Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, is the money so easy to earn?

But a profiteer is a profiteer after all, and she has completely followed the minds of some girls in the port area, so she can plunder money openly.

And this registration fee is not too much compared to everyone, and it is not as much as the red envelopes received from St. Louis every day!

In this way, the game is still going on smoothly.

As for Yixian, he said he was staying for a few days, and soon went to contact the people in charge of each camp.

Su Hao returned to the office, held a small meeting, and then began to focus on the construction of the stronghold.

After working hard for a week, according to Tiancheng's previous plan, Su Hao contacted the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration and shared information about the advanced mental Rubik's Cube. Under the publicity deliberately arranged by the Maritime Safety Administration, Su Hao's reputation has also grown over time. Cengceng up.


April passed, and it was May.

The ones in Lingshui City have entered the summer time ahead of time.

With the opening of the water park, many tourists from other places have been attracted. Coupled with the fact that the safety of the sea area is guaranteed, some tourists will also stop by to have fun when they come to travel.

Specially on the way, the circulation of the two has brought a lot of economic benefits to Lingshui City.

With the arrival of the summer atmosphere, the Suhao port area has also become cooler.

It's cool in the port area, of course the clothes of the ship girls have become cooler.

The fluffy coat has been taken off, the cool skirt is dancing, the sandals, the exquisite feet, exposed to the air, soaked in the sea water, what's so good about the feet?Ah!Are you an outsider?Feet are the treasures of girls.

The knee-length tube wraps a pair of beautiful legs, which is the match of xp. In addition to this, there are also black silk, bubble socks, and even pantyhose suspenders. lsp is ecstatic, and special lovers are ecstatic.

However, for Su Hao, it really is best not to wear anything.

What is natural and original is the most beautiful.

Lying on a bench placed in a specially repaired rest area by the beach, with a useless parasol on top of his head, the weather is very good, the sun is bright but not harsh, the shimmering light shimmers on the water, and even the sun shines on the ship. The water droplets from the water sputtered from the girls' bodies, accompanied by the pleasant laughter like silver bells echoing in the ears, and even the air was filled with a sweet smell.

It was the sweetness of a beautiful girl, the sweetness of the voice, the sweetness of the body, full of youthful and lively atmosphere, lingering around Su Hao, weaving into a big net that would make one die of happiness and jealousy.

Su Hao opened his mouth and enjoyed a round lychee that Dido peeled and handed over.

"Enough is enough."

At this time, he moved his body a little, rusty, as if there was a rattling sound, and the leisurely time entered the rhythm of the life of the elderly a little earlier, mainly because he was under the care of the maids, and now he feels a little useless.

It wasn't until May that I realized that I had been fishing since I came back from Iron Blood.

Recalling the record of more than a month, several strongholds have been built, but they can only be regarded as temporary constructions. The initial operation effect is good, and now the supplies obtained from hunting above D area every day can be counted as a considerable amount of income in the port area .

And having a stronghold can also allow the ship girls to better display their abilities. In the past, some ship girls wanted to fight, and they were entrusted with patrolling and dispatching shifts. They might not necessarily have their turn twice a week. It is easy to grow grass.

Not only the port area grows grass, the commander also grows grass, and the ship's mother also grows grass.

Long and long, Su Hao admitted that he was a little too lazy.

At this time, he was lying like this, and he could see the figures of girls frolicking in the water in the distance. Behind him was a newly opened small shop in the port area with a hot business, as well as a coffee shop. There were maids in maid outfits in the coffee shop. A ship girl sat outside at a table and chair covered by an umbrella, chatting while drinking tea.

He squinted his eyes, and then his vision was covered, and some playful voices came from his ears.

"Guess who I am?"

Guess it, you don't need to know it's a lovely victory.

"Could it be my glorious wife?"

Even if he knew it, he made a mistake on purpose to tease him, Shengli immediately let go of his hand, pouted and came over to complain, "If you have a wife, you don't want a sister-in-law."

Su Hao yelled that he was wronged. It is obvious that you are crazier than your sister every time. How dare you say that?

Shengli complained, and then Su Hao quickly noticed that besides her, another girl also came over.

"Tirpitz, hurry up!"

Victory waved back.

Tirpitz walked over in a white bikini swimsuit, looking a little stiff.

"Do you have to dress like this?"

Along the way, I noticed the surprised eyes of many people. To be honest, Tirpitz is not very used to this dress, but he does as the Romans do. Summer is like summer, and victory must have the taste of victory.

"Hee hee~ It's pretty, isn't it? Commander, are you right?"

Shengli asked this, his eyes narrowed, obviously on purpose.

"Well, it's beautiful, even better than Victory."

Dido covered her mouth and smiled.

Shengli quit immediately, "How can it be, it's just as good-looking."

"It looks just as good-looking to you. You asked me. Of course, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart. Tirpitz is better-looking."

Shengli was angry, so he opened his mouth and came.

"Bite you!"

He bit his arm, it didn't hurt, and he let go quickly, humming proudly.

Are you afraid?

Then he looked at a certain part of Su Hao maliciously, and opened his mouth to show his teeth.

Can you try again?

Su Hao decisively chose to shut up.

"Tirpitz, let's go."

Victory pulled Tirpitz away.

It's a pity, Raiko's swimsuit, obviously looking forward to it so much.



"Do you like white bikinis?"

Su Hao turned around and smiled, "I like whatever you wear, Dido."

Dido smiled and stopped asking.

Leisurely time, tick tock, time passed, look at the long legs swaying by, look at the plump Opie throwing water droplets, suddenly a strong breath of life hits.

Summer, that's great.


"Master, what's the matter?"

"Come out with me."


PS: I’m a bit stuck, I suddenly want to write a very natural and warm feeling of life, but I feel that the taste is not right. Before I know it, this book has two million words, and there are so many girls, I can’t count it Yes, haha~ Let's go, let's go~ Go for a picnic, go on a trip, go to see the mountains and the sea, as long as you are accompanied by the ship girl, wherever is the most beautiful place.

Chapter 600 Shura Field

In May, the sun was shining brightly.

It has been more than a month since I returned to the port area from Iron Blood. If it was a novelty, it would have passed by long ago, but I still look forward to what happens every day in my heart. Sure enough, I have fallen in love with this place.

At the beginning, I came here purely for interest. I met special people. From my own point of view, it would definitely not be boring. Sure enough, there were all kinds of surprises along the way.

Surprised and even frightened, it was so much fun.

In the port area, in the port area, everyone speaks super nicely, lively and interesting, quite warm, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, the three-year period has come, the port area is rising, Wuhu is taking off, scary and scary.

Royal, White Eagle, Iron Blood, Sakura, Northern United, Iris Country, who else is missing?The Sardinian Empire doesn't know good from bad, just destroy it.

But of course it is impossible, I just thought about it, and then my thoughts turned into sayings, and I was still rolled my eyes, thinking of that speechless expression, I was happy and happy.

When I woke up in the morning, I got a call from my sister.

"Are you still not coming back?"


"If you don't come back, how long will you stay?"

"Ten days and a half a month."

"That will be soon."

"It may also be ten or eight years."


"Maybe it's possible in a lifetime."


Shocking Admiral Hipper for [-] years, he died, and Prince Eugen actually wants to join the port area!

However, the fact is that it is not sudden or whim, it is just that he has not spoken all the time. In fact, among those chatting in the group, which one does not have such an idea?

It's just that it's the same as not talking, the ship's mother's intentions are the most important.

In fact, it doesn't matter if I say it, anyway, the iron-blooded boss Bismarck has already taken the lead in the charge. She is an inconspicuous little role, and no one would care if she thinks about it.


It's just that there are too many ship girls in the port area recently, right?

So much so that sometimes I can't even say a word, and the day just goes by.

Being squeezed by a group of girls during the day, and the time of the wedding girls at night, there is really no way.

I lazily got up from the bed, the morning light shone in through the glass, the birds chirped, it was another beautiful morning.

Prince Eugen yawned and rubbed his eyes, the posture of slumping on the bed was full of charm, the quilt draped over his chest slipped off, revealing her white and smooth skin.

The skin is as white as snow, as warm as jade, so soft that people can't help but want to press it, lick it, prprpr.

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