After being in a mess for a while, the shop assistant went to pack the jewelry for Su Hao.

"Let me pay." Su Hao said to St. Louis.

"You should pay, don't you still want me to pay?"

St. Louis raised his mouth, "Didn't you say that before? I can buy whatever I want."

"Of course, what else? I'll buy whatever you say."

"Forget it." St. Louis waved his hand lazily, "I've run out of pocket money, why don't you have to ask me for it later."

"I can make money."

"Even if I earn it, I won't keep it."

"Uh... what you said makes sense."

Aunt Sheng is the chief financial officer, and now she has fully accepted this position. She was unhappy before because Su Hao was always polite to her.

What are you polite?Snapped!Soon, the old lady hit her with a slipper.

You are welcome.

Of course, it is impossible for St. Louis to be so straightforward. She is not as straightforward as Ron Dafeng. She says half of what she says, and you think about the rest.

Not long after, the jewelry was wrapped.

St. Louis really only took the bracelet, then gave Su Hao a look, and walked out of the shop.

Su Hao scratched his head, holding the ring and necklace box in his hands.

Then the clerk said in a low voice: "Commander Su, there is a saying that if you hesitate, you will lose. Come on, welcome to visit again next time~"

Su Hao pouted, I will tell your boss to fire you before I come next time.


After shopping for jewelry, there was nothing to do, and the two finally drove back to the port area.

After getting out of the car, St. Louis went back to his residence. Su Hao was in a complicated mood. Now he has 4 rings on him.

Su Hao: "Sister Li, I bought a ring."

Richelieu: "Huh? Did you go out with St. Louis just now?"

Su Hao: "Well, I feel like I was wrong before."

Richelieu: "Hehe~ Come on, since you bought the ring, be brave."

Su Hao: "Uh, Miss Li, do you really have no objection?"

Richelieu: "What to object to, whoever you want to give the ring to is your right, but the right to accept it is in the hands of our ship girl, so I can't help you with this, but I don't think the entire port area will object."

After all, St. Louis has worked hard for the port area, and everyone can see it.

There is really no problem for her to become a marriage ship.

Su Hao: "Well, then I'll look at the situation and try."

Richelieu: "Remember not to worry, just follow what you think in your heart. The important thing is not the ring, but your heart. You should know this best."

Of course Su Hao knew that he did this all the way.

But the problem is...


Four wedding ships!


A voice suddenly came.

Su Hao put his phone away, turned his head, and saw Shengli's head sneaking up from a distance.



Being pulled, he passed five levels and killed six generals along the way, avoided the radar scans of Ron and Atago, summoned the big mackerel to scare away Dafeng, and finally arrived at the residence of the Victory Sisters safely.

To be honest, Su Hao still has a subtle feeling in his heart for hiding even though it is his own port area.

But that's a victory, and it's not a victory without being sneaky.

"Okay, okay, there's no one left."

Su Hao looked at Shengli standing at the door and looking around cautiously with a speechless expression, "Why are you acting like a thief?"

"Commander, you don't understand, the wall has ears." After finishing speaking, I thought that I was the one with ears, so I said again: "Now there are so many eyes in the port area, and I don't know how many people are staring at you. Now it's a secret stage, you can't exposed."

It can't be exposed, but I want to post it, the only way to win is this.

"Fortunately, Buffa and the others didn't follow you. Speaking of which, did you go out with St. Louis just now? I saw her holding a beautiful box in her hand, laughing all the way, looking like a slut."

"What, I feel like you're more of a slut than St. Louis."

"Hee hee~ I'm just following my rules of the game. Speaking of which, Commander, did you go out with St. Louis just now?"

"Yeah." There's nothing to hide, Su Hao walked into the living room, picked up a pack of Want Want biscuits and opened it, "Her company opened today, I'll go over and have a look."

"water park?"


"and then?"

"What then?"

"I mean, after reading it, didn't you go to the city? Shopping, shopping malls and hotels or something."

"Victory, something is wrong with you."

"There's something wrong with you. If you take a girl out on a date, the last place is a hotel. Isn't that common sense?"

"Where did you get your common sense?"

"Look, I understand everything you don't understand, Commander, no wonder people always call you an idiot."

I'm stupid?I am the commander-in-chief of the alliance, the strongest commander of the port area!

With his hands behind his back, Shengli looked at Su Hao playfully.

Look here and there, look up and down.

Finally, he tilted his head: "What's in your pocket?"


Su Hao has no idea of ​​hiding at all. In fact, getting along with Shengli is the most relaxed.

At this moment, he directly took it out and showed it to Shengli.


"It's packed, wait, forget it, it's not appropriate to unpack it now."

"Tch~" Shengli curled his lips and asked, "Who is it for? Sister Guanghui?"

Su Hao smiled: "For you."

"I don't believe it, I can tell what you think at a glance." Shengli squeezed his fingers, um~ for a while, there it is, "Is it for St. Louis?"


Victory, victory, you are really the roundworm in my stomach.

"Hee hee~ Yeah, I knew it." Victory smiled triumphantly, "You can tell from the way St. Louis looks like, hehe~ It's been planned for a long time. I didn't know how happy I was to take over the management of the port area before, but I just didn't show it. Commander, you are also an idiot, you can't tell if you are playing hard to get, pretending to be angry, or drunkenly, St. Louis, her rank is really high."

"What a mess."

It is undeniable that what Shengli said makes sense, but knowing it is one thing, and saying it is another.

At this moment, Su Hao took a bite of the biscuit, Shengli immediately sat down, opened his mouth "Ah~", and asked him to feed it.

Su Hao stuffed the biscuit into her mouth, thought for a while, and said, "Victory, I have four rings on my body now."

"Huh? Are you talking too much?"

Victory chewed a few bites and swallowed the biscuits, "Four?"

"Ah, I bought three from Iron Blood."

"What, Commander, have you gotten rich recently?"

"No fortune, and a yacht, but I think it's time to give you a ring."

Victory is an elf, and he immediately understood what Su Hao meant.

At the same time, I also understand why he has been frowning.

To put it bluntly, there are too many rings and I am too embarrassed to give them away!

She patted Su Hao on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "If you buy it, you can give it away. Anyway, you already have so many weddings, so it doesn't matter if you have more, because you don't overwhelm yourself with too many."

Su Hao: "???"

"It's a big deal to rotate in the future. We, the three Guanghui sisters, will be together, so that you won't waste your time. One night is enough."

Su Hao: "???"

"But if the commander marries the unicorn again, it will take two nights."

The corner of Su Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he reached out to knock Victory.

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is."

"What?" Victory was aggrieved, holding his head, "I call it a rainy day."

"Poor, just poor, I wanted you to make up your mind, but I'll ask other people."

"Don't, don't, don't!"

Shengli held Su Hao or he would leave, "Think again, think again."

In fact, I just want to chat more. Shengli doesn't have so many thoughts, but he has to think seriously for chatting.

In the end, the two discussed and discussed for about an hour, and then reached a consensus.

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