The first step is to call people over.

The second step is to give the ring.

"No, I feel like we discussed a ball this hour."

"Haha! It should be a circle, from point qi and then back to point qi."

Su Hao's face was full of black lines: "You still know, waste my time, go!"

"No, actually what I want to say is like this, the simplest is good, we are not human beings, we don't care about so many romantic and fancy ways, otherwise there are so many ship girls in the port area, if you remarry a few more in the future, it's just a proposal The link will kill you."

Shengli said in a calm voice. At this time, his head was leaning on Su Hao's shoulder, with a smile in his eyes, gentle and happy, emitting a soft light.

It was rare for Sister-in-law Shengli to be serious, and she couldn't help but speak to Su Hao's heart.

"that's true."

Su Hao said a word, and then fell silent.

Victory is also quiet.

After a few minutes, Su Hao took a deep breath and smiled, "Okay, now that we have a plan, let's execute it."

He was about to stand up, but was stopped by Victory.

"and many more."

After finishing speaking, she pursed her lips, "You can only get up by kissing."

Su Hao was funny, and kissed her, feeling very warm in his heart.

Sure enough, the ship girl is really great!


There was absolutely no warning and no preparation.

Discussed with Seungri for an hour, and then nothing came out.

I didn’t have any plans, but I had a kind of understanding. Before, each of the ship’s mother proposed, gave the ring, and chose the scene to choose the time and place. Although the effect was very good, but actually think about it carefully, the final decision was only the ship’s mother’s sentence 'I do'.

This sentence is very simple, but it is also very difficult. It is not that these preparations can be exchanged, but that it can be exchanged with sincerity.

But for the three Guanghui sisters, they were already flying when others just started.

So the intention is that you don’t have to worry about it anymore, and you have to go through a process in the end, just take it seriously.

Call back Glorious and Terrible, and they each return to their rooms.

Here, Guanghui is pressing the phone, asking what happened.

Not long after that, Su Hao came in.

Entering the room does not mean entering the body. It is not the time to board the boat. Now is the time for serious people.

"Commander, what's the matter, calling us all back in such a hurry."

Just now she and Kewei were drinking tea and chatting with George V and the others, when they received a message from Su Hao, they rushed over immediately.

"Sorry, it was a bit sudden, but I have been preparing for a long time."

Su Hao walked over with a smile on his face.


"you guess."

"When did the commander learn how to play riddles?" Guanghui smiled helplessly, "Could it be a ring?"


Su Hao Ovo

What Guanghui said made Su Hao confused in place.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

"I think it's about time I received it from the commander."

Guanghui smiled softly, "What's wrong with the commander? Am I guessing wrong?"

"Ah, that's not true, that's right." Su Hao sighed, "That's right, I wanted to show off."

"Ah, I'm so sorry, why don't we do it again?"

"Forget it."

Su Hao took out the ring that he had prepared a long time ago.

"Although it's a bit late, I still want to say something."

Kneeling on one knee in front of Guanghui, and holding up the ring, Su Hao asked very seriously: "Guanghui, can you be my wedding ship?"

Guanghui smiled.

"This kind of thing, isn't it already decided, Commander, I am willing~ In the future, Guanghui also hopes to go all the way with Commander."

Stretching out her pale and slender fingers, wearing a beautiful silver ring, the charm on Guanghui's face was also filled with happiness.

"Guanghui, thank you."

"Hehe~ So, it doesn't matter if you don't have to be so polite. As for Guanghui, as long as it is something that is on the commander's mind, he will do his best to support it."

The ring is worn on the hand, and the sacred vow is concluded.

Su Hao stood up, looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, his heart was filled with pride.

From now on, this is his wedding ship!

His brilliance only belongs to his soft landing.

At this moment, he really wanted to announce loudly to everyone: Look!I married brilliant!

I really like it.

He gently hugged Guanghui in his arms.

After a while, Guanghui said softly: "Okay, Commander, we can't keep my sisters waiting for too long."


Just as he was about to leave, he was pulled by Guanghui again.

The latter looked at him with a smile: "But before that, it's not too much to ask the commander for a kiss, right?"

A kiss, so soft and moist, made Su Hao so happy that he almost got high.

Leaving the room of radiance shortly after, and passing another, was dreadful.

Shengli wanted to come back at the end, and Su Hao didn't bother to worry about it so much.

Knocked on the door, went in, and saw Kewei put down the phone, as if he was chatting with someone just now.

After seeing Su Hao coming in, Kewei stood up with a grin, his beautiful eyes flashing with anticipation.

Before Su Hao could speak, she immediately stretched out her hand.

"Commander, give me the ring!"

Su Hao couldn't help laughing.

"Is there anyone who wants a ring like you? Please, I should speak first about this kind of thing, and then set off the atmosphere, and finally you agree."

"Hey~ That's so troublesome. Anyway, you didn't give me the ring in the end, and then I agreed. How could it be different? Can I still not agree?"

Kewei blinked his eyes, and the little devil's true nature was undoubtedly revealed, "Why don't we do something else before giving the ring?"

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the big bed.

Su Hao was defeated immediately.

Fear is the same as victory, you can't reason or talk about logic.

As for other things, although I want to, but now is not the time.


Su Hao took out the ring. He wanted to give it directly, but he couldn't do it. In the end, he knelt down and proposed.

"I am willing!"

He didn't speak, but shouted loudly in excitement.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻


Su Hao said angrily.

As a result, Kewei sat on the bed and stretched out his feet.

In the end, she pretended to be indifferent: "My queen allows you to kneel and lick."


Su Hao pounced on it and licked it cool.

"Aha! Ahahaha! Commander don' won't work there, it's itchy, itchy..."

It wasn't until Kewei blushed and begged for mercy that Su Hao let her go.

"Well... Commander, you bully people."

Kewei pursed her lips, if Su Hao didn't have something to do next, she wouldn't even let Su Hao go.

"Hmph~ You asked for this." Su Hao left in a cool way, "I'm going to find Shengli."

The voice just fell, suddenly.


The wardrobe opens.

"Clang clang~Victory makes his debut!"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment: "Why are you here?"

Kewei was also dumbfounded.

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