"Oh, I'm here to line up and chat with Biffa."


"Recently, I want to learn about royal dishes. Befa is the best in this area. She knows all about dim sum and dishes. The head maid is really amazing~"

The head maid is amazing, I don't need you to tell me.

Thinking this way, I heard the assailant say again: "Curaçao, you and your sister should go over soon, your guests are complaining."

The guest, of course, is the ship's wife, Su Hao saw a head protruding from a separate chat area.


After finishing speaking, he looked at Su Hao again, "Ah Commander, you, why are you here?"


Su Hao was stunned for a while.

I also need someone to enlighten me?

Seeing Su Hao, Nelson blushed and quickly shrank his head back.

Curacao smiled and said, "Master, you can go to Befa, she is already waiting for you to pass, and the curlew and I will get busy first."

"Well, it's okay, you are busy, I will go there by myself."

Curacao walked away, the attacker looked at her, and then complained to Su Hao.

"Commander, you go through the back door."


Su Hao was stunned for a moment, and then the attacker also blushed.

The surrounding girls looked at each other in blank dismay.

Are you blushing with a bubble teapot?

"Master, let's go."

Dido also blushed, but she was very steady, like an old Siji, and led Su Hao to a chat room.

Walking in, the small space of the chat room seemed a bit closed, and the light was dim, but it was reassuring because of this. After all, the small thoughts and worries were hidden away so that no one would know. '"Master, you are here~"

The small space is nearly 1.5 meters wide and only 2 meters long, with a table in the middle and Belfa on the opposite side.

At this time, Befa looked at him with a smile on his face. He was specially asked by the Curacao sisters to greet him just now. As the real owner of the coffee shop for the first time, the treatment is of course different. Others come in and find their own seats.

"Master, I have prepared dim sum for you. I don't know if it suits your taste. If you want to order something else, here is the menu."

There are some snacks on the table, including cookies, cakes, and black tea. The menu is rectangular, about the size of an A4 paper, and the cost of all items is listed on it.

Su Hao glanced at it, then glanced at it again, turned over and continued to look at it.

Beifa smiled and said: "Master, there is no special service on it, even if you look for it, you can't find it."

"Uh, no, I'm just looking around... Well, this menu is quite unique."

Befa covered her mouth and laughed: "Master, there is no one else here, even if you say it, I will not tell others. First of all, as your maid, I will definitely not say it. Secondly, the purpose of the store is the same. Listen Confidentiality is absolutely 100% for guests' troubles and things that cannot be easily said~"


Even if Befa said so, if he didn't admit it, he wouldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death.

Who the hell would admit in front of his wife and subconsciously search for that special service!

Isn't this sick? ?

"Speaking of which, why did you name it 'Black Cat'? Black Cat Cafe, Black Cat, must feel a little ominous."

"Ah, you really have been so misunderstood."

Belfa shook his head helplessly, and then explained: "Actually, a cat is a docile animal that can heal people's hearts. Everyone should agree with this."

Su Hao nodded straight.

Yes, yes, the days of petting cats are really comfortable.

It's cool to play cats for a while, and it's always cool to play cats all the time.

"As for the black cat, it seems to be an ominous sign for ordinary people, right? But I think the words of the black cat not only have the gentleness and healing of the cat, but also have a calm and rational feeling, representing each of us. The image of a maid who listens to the voices of the guests, even if the guests are agitated, we must remain calm, and at the same time, we must rationally analyze and solve problems with the guests."

"The original intention of the maid cafe was to solve the troubles of the ship maidens in the port area. In my opinion, our ship maidens are the same as human beings. We have our own sensibility, and it is easy to generate various emotions. Many ship maidens Girls are more emotional, and emotional means that they tend to do impulsive things when they are in a certain mood, for example... Well, Ron, Akagi, they are more typical."

"They all have distinct personalities, but there are also some who are more introverted and not good at expressing their feelings. I don't think you can take care of these ship girls even if they are commanders?"

"Do you remember how many ship girls there are in the port area? Do you remember when they all came to the port area? Do you remember what ship outfits were used for them? Do you remember when you had the first ship girl? Mood? Is there any difference compared with now?"

"These are not only you, master, but I think most of the commanders in the port area will face problems. In fact, before you came, I received a guest and she told me...she asked me when I could Take a walk on the beach with you, master, in the evening light, you don’t need to do anything, just take a walk.”

"Master...can you guess who she is?"

Su Hao opened his mouth, suddenly feeling speechless.

How many ship girls are there in the port area?At the beginning, I also paid attention to this issue, but now I no longer pay attention to this issue.

Not to mention when he came to the port area, there are other more detailed issues. To be honest, Su Hao has indeed paid less attention recently. He has been biased towards salted fish recently.

It is probably the stage of growing grass in the game. Although he will try his best to spend time with the ship girls every day after finishing his daily work, but there are too many, especially when he is pestered by a few active ship girls. Mother will naturally ignore it.

"I can't guess." Su Hao shook his head honestly, "What you said, Befa, is indeed my problem."

"No, master."

Befa shook his head lightly, "I said this not to blame you, but to tell you that these situations are inevitable in every port area, even if those port areas are not as powerful as us, they will still have it. People are tired and tired, no matter how determined they are, they cannot afford to experience the washing of time day after day, year after year."

"After a long time, the initial enthusiasm has faded, just like between husband and wife, the enthusiasm during the newlyweds gradually turned into the final ordinary daily life, but this is not a bad thing, because our years are all in memory, Plain as water can also be the warmth of each other, can't it?"

Befa spoke softly, smiling, the smile was beautiful and gentle, which made people calm down naturally.

"It's the same in the port area. There's nothing wrong with ordinary daily life, because everything we experience is in our memory, not forgotten. If we take it out once in a while and savor it carefully, there will be unexpected sweetness~"

Su Hao was thoughtful, and subconsciously, he began to think about what Beifa said.

"Then what do you think should be done? Although a peaceful daily life is good, as I said before, some people will inevitably be ignored, then..."

"This is the reason why our coffee shop exists." Beifa chuckled, "Guiding the maze for the lost ship girl, so it is more necessary to be calm and rational. What do you think, master?"


Su Hao was stunned.

So I came back after a while and played a wave of advertisements?

"Of course, master, you need to put more effort into this aspect." Beifa poured a cup of black tea for Su Hao, and said with a smile: "Then, the time for this guidance will come to an end, and there is only one question. One is enough to solve it, too many of them will cause trouble.”

Su Hao opened his mouth, "Wait, wait, so it's time for guidance?"

"Hmm~" Befa tilted his head, and said as a matter of course: "It started from the moment you walked in, master, as I said, this is the theme of the coffee shop~"

Well, well, I didn't notice it at all.

I have to say that this very natural way of talking is really good for solving problems.

Even Su Hao himself was inadvertently guided by Befa, and even if the problem was discussed, he would not feel embarrassed.


Su Hao gave Beifa a thumbs up.

"Hehe~ Thank you for the compliment, Master, come and taste the black tea I made myself."

After taking a sip of black tea and eating some snacks, Su Hao came out of the emotion just now.

"Don't you have some entertainment projects here? I used to go to Japan... ah, I heard that there is a coffee shop on the side of Sakura, and there are special high-end areas, private rooms, maids one-on-one to play board games with guests, etc. of……"

First of all, I would like to declare that Su Hao didn't have an outbreak of LSP's physique, but just a simple suggestion, um, suggestion, so that he can make more profits, won't he?

"I don't need it for the time being." Befa said helplessly, "Actually, I have also thought about it, playing games with depressed guests to relieve it, but I really can't arrange it, and there are too few people~ If you add more business content, just There is no way to take care of the master's affairs."

"Yes, the number of people is indeed not enough."

Although there are a lot of maids, it is not enough to take care of Minato.

Speaking of which, who are the maids?

Sheffield, meow meow sauce?Cheshire Cat?Neptune?

"Then what if it's not a maid role? Or let other ship girls wear maid costumes or something, let me think about it... By the way, aren't Neptune and the others the gods of games? It must be very good for them to do this." good."

Belfa was a little embarrassed: "Let them come...is it okay?"

"I think they will be happy. Isn't there a vacant room on the upper floor that hasn't been renovated yet? Then it will be turned into a game area. Well, the high-end VIP area, the kind that costs 500 yuan for half an hour, hiss~ Get rich!"


Beffa blinked.

Get rich.

"This is not the main thing, but I think that doing so can enrich the life in the port area. Hmm...Master, can Neptune and the others get in touch with you? I'll be in charge of redecorating the upstairs. All right."

"Ok~ Leave it to me."

A happy deal was concluded, and Su Hao asked in a low voice, "How do you set the price?"

Beffa knocked down the knife with his hand, but stopped in mid-air and took it back.

"Master, the canteen next door isn't hiring anymore, can you stop imitating them?"

"Well, I'm just joking, but since it's opening a store, it must be more realistic and take the cost into consideration. Games are also a part of life, so if you want to act, you have to play a full set."

"Then... 200 yuan for half an hour?"

"Ok, Ok."

Su Hao took a sip of tea, "Why does it feel like we are secretly planning a big event, it feels like a scam."

Belfa suddenly felt a little funny: "Then master, if you want to do free business, you can do it, anyway, I don't care."

"That won't work."

Su Hao decisively refused.

Beff immediately laughed.

"Sometimes I really feel that I feel very happy when I am with you, the master. You don't have to do anything, and you will be very happy if you chat alone. Like this, drink a cup of tea alone and talk about simple things... It's amazing, this is probably the bond between the commander and the ship's wife~"

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