When he reached a place with few people, Su Hao carefully looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm careless, I shouldn't be driving this car." St. Louis also looked left and right, looking very careful.

Su Hao suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" St. Louis pouted, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even drive out."

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, but then again, you are such a big boss in St. Louis, and you have been chased by people all the time. The cautious look just now is really no different from ordinary girls."

St. Louis was silent for a while.

"I was just an ordinary girl."

After speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Uh, did you say the wrong thing again?

Su Hao put on his sunglasses and got out of the car.

Overtake St. Louis and walk with her on the road.

From here, there is a long way to go. I saw many people handing out leaflets on both sides of the road. In fact, it is still very cold at this time, but St. Louis seems to have a lot of indoor facilities, and the outdoors are only part of it. This is probably the most special thing about the Louis Group. As long as the weather is not particularly cold in winter, it is basically open for business.

Of course, it's hard to say whether it will make money or lose money. After all, Lingshui City is such a big place. Although Su Hao is here, it has been telling the development in the past six months.

It is estimated that in two or three years, this place will completely catch up with Wujiang City next door.

When we returned to the gate, there was already a long queue waiting to enter.

"Today is the weekend and there are many people." St. Louis explained, "But I didn't expect so many people to come."

Her eyes fell on a banner in the distance, surrounded by many flower baskets and other celebratory things, and there were residue marks left by firecrackers on the ground.


Su Hao stretched out his hand.

On the side of the gate, there is actually a TV station reporting live.

"I'm going, isn't it just a casino opening? It's such a big show."

"You don't understand. Just this casino can bring huge benefits to Lingshui City. From the perspective of providing jobs, Lingshui City must pay attention to it."

St. Louis is not surprised, "Let's go, go and have a look."

There were too many people at the door, and it would not be known how long it would take if they queued up to get in. In the end, the two walked through the back door, avoiding the sight of the reporters and sneaking in.

This is the first time for Su Hao to come here this year. After entering, he feels that it is not much different from what he remembered. Generally, this kind of entertainment place is hygienic, convenient, spacious, and green. According to Su Hao, he has to check the sanitation first. Situation, then is big enough, not crowded.

As for the things to play, Su Hao actually doesn't have much requirements for those, at least not the scale of a children's playground, but there are also many children's play here, and the indoor ones are generally more casual.

Su Hao saw many parents coming with their children, men and women coming in like them, and also saw many people who were alone, Su Hao felt puzzled, why do you come to this kind of place alone?

Single dogs don't deserve to come to the playground.jpg

Farewell, do not send.

Su Hao watched the excitement, and St. Louis watched the doorway.

She picked out some problems and wrote them down along the way, and she looked at them very carefully and seriously.

Su Hao didn't bother her, but felt admiration in his heart. St. Louis's success is not unreasonable for a ship girl to achieve this level.

And I have to say that women who work hard are also very attractive. Su Hao just looked at St. Louis along the way, and felt that time was rushing away.

"what happened?"

Noticing Su Hao's gaze, St. Louis stopped, slightly puzzled: "Any thoughts about this?"

"That's not true, I don't have that kind of talent, I just think St. Louis you are very charming when you are serious just now."

St. Louis blushed, his eyes flickered under the sunglasses, and then he curled his lips.

"Now I'm just picking out nice things to say."

"No, from the bottom of my heart."

St. Louis turned around and looked into the distance, pursed his lips, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After a while, when she turned around, she saw Su Hao being entangled by a big bear.

"You two are a couple, right? Come here to play, take a photo and remember it."

One of them smiled at them like a staff member, "This is the mascot 'Mosinas' of our playground, how about taking a photo with them?"

"This..." Su Hao looked back.


St. Louis nodded without waiting.

"Then, let's stand together, Moses, you stand a little closer, yes...the two of you get closer, don't be shy, what's there to be shy between lovers?"

"Well, do you want to take off your sunglasses? It's not easy to shoot like this."

"No need, that's it..."


St. Louis interrupted Su Hao's thought of refusing.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Commander, what do you mean?"

"Being discovered or something."

"Just be careful, there's no one here."

St. Louis's sudden obsession made Su Hao a little confused. He was obviously so cautious just now.

The two whispered a few words, and then St. Louis would be the first to remove the sunglasses.

The person who took the photo stared, "Boss, boss!?"


St. Louis signaled him to keep quiet.

The man nodded excitedly.

The boss is here, isn't the one next to him...

Su Hao also took off his sunglasses.


The man couldn't help crying out.

"Su, Susu Susu Commander!?"

Su Hao was taken aback immediately.

"Ah, it's me, what's wrong?"

"Commander Su, you are my fan...ah bah!" The man said incoherently, "I am your fan!"


"Hurry up, I'm being slowed down." St. Louis interrupted the other party's idea of ​​rushing over to hug Su Hao.

"Yes yes yes...I'll go, I was able to take pictures of the boss and Commander Su."

"MD, I'm going to buy a lottery ticket."

The staff member was already a little excited.

"...Boss, you should get closer to Commander Su, and get closer. Your relationship is so good, it's too stiff."

"Commander Su, why don't you hold the boss's hand... Well, Moses, get out of here, it's a bit of an eyesore."

"Moses Moses!"

"Go away."

The mascot was kicked away, but without delay in taking pictures, Su Hao posed a few poses with St. Louis.

Holding hands, hugging, of course, it's all about it.

St. Louis did not refuse, but felt a lot better.

Not long after, the staff member took out the photo and handed it to Su Hao. After finishing the work, he consciously disappeared into the crowd.

"Let me see."

St. Louis took the photos and looked at them carefully, and then divided the number in half, "These are for you, and I will keep these."

"I like it so much."

"You don't like it?"

"I like it, it's a good shot, and you have a good employee."

"He'll just wait to pack up when the shoot is off."


Su Hao discovered that it was really rare to see St. Louis being self-willed.

Looking at it this way, in fact, St. Louis would be angry, willful, and vexatious, just like an ordinary girl.

Um?and many more.

Thinking of this, Su Hao suddenly understood something.

He has always been used to treating St. Louis as the "big boss", and sometimes he speaks in a subconsciously polite manner. Although he thinks that St. Louis only joined the port area not too long ago, and the identity of the other party is different. For a big man who has been in the mall for a long time, the way he usually treats Jianniang may not be suitable for her.

Because of these considerations, I don’t know how to get along with St.Louis. I can only maintain the most basic etiquette. Sometimes I am molested, secretly thinking that the other party’s level is too high. In fact, thinking about it, I feel that there are many people who molested him like this in the port area. many.

If you put aside the identity of the 'big boss', the St. Louis standing next to him at this time is probably an ordinary girl who came to the playground and wanted to take a photo.

An ordinary girl, an ordinary ship girl.

"What are you looking at me for?"

St. Louis, who was looking down at the photo, noticed Su Hao's gaze, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, I just think it looks good. Didn't I say it before?"

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