"Well, it really is a bit tempting."

Seeing the satisfactory answer, Prince Eugen accepts it as soon as she sees it. She is now very good at teasing people, and she is very good at teasing Su Hao.

"So you're here to tease me, right?"

Su Hao took a mouthful of rice, smashed it, it was delicious, but suddenly felt a convulsion and then it was tasteless.

Think about what it means to be beautiful and delicious?

"Hee hee~ Life needs some seasoning, even a commander, living the same life every day will feel boring, right?"

"For me, it's hard to say."


"I have so many wives, so many wives, do you think I'm boring?"


Prince Eugen expressed his mood in different tones.

After a while, she blinked and said, "Why don't I feed you? How about uniforms, office plots, and maid elements? Will it hit the list?"

"I think I will be caught." Su Hao couldn't help complaining.

But that being said, Prince Eugen crawled up again and stretched out his hand, "Ah~"

Okay, okay, the hardest thing to bear is beauty's favor, being molested is molested, I love it, what's the matter?


Opened his mouth, but just opened it, an excited voice came from the door.


Bang~ Open the door, and then another sentence of 'Look what I brought you', paused, the speaker seemed to be stuck.

Su Hao and Prince Eugen looked over at the same time.

"Uh, Ron, why are you here?"

Ron didn't reply, and looked at Prince Eugen with fierce eyes.

"Prince Eugen!"

"Well, I heard it, don't be so loud." Prince Eugen ignored her and continued, "Ah~~~"

The voice line seems a bit strange. If it weren't for the presence of Ron, there were only two people outside the office, and this voice alone would add a little color to the plot.

Ron couldn't stand Prince Eugen's physical attack.

"Go away!"

She came over and said to Prince Eugen, and slapped the thing in her hand on the desk.

Su Hao immediately said: "Take it lightly, the table is made of peach wood."

However, Ron didn't listen at all, and just stared at Prince Eugen.

The latter was completely innocent, tilted his head, and even smiled cutely.


Ron, who knew Prince Eugen's character well, decisively gave up the laning and opened the lunch box.

convenient!Another bento!

And the dishes are not much different, mainly lobster, at most an egg is added.

Ron suddenly became upset, "Prince Eugen, how did you steal my bento?"

"Who stole it?"


“All the dishes in the world are from the same family~”

"Humph! Stealing cat."

It doesn't matter if the dishes have crashed, the taste is the key.

"Commander, eat mine. The dishes made by Prince Eugen are terrible. She never cooks in her residence. How can she make delicious bento? I am different. I always cook breakfast and sometimes lunch Cook dinner too, my cooking skills are definitely better than hers, eat mine, eat mine!"

Su Hao twitched.

This kind of invisibly revealing his bleak side, what kind of expression should he use?


Prince Eugen laughed directly.

"What are you laughing at?" Ron frowned.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I think of happy things."


Ron was not interested in knowing the joys of Prince Eugen, so he picked up a piece of shrimp tail and handed it over.

"Commander, ah~~"


Sorry I changed color.

But soon, it didn't end. The door that Ron knocked open just now was gently pushed again.

"Commander... um!? Ron, what are you doing!?"

Dafeng walked over angrily, and knocked Ron away from Su Hao.

The big boat collided with the small boat. Even though Ron had a scientific research bonus, he was easily knocked away if he didn't pay attention.

Look again, good guy, Dafeng is actually holding a box in his hand!

Su Hao's face was full of black lines immediately: "You guys came here in a group, and you deliberately want to support me to death?"

"Haha, hahaha~ It's so interesting."

Prince Eugen suddenly laughed and leaned forward.

Dafeng groaned, feeling a little dazed, and didn't wake up until he saw the two lunch boxes on the table.

"Commander, I..."

Dafeng looked down at the bento in his hand.

This, this, this, this... what to do! ?

Creativity crashed!

Bad idea from Big Mackerel!

"Uh." Seeing Dafeng stunned in place, Su Hao couldn't bear it, "Dafeng, what delicious food did you make?"

"Ah? I, I, I... Commander, I did it... Wait!"

Dafeng was very excited all of a sudden, snapped, fell, and very quickly, almost dropped Ron's lunch.

"Big Phoenix!"

"Don't make noise!"

"Don't make noise, you sow!"


"Big breasts are amazing? Do you think I will lose to you?"

"You are the one, a mad dog, you should stay in the basement and reflect on your mistakes, beat yourself with candles and whips! Pervert!"

Su Hao: "???"

Prince Eugen smiled even wider.

Fight it, fight it.

She applauded in her heart, but soon, a person appeared at the door again.

Atago: "???"

The two who were fighting suddenly fell silent.


Atago's voice was a little confused.

"Are you also here to deliver lunch to the commander?" Prince Eugen sat down on the desk, waiting for a good show.

"Bento? I don't make that kind of thing."

She came to invite Su Hao out for dinner.

The restaurants are all booked, Rose Paradise, private rooms are also provided for meals, and free overnight stays.

"You are this?"

"Oh, this is a contest between bento!" Prince Eugen said seriously, "The battle of bento, the competition of cooking skills, the element is love, they all added love, the taste is sour, you Did you smell it?"

Although it was a bit of a spoof, but Atago's level was high, so she understood it right away.

"Oh, two lost dogs are barking."

Suddenly, Ron and Dafeng glared at her.

Su Hao raised his forehead: "Okay, okay, don't make any noise, why don't we all go to the cafeteria and have a meal together, calm down?"

"Hehe~ Commander, let's go out to eat."

Atago ran over, but was quickly stopped by Ron and Taiho at the same time.

Three women in one scene, crowded together, the collision of six balls is much more attractive than a bento.

"Dafeng! Let go!"

"Ron, get out of the way, don't stop me from dating the commander!"

"Atago, are you going to die? I won't be polite if you come here!"

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