"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

"A mere patrol!"

"A mere aircraft carrier can't even beat a submarine!"

"Let go!"

"Shut up you sow!"

"Bitch don't bark!"

"Why are you tearing my clothes off!?"

Su Hao's eyes widened.

Don't fight... right?

Prince Eugen laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, Ron, you hit her chest, Dafeng, you are welcome, you are an aircraft carrier, a capital ship, eh~ Atago, why are you so bad, you obviously scream the most fiercely... Wow ! Clothes torn off."

Whoa! ~

Taiho, Ron, Atago.

In the contest between women, the most miserable thing must be hair and clothes.

At this time, the clothes were torn, and a large piece of scenery was exposed. Su Hao didn't want to look at it, but wanted to eat. He picked up the lunch box, took a bite anyway, and continued to look at it. There was no way, it was too eye-catching.

However, his attention soon fell on the door.


A mass of red foxfire gasped in the air.

A ball, then another ball, and finally a piece.

Prince Eugen's ship outfit launched the ship's defense without hesitation.

Su Hao was shocked: "Chicheng, calm down..."


With a bang, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows shattered, and shattered glass fell from upstairs.

Tables, chairs, books, sofas and so on fell together with the glass.

The girls in the port area raised their heads and looked over.

Richelieu, who was checking the warehouse, came out.


The pen in her hand immediately broke into two pieces.

"Diduo, come with me!"


PS: Originally, I wanted to write about the Sardinian Empire and the Sirens and Embers, but considering that many personal stories of the ship girls were not written, do you want to see personal or big events?

Chapter 601 Maid Cafe

The perpetrators will be punished eventually.

Because of the bombing of the office, Akagi, Atago, Taiho, and Ron were all placed in confinement.

Even though Prince Eugen said she was innocent, since she was at the scene, she was an accomplice, and was fined not to appear beside Su Hao for three days.

Su Hao, who was the center of the battle, was taught a lesson by Sister Li.

Even so, at the end of the lesson, Su Hao took over his family law and made a deal worth hundreds of millions.

In fact, Su Hao was wronged, really.

You said that I was a good person, working hard for the development of the port area, and suddenly disasters fell from the sky, how could it not be his turn to take the blame?

However, considering the loss of this accident, as the commander, of course, he cannot face it in the form of evasion. The fault of the ship's mother is the fault of the commander, which is correct.

But now that the office was bombed, Su Hao lost his office space, and he had to go to other places to work before it was repaired.

In the end Buffa recommended him a good place.

Maid Cafe.

The coffee shop on the side of the pier was originally intended for Minghe Shiranui, but later their canteen moved there, and they made drinks in the canteen themselves, including shaved ice, popsicles, drinks of various flavors, and so on.

Then think about it, it seems that there is no need to spend so much thought on setting up a coffee shop.

After all, if something like a coffee shop is simple, no one goes there, and the atmosphere is not enough. What's the difference between putting a few small benches outside the canteen?

But if the environment is better, the budget exceeds the standard again, and there is not enough management energy for one more place, the two finally discussed it and decided not to do it.

They didn't do it, and it finally fell into Su Hao's hands. After all, he was the one who proposed to open a coffee shop in the first place.

However, during this period of time, he has been fishing, so he handed it over to Befa, who asked Dido to take care of Su Hao, and then waved his hand to invite the maid army to join the construction of the cafe.

In fact, it was completed a week ago. The last time I passed by, I wanted to go in and have a look. Later, I forgot because I was lying on the beach basking in the sun and looking at the long legs.

At this time Beifa brought it up, and Su Hao happened to go over to have a look.

Black Cat Maid Cafe, the name was decided by Befa, because the waiters inside are all maids.

As for why it is called Black Cat, this involves the theme of the coffee shop.

Pushing open the glass door of the coffee shop, the bells jingled, accompanied by a warm and cozy atmosphere, and two girls dressed in maids bowed to welcome them.

"Master, welcome~"

Curacao and Curlew, a pair of sisters, are excellent as maids.

"Master, come with me."

With a smile on his face, Curacao led Su Hao in.

It seems that he really treats Su Hao as a guest.

Su Hao looked around, the decoration of the coffee shop tended to be warm and warm, but some cartoon stickers on the walls added some lively atmosphere.

The cashier at the counter is Newcastle, Glasgow and Hermione are in charge of the kitchen, and Suffolk helps take care of the takeaway business by the way.

These points are no different from ordinary coffee shops, but the rest is different.

The rest is the theme of this cafe: chatting with you.

With the two sisters of Curacao and Sister Dido as the main members, the cafe maid chat group led by the head maid of Befa, only needs a minimum consumption of 150 yuan, and you can enjoy the service of chatting with a maid for half an hour.

For every 100 yuan in the future, you can add a snack and half an hour of chatting time.

The duration is unlimited.

What?Where is the rest of Edinburgh from the Maids, you ask?

After knocking over the tableware a few times and chatting with the guests to leave the guests, Befa let her out, put on a big bear costume, and was responsible for distributing leaflets in the port area.

Say no more, Edinburgh.

Well, Edinburgh after all.

Having said that, even Su Hao didn't feel very optimistic about the operation of this mode at first.

After all, the minimum consumption of 150 is not low. Even if the wages of the ship girls in the port area are high, who would spend so much money to eat snacks and drinks in the coffee shop?

And I have to say that the prices of dim sum here are inflated, for example, a piece of beef jerky costs 40 yuan!

Not to mention the portion, the kind that feels like it’s not enough for your teeth after eating.

A drink starts at 20 yuan.

150, I really can't eat much.

And the consumption is still calculated on a head-to-head basis, that is to say, two people can't put together a bill of 150, and can only consume it alone, otherwise there will be no chat service.

That's it, who wants to spend money!


Su Hao was wrong, and it was very wrong.

There is a lot of space in the cafe, and there is a separate ordinary rest area, where ordinary customers order and eat like other stores.

In addition to this, there is a special chat area, one-on-one, separated by a separate dark glass, outsiders can't see what's going on inside, order something, the maid will deliver it in person and comfort people's hearts.

Su Hao saw Hood sitting by the window, Hood, George V, Howe, centaur, a bunch of big ships, and then a puppy head popped out of it.

That is Xili.

Goutou was eating, then looked outside the glass window, Xuefeng and Shiyu waved at her, grinning and making various expressions, then Xili grabbed all the beef jerky on the dinner plate and put it in his pocket, Rua barked and rushed away go out.

On the other side, there are also many people in the chat area.

Even, as the location of the chat waiting area, there are still several ship girls queuing up!

"Eh? Commander, you're here too."

Su Hao: "???"

Seeing the assailant who greeted him, Su Hao was very confused.

"Assaulter, why are you here?"

No, you are a 'big' good-looking girl with a healthy body and mind, what the hell are you here to chat with?

Su Hao actually understands that the so-called chatting with a maid is mostly to listen to troublesome things, a bit like the Western churches, where the penitent goes in to pray, and then tells the priest about his mistakes, and finally the priest will give advice. Comfort and encouragement.

Probably the positive energy of the port area.

However, there is no one in the port area who needs to repent. Many of them just come here to chat, and very few seek comfort.

Or there are some who are depressed and need to be enlightened. If this is the case, it must be very important to enlighten. After all, Su Hao can't take care of the mood of every ship girl.

So he is still very supportive of this work.

But Raiders...

With a smile on his face, the spring is shining brightly. He fought Su Hao all night the day before yesterday, and he was extremely proud of the spring breeze.

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