At this time, I sat on the bed and posted for a while. I picked up the phone and flipped through it a few times. The news in the group seemed to be uninterrupted for 24 hours. It was really too difficult to pick out the news that I cared about.

Get up and take a shower.

Mayday doesn't feel the coolness at all, it's very comfortable to be naked, walking around naked, it's troublesome, I still have to go out, just wear something simple.

Such thoughts ran in my mind, what if I want to play with the commander?Molested, teased, feel comfortable.

Prince Eugen stood in front of the wardrobe and pondered for a while.

After about half an hour, she changed into a suit of clothes and left the room.

"Morning, Prince Eugen."

This house was the residence of the Predator girls. When she went downstairs, Tirpitz was already sitting at the dining table and having breakfast.

Besides her there is Bismarck, and the little knight U556, and...

Ron is busy in the kitchen!

Ron was cooking and preparing a hearty breakfast for everyone, but just looking at her gloomy face and thinking about it, she knew it must not be voluntary.

Speaking of which... my cooking skills seem to be barely good, right?

"Eat, eat, eat, poison you to death!"

Ron angrily brought over all the prepared breakfasts, ignoring Prince Eugen who was approaching.

"Thank you~" Prince Eugen said into the air.

Bismarck said indifferently: "You said that as long as you can come here, you are willing to do anything. Why are you not happy to make breakfast?"

"Isn't there breakfast in the cafeteria?"

"If you don't look at your performance in the cafeteria recently, you are almost blacklisted." Prince Eugen said casually, "Rush over to the commander as soon as you see it, regardless of the occasion, regardless of where there is something, the table The chairs and glass cabinets were all overturned, you are amazing, Ron, half of the big cafeteria was wiped out."

Ron immediately glared at Prince Eugen.

“It’s actually good to have breakfast at home.”

Tirpitz said something silently.

Recently, I don't know why, Shengli has been pestering her all the time.

Obviously before coming to Iron Blood, the two had almost no intersection.

There are so many ship girls in the port area, who is not good for you, why are you looking for me?

Besides, you are a married ship, if you don't pester your commander, what are you pestering me for?

"Very well, why don't you do it yourself?"

Facing Ron's questioning, Tirpitz replied flatly: "I won't."

"You won't, let me make it for you?"

"My sister said you would do it."

"Why would I make it for you to eat? I'll make it for..."


Ron paused.


My own cooking skills are also good, how great it is to cook for the commander!

Bismarck glanced at her and reminded, "If you mess around again, I'll throw you back to Sangvis."

"whispering sound!"

Ron curled his lips, didn't speak, opened his mouth and bit the sausage fiercely.

Kill you Bismarck.

Prince Eugen was amused, hey~ You can meet such a cute guy everywhere.


After a busy morning, I am a little fortunate that I was not harassed by Ron during breakfast. This saved a lot of time. After the morning's affairs were dealt with, I looked at the time and it was only past ten o'clock.

There are relatively few things recently, mainly because after the mind upgrade technology is shared, almost all countries' energy is on it.

After all, the technology that can improve the ability of the mental Rubik's Cube is simply too important to them!

And the Siren seems to have quieted down during this time.

The overall feeling for Su Hao is that the game has entered the maintenance period, and after the maintenance is over, both his own side and the enemy's side will be upgraded.

Su Hao can probably imagine the bewildered look when seeing the more powerful siren after the various countries have developed this technology to improve the strength of the ship girls.

We upgrade, you also upgrade?

Are you kidding me?

But at least during this period of time, Su Hao was very happy fishing.

I contacted Gu Ping a few days ago, and in May, the college has already started arranging internships.

Gu Ping's grades are good, and he will be released to the port area this year if he goes well.

When I contacted him, I asked about the situation. I originally thought about calling this guy for an internship, but then I thought about it.

For example, Shukufu, she has never left since she came to the port area. Summer is here, and she doesn't know where to buy a swimsuit. If it's a swimsuit, Su Hao can't comment.

Why do you call that kind of thing that can't even cover three points a swimsuit?

However, Surcouf only wore it once, and was severely criticized by Joan of Arc later, and he never wore it again.


lsp shook his head wildly.

Because of this, it is definitely inappropriate to ask Gu Ping to come for an internship. Later, he planned to arrange a good place for him, but was rejected, saying that he had already contacted a powerful port area.

Internships are generally arranged by the college. If you have contacts and connections, it’s okay. In the end, it depends on your performance. Even if you are familiar with people, it’s impossible to release the water. ?

However, Gu Ping has always been very strict with himself. Anyway, a good guy will always shine, and he will help him when he is sent to the port area. I believe that Gu Ping will grow up soon.

Putting aside the matter of Gu Ping, think about what meaningful things you have done recently with your fingers.

Thinking about it, the ticking time began to move, at eleven o'clock, a person came into the office.

It's Prince Eugen.

At this moment, Prince Eugen walked in with a lunch box in his hand, smiling.

"Commander~ good afternoon."

"Isn't it morning?"

"11 o'clock is noon, isn't this common sense?"

"Eleven o'clock is morning, that's common sense."

After chatting a few words, I noticed that Prince Eugen put down the lunch box and opened it, and a strong fragrance wafted into his nostrils.

A very delicate lunch.

Rice, lobster, fried chicken and vegetables.

Su Hao wondered, "Why?"

"I'll eat it for you."

"So why did you suddenly make a bento for me? I didn't go out, and it's still early, right?"

"Hmm..." Prince Eugen put his finger on his lips and pressed it lightly, thinking for a while, "It's considered as a lovely wife visiting her husband at work, and by the way, bring him a homemade bento full of love... ...What do you think of such a game?"

"I find it quite strange."

Prince Eugen put his hips on his hips: "Then do you want to eat?"

My lovely wife has suddenly turned into a tigress, no matter what I want to do here, it's hard to refuse, right?

Su Hao hurriedly replied: "Eat, eat, eat, I'm really afraid of you."


Prince Eugen immediately put on a smiling face.

Then, she stood by her side and looked at him with a smile.

From time to time, he deliberately manipulated his posture, as if deliberately attracting Su Hao's attention.

Su Hao swallowed the lobster in his mouth, with a strange expression on his face.

"Speaking of which, what's the matter with your outfit?"

"Ah, did you finally notice?"

Prince Eugen smiled slightly, and deliberately turned around on the spot again, "How is it?"

"How about what?"

"Are you excited? Is there an urge to be instantly fascinated and want to pounce on you?"


The compact white shirt outlines Prince Eugen's slender figure. The lower part of the body is the hip-wrapped pants that can only cover the thighs. The thick shape hangs from the chest, and the absolute area that appears hidden on the sides of the thighs is like a lunch box. more seductive existence.

Eugene Eugen Ou.jpg

However, Su Hao is already lv99, so he doesn't care about this level of temptation at all.

He sniffed and said nonchalantly, "It's okay."

"Is it just okay? How about subduing the temptation~"

"Oh, I've seen a lot of temptations in uniforms."


Seemingly a little dissatisfied with Su Hao's answer, Prince Eugen prostrated on the desk with his upper body, and unbuttoned the collar on his chest. Suddenly, it sounded like Duang, and the bound heavy fruit broke free from the seal a little.

Su Hao: "..."

Hey, hey, sister, what are you doing?

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