"You are like this again, you want to make me happy, and you don't need to pick these nice words. I'm not Richelieu, nor Tiancheng. If you say a few nice words, you will be so happy that you can't sleep at night."

Su Hao chuckled and said, "Of course you are not them, St. Louis is St. Louis, unique existence." After speaking, he apologized again: "Sorry."

"What is this for?"

"Well... because I have always regarded you as the 'big boss'."

St. Louis was slightly taken aback.

She looked at Su Hao, the charm in the latter's eyes seemed to be conveying the things that she always wanted to see but couldn't see.

Fool, do you finally understand?

She doesn't want to be a big boss. An ordinary ship girl is fine. Ordinary, even if she is not a secretary ship or a port accountant, an ordinary ship girl wants to be treated not so bluntly but politely, just like an ordinary commander and Like between ship girls.

It doesn't matter if you help manage the port area, it's just that you are not satisfied. After Su Hao came back, he politely said 'thank you' and then said 'sorry'.

Compared with these two sentences, what she wants to hear is "Thank you for your hard work" and "You did a good job", so that even ordinary praise will do.

"Forget it, forgive you."

St. Louis raised his mouth, "Who made you my commander?"

At this moment, Su Hao could clearly feel that the atmosphere between the two seemed to be getting closer all of a sudden.

"Ah! It's Commander Su!!"

A cry of surprise awakened the two from their smiling gaze.

Su Hao turned his head, and saw a group of people with fanatical faces swarming towards the two of them.

"Commander Su, I'm your fan!!"

"Me too, Commander Su, please sign for me!"

"Commander Su, I want to have a monkey with you!!"

Su Hao was dumbfounded.

Nima, is this a group of star fans?

"What are you still doing, run away!"

St. Louis took the initiative to hold Su Hao's hand.

The two, in the frantic pursuit, left with laughter.


PS: I have a cold cough, it’s been several days, maybe the weather is cooling down too fast, it’s uncomfortable~ I wanted to write 9k words, so just eat something like this and roll into the bed~

Chapter 598 Sister Li: I asked you to marry one, why did you marry four?

After escaping from the water park with St. Louis, the two wandered the streets again.

In St. Louis parlance, come and see.

It's not about buying, but looking at it. Even Aunt Sheng doesn't seem to be keen on spending money?

People without money like to spend money indiscriminately, but people with money don't like to spend money. What is the reason for this?

"I'm not interested in money, as long as I have enough."

Facing Su Hao's question, St. Louis replied like this.

Su Hao slammed his mouth, and really wanted to know what level this "enough" is, and is it a reality that he will never be able to achieve?

But aside from this point, St. Louis is indeed an ordinary ship girl as she said.

Ordinary warship girls and ordinary commanders are rolling the road together, and they don't even need cars.

Wandering around, I came to a jewelry store, which seemed to be holding promotions.

"Go and see."

St. Louis walked in with great interest.

In the jewelry store, Su Hao raised his head to look at the plaque, and then remembered that this is the store he frequented.

There are all kinds of jewelry in the store, as well as rings.

There are rings and there are rings...

Su Hao suddenly remembered Richelieu's words.

He hadn't thought about it so much before, it wasn't that he didn't love Aunt Sheng, in fact he loved her so much that he could prprpr her all over the screen.

However, because of her status before, Su Hao was a little cautious when getting along with Aunt Sheng, as if she was a parent for food and clothing. Because of this, he initially refused to let St. Louis pay for the construction of the port area, but later ...

She gave too much.

That's how people are. After enjoying the experience of getting something for nothing, they don't want to work hard anymore.

Because of being raised, I subconsciously feel inferior at the psychological level. Of course, it is not that serious in fact, but because of this, I become a little restrained and fall into the whirlpool of stubbornness.

The above is referred to as 'hypocrisy'.

Isn't it good not to work hard?Wouldn't it be nice to be taken care of by Aunt Sheng?

During the conversation with St. Louis before, Su Hao suddenly realized this truth.

It's useless to be cheeky, sticking to the ship's mother is the kingly way.

Besides, it's not that I didn't work hard at all, it's just that I can't catch up with Aunt Sheng for the time being, right?

Sister Li saw it more clearly. She suggested that Su Hao give the ring directly. Su Hao didn't know if Sister Li had already considered this point.

Maybe I can see it, but I didn't say it. Some things have to be experienced before they can be understood. Otherwise, there will be ship girls in the port area in the future, and they will talk about each other. When will they talk.

But even if he didn't say it, after clicking like this, Su Hao understood.

No matter how big the problem is, as long as you can accept the ring as a gift, then everything is not a problem.

After all, the oath is very important to the ship's wife.

But the problem is...

I still have three rings in my hand and didn't give them away!

"Commander, what do you think of this bracelet?"

St. Louis looked down and asked casually, "Do you think this one with flowers looks good?"

"Which one?"

"Here, by the way, what kind of flower is this?"

"Violet." The clerk introduced with a smile. Seeing Su Hao coming over was like seeing the golden master's papa, and his enthusiasm suddenly rose. "It's Commander Su, this jewelry is really good. Violet symbolizes eternal love." Beauty and Love is the latest series of jewelry launched by our store, including bracelets, necklaces and rings, if you buy a set, you can enjoy a [-]% discount~”

Even though he was wearing sunglasses and a hat, the clerk could spot Su Hao at a glance.

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth.


How dare you say that you take me for a fool?

At this time, he came over, indifferent to the clerk's introduction, but looked at St. Louis, who seemed to be really interested in this set of jewelry.

The clerk also noticed this, and hurriedly took out the three-piece suit including the bracelet.

"Look at it together, isn't it very beautiful? And it's also very meaningful, Miss Ship, you are Commander Su's wedding ship, right? This three-piece suit is really suitable for you."

St. Louis pursed his lips, did not speak, neither admitted nor refuted.

It was as if he was just looking at jewelry seriously.

Su Hao stood for a while, feeling a little silly to continue, so he said, "It's pretty pretty."

After he finished speaking, he looked carefully at St. Louis again, observing the latter's expression, but Su Hao failed.

His expression didn't change at all!

In the end is to or not?

Like it or not?

Buy it or not?

Aunt Sheng, you should say something!

However, St. Louis didn't nod, but just stretched out his voice as if thinking.

Finally came a sentence: "It's okay, Commander, if you want to buy it, you can buy it, you buy a set, I want this bracelet."

Su Hao: "???"

"This lady is very picky. The bracelet indicates that you will hold eternal beauty and love in your hands. Commander Su, you have already said so, a man must be enlightened at this time~"

The lady clerk frantically gave an assist.

I just want to get the hang of it, ask Aunt Sheng to explain clearly, labor and management have covered all the rings in this store.

But right now, there is a decision to be made. St. Louis only likes bracelets, but he didn't say no to rings and necklaces. It doesn't feel right to buy Su Hao alone. It doesn't matter whether it is useful or not, after buying it, it will be used in the future anyway.

Thinking about it this way, Su Hao doesn't have to worry anymore. It's good if there are many girls in the port area. If you don't want her, you can have her, and you won't waste as much as you buy.

"Then let's get a set."

St. Louis didn't say anything, but the clerk spoke with a smile.

"Commander Su, this set of jewelry is on sale right now, and the quantity of the Violet series is also limited in our store. Do you want to consider buying a few more sets? Presumably your married couple will like it?"


Su Hao exhaled and shook his head: "No need, I'll come again when I need it."

"But it might be out of stock by then."

"It's okay, when the time comes, I'll ask your boss directly to ask for it. If he doesn't think of a way for me, I'll just seal your shop."

Clerk lady: "???"

I may not be human, but you are a real dog.

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