the ship's wife, he only needs to obey the orders.

Hmm... something seems wrong.

Ibuki thought secretly.

Then I heard Su Hao say: "I'm not afraid, the commander's matter, there is nothing to be afraid of, the main reason is for the harmonious and stable development of the port area, right or wrong is hard to say, but the port area is not so clear, if Yibuki, if you are angry one day, no matter it is right or wrong, I will go to comfort you."

"Eh? This...thank you, thank you, Lord."

Yibui blushed and said softly.


No, you blush with a bubble teapot.

Didn't I just say something very common?If it were any other ship girl, it would probably be "hehehe" and pass by with a smile.

Just as he was thinking, Cleveland waved his hand in this direction.


"Commander, what are you here for?" St. Louis crossed his hands in front of his chest, holding his chest. It's a good thing if you don't hold it up, it gives you a heavy feeling, a shy, direct-looking feeling.

"Of course I came to see you."

Su Hao looked around, "During the time I was away, this place has changed so much."

"Haha~ St. Louis designed it with reference to other piers. I have been busy going back and forth for a long time. There are many aspects that I didn't think of. St. Louis thought of it. Commander, you and I..."

"Cleveland!" St. Louis glared at her. "I want you to talk."

"What's wrong?" Cleveland scratched his head, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, Cleveland, you continue to talk." Su Hao signaled Ke Dad to continue.

However, even Ke Dae knows how to read the atmosphere. At this time, she was stared at by St. Louis, and she knew something was wrong. She couldn't figure out why something was wrong, but what Helena said came to her mind: When you can't figure it out, you must Something is wrong, then just make excuses and leave.

"Oh, right!"

Cleveland tapped his left palm with his right fist, "Helena seemed to have something to do with me before, I almost forgot, Commander, St. Louis, and that, Ibuki, right? I'm sorry, I'm leaving first!"

Cleveland ran away in a hurry.

St. Louis is helpless, is your acting skills worse in Cleveland?I would have believed you any more.

After tidying up his mood, St. Louis raised his eyes, "Ibuki, hello, welcome to Minato."


Compared to St.Louis's openness, Ibuki seems a bit reserved and shy.

Su Hao slammed his lips and said, "Speaking of which, I have read all the documents processed in the port area during this period. Thank you, St. Louis. I have troubled you with so many documents."

"Nothing, most of them were done by Richelieu."

"Then you have done a lot. Sister Li sneaked away later. Don't worry, I have severely criticized her last night."

"That's your business."

St. Louis looked at other positions, "Commander, do you have anything else to do? If not, I will leave first. I have something to deal with at the company."

"Uh, what's the matter? I'll see if I can help."

St. Louis paused for a moment, then said, "The water park is about to open, I'll go and have a look."

"That's right, I'll take Yiqiu out for a walk, let's go to your side to have a look."

St. Louis stared at Ibuki for a while.

Finally dropped two words and left.

"what ever."

St. Louis walked towards the port area with his big butt twisted. Su Hao was about to follow, but was pulled by Yibuki.

"My lord, I still... I still don't want to go."

Although I don't know why, but for a moment just now, I felt as if I was... hostile?

Ibuki is not a fool, the sensitivity from the ship's mother made her quickly realize that there should be something between her master and St. Louis, so she seems redundant with the past.

"It just so happened that Kaohsiung invited me to practice swordsmanship, I, shall I go and have a look?"

"I see." Su Hao nodded, "Okay, next time I'll take you around the city."



Not long after returning to the port area, Yiqiu ran away, and St. Louis was a little surprised when he saw Su Hao alone.

"Where's Ibuki?"

"She went to sword practice."

St. Louis frowned slightly, and then relaxed it quickly.

"Are you going to drive or I will drive?"

"Let me come, today you are the big boss, and the business is going well."

St. Louis smiled and said nothing.

Get in the car, turn on the ignition, step on the gas pedal... don't even think about it.

The veteran driver Su Hao drove the car out of the port area steadily.

"Those maids didn't follow you." St. Louis said with some surprise.

"It's not that they want to go out, they also have things they want to do." Su Hao smiled, and glanced at St. Louis who was leaning on the co-pilot, "Speaking of which, you came to Lingshui City at the beginning, it seems that it is because of this water. Paradise?"

"how is this possible?"

St. Louis snorted, "Lingshui City is not a big place, and the possibility of making money from facilities such as water parks is too small. I came here mainly for vacation and to see Cleveland. As for the plan for the water park, it will be finalized later. of."

"That's really fate."

"Hmph ~ yes, fate, I should stay at the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration and enjoy it. I came here for nothing, and now I am being squeezed by you like a worker."

"Nothing, nothing." Su Hao said immediately, "How can you be a worker, you are also a manager of the port area now."

St. Louis said blankly: "The treasurer of the port area?"

"It's awesome to be in charge of the financial power of the port area."


It seemed something was wrong, Su Hao smacked his lips: "Actually, positions and so on are all false. Anyway, the port area is our home, and everyone should do their best."

"I don't care about this...forget it, I don't know."

St. Louis turned to look out the window.

Su Hao was ashamed, he had to say it if he didn't understand clearly.

Why do you feel that there is a feeling of conflict between the young couple?

Female: You are cruel!You are ruthless!You are vexatious!

Man: Where am I being cruel?Where is the ruthlessness?Where did you make trouble for no reason?

Female: I don't care, I'm going back to my mother's house!

Alas~ The heart of a woman, the needle in the sea, it's all because the breasts are too thick.

There was silence all the way, and soon arrived at the entrance of the water park.

At this time, the opening ceremony has already begun, and it seems that the employees here did not expect St. Louis to come, and the latter wore sunglasses and a hat when he got off the car, as if he was visiting privately.

"Put it on for you."

St. Louis also gave Su Hao similar equipment.

"No need?"

"If you want to be mobbed by reporters, just go out."

Many people in Lingshui City know that this is the property run by Jianniang in Suhao Port District, especially those reporters, who have a good nose.

And Su Hao is now a very popular newcomer in the circle of commanders, the current commander-in-chief of the Alliance of Azur Lane and Red Axis, a five-star general, a three-star excellent commander, and so on.

Any one of these series of titles would make the reporters in Lingshui city excited to the point of climax.

However, Su Hao hardly even goes out of the port area, so it is impossible for those people to get Su Hao's exclusive information.

How can you let go of such a good opportunity to open now?

"Wait, it seems that someone is coming?"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment.

"Quick! Commander, hurry up and drive!"

Hearing St. Louis' shout, Su Hao was just about to turn off the engine and get out of the car, but hurriedly kicked the accelerator again, and the car quickly sped out from the parking lot.

Only a group of plainclothes reporters with cameras were left behind, snapping and snapping.

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