The expression on Biffa's face was relaxed and comfortable.

She is the kind of girl who can express her feelings unabashedly. Of course, she hides it very well in most cases. She is like a sister who understands other people's affairs and helps others solve problems, but rarely matters related to oneself.

"Maybe, I can chat with you anytime if you want."

"Ah~ Although I really want to, but..." Beifa blinked playfully, "Did the master forget the instruction time just now? Don't just talk and do nothing. I look forward to your next visit." Sometimes, it can solve some troublesome things.”

"Uh... so my service time is over?"

"Because it's specially for you to jump in the queue, but the master can finish the snacks before leaving, anyway... don't worry, right?"

Befa said some words to lie to herself, she didn't know how anxious the assailants outside had been waiting.

Su Hao chuckled, since that's the case, there's no need to worry.

After about half an hour, Su Hao finished enjoying the service time, and then came out.

"Master, how do you feel?"

Dido didn't go to work. The purpose of the maid team is to have someone to accompany the master at all times. Even if there is a job in the maid cafe, Befa will still make proper arrangements in this regard.


Su Hao thought about it, and only gave a thumbs up to agree.

It’s really great. The maid team has done what I’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t. If it can really solve some troubles for the ship girls in the port area, it’s really worth it. It doesn't matter if you don't have money.

In the words of Aunt Sheng: I am not interested in money.

Even if he finishes pointing out those ship girls, he will guide them to his side. At least this will let Su Hao know who is in trouble in the port area and needs his help to deal with it.


Even in the end, Befa didn't tell him who the ship girl who wanted to take a walk in the sunset was. It was just such a small wish, and if he came to him directly, he would definitely agree.

But some ship girls are like this, because they don’t get attention, they feel humble, and don’t want to bother the commander, yes, ship girls are like this, they will think about you, how can you fix it, go back and see your girls.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

She keenly captured Su Hao's momentary emotional changes. After all, she had a deep understanding of Su Hao's mood. She was also a maid, and Dido could clearly feel that Su Hao's mood had changed at the moment.

"Well, I was thinking about something, and then I scolded myself in my heart."


"It's okay." Su Hao smiled, "It will always get better, won't it?"

Yes, the maid cafe is a good start, even if it is not good now, who can say it will not be good in the future?As long as you don't give up, the road will continue forever.


I stayed in the maid cafe for an afternoon, took advantage of the time to get rid of some documents from the Maritime Safety Administration, drank a few cups of tea, and chatted with the ship girls who came here, watching the pictures of people coming and going, time passed up.

Even Su Hao was surprised. He didn't expect the coffee shop to be so popular. He thought it would be a loss-making business to open such a shop by the sea. Even though it was only facing the port area, when the ship girl went to the beach, shouldn't she wear a swimsuit? Is it soaking in water?

Swimsuits are also available. There were indeed several ship girls who rushed in wearing swimsuits, but in the end they were kicked out by Befa on the grounds of being disheveled.

This made Su Hao feel very sorry!

But from this we can see how good the reputation of the cafe is.

Not only the ship girls in the port area, but also the ship girls of the various factions stationed here, whether Elizabeth or Essex, as well as the big fairy shellfish, it seems that only the ship girls of the Northern United did not come. , because Belfa expressly forbids drinking in cafés.

It's not that drinking is not allowed, but alcoholism is not allowed. The group of guys in the Northern Union drink alcohol as water, and Biffa thinks this will affect the quiet and warm atmosphere in the coffee shop.

It's not that they are not allowed to enter, but they can enter. Befa usually doesn't care if they get mixed up, because only one person can't drink, and no one in the port area is stupid enough to compete with the Northern United ship's wife.

This is probably the case. The popularity of the coffee shop far exceeded Su Hao's imagination, and even surpassed the phenomenon of Shiranui and Ming, so that Su Hao was dragged away by the two when he just came out of it.

The two profiteers strongly expressed that they wanted to reopen the maid cafe. Of course, Su Hao is not allowed to do so. Even if it is given to you, can you manage it?Then Shiranui said that they don't need to do it themselves, they just need to take the shares.

Su Hao was speechless, what the hell is the joint-stock system? ? ?

Tell me, in order to make money, how much financial knowledge have you taught yourself!

But in the end, Su Hao still didn't agree. This is a piece of pure land in the port area, so it can't be careless.

Yes, I can only take care of it myself, and then hand over the position of the proprietress to Befa, and I only need to make a move at the critical moment. What, the last spiritual counselor is him.

Leaving the coffee shop, the sun was setting and the sun was setting, the sky was dyed red by the sun, and it shone obliquely on the sea.

The seabird is called Homing. Standing on the pier and looking into the distance, the sound of the waves can be heard, just like a melody full of natural atmosphere. Matching the scenery at this time, it makes people feel very relaxed physically and mentally.

Then, he saw a figure standing alone in the distance.

"Diduo, go get busy, I'll just walk around here."

Dido nodded: "Okay master, just contact me anytime if you need anything."

She knew that it was necessary for Su Hao to tell her to leave.

After Dido left, Su Hao got off the pier and came to the beach.

The seawater washes over the beach, and the tide rises little by little, washing the beach clean over and over again.

He took off his shoes and walked all the way forward.

Then stopped.

"The water is still a bit cold. It's really enviable that your mother-in-law is not afraid of the cold."

The centaur was originally standing here in a daze, attracted by the scenery of the setting sun in the distance, suddenly heard the voice in his ears, and turned his head in surprise.

"F-commander, why are you here?"

Surprised, even a little panicked.

Su Hao smiled and said: "This is my port area, why can't I come? Seeing you come here, the sunset, the beautiful scenery, the seaside, and the beautiful and lovely girl, whether as a commander or From the standpoint of a man, he would have chosen this way."

The centaur was suddenly a little shy, and his cheeks were flushed, which was really pretty.

However, although shy, but also very sweet heart.


"Well... there is still some time before dinner, how about walking with me?"

The centaur nodded immediately.

At this time, with his hands behind his back, he happily walked beside Su Hao.

Under the setting sun, the figures of the two gradually elongated.



"are you free tomorrow?"


"Then go out with me for a stroll."


Chapter 602 Centaur's Secretarial Work

"Commander, your file."

After receiving the information from the centaur, he raised his head and said thank you, and then the centaur stood beside him with a smile.

Today she is the secretary ship, of course she is only a temporary secretary, the real secretary is still Richelieu.It's just that there are relatively few things recently, and there are basically no troublesome things, so Su Hao suggested that everyone should also experience the work of the secretary ship in the port area.

The main thing is to take care of the ship's mother, and it can also add some fun when letting everyone know what the secretary of the port area usually does.

Know what to do, sometimes the secretary ship works, other ship girls can also cooperate, increase efficiency, think about it, isn't it great?It's a good thing it's me, Su.

Well, actually, two days ago when I went shopping with the centaur at the port, I asked her what she wanted to do, and after hesitating, Su Hao encouraged her to say, boldly, my ship girl should not be so cowardly. , and then the centaur said that he wanted to try the work of the secretary ship.

In fact, the main thing is that I can’t think of what I can do. The secretary ship is the most direct. I have a job and can usually help the commander handle the work in the port area. Isn’t it great?

For other jobs, finance must pass. No one can have the courage of St. Louis. The more courageous the port area is in finance, the more the port area can stand upright. Go out and say to others, look, this is the yacht my family just bought , several hundred million.

Apart from these centaurs, I don't know what I can do. After all, although there are also attacks, it's not a special thing, right?

The centaur's proposal was quickly agreed by Su Hao, and then he discussed it with Sister Li. Originally, he wanted to spend a lot of time trying to convince Sister Li, but the next day she made the proposal in front of everyone. Let's talk about it.

Secretary ship rotation, of course it is called Secretary ship Richelieu is still hanging there, you can ask her if you don’t understand anything, be casual and generous, Sister Li is not a terrible archbishop, Sister Li is a gentle big sister , I don't know why when Su Hao came back to his senses, everyone started to say that.

"Are you still used to it?"

Su Hao flipped through it casually. The documents belonged to the Maritime Safety Administration, but they were actually nothing. Now he is quite proficient in handling the statistics of each quarter.

"Ah, it's okay." The centaur was a little excited, "I was a little flustered at first, but later on, Richelieu has been helping me. She is so gentle. Before, I felt a little fierce... ...Ah Commander, don't tell Richelieu."

Lowering his head and fiddling with his fingers, the centaur was a little nervous, faltering, and his cheeks were flushed.

Su Hao smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not a primary school student, I always report to the teacher when I encounter anything, and Sister Li is very gentle. You didn't have much contact with her before, so you feel that way. She just looks special when she is working." Seriously."

"Yeah, yes, I called her Senior Richelieu before, but she said that there is no need to call her that, and a sister in the port area is fine. Also, Richelieu taught me how to cook before, saying it is a common practice. Dish, I used to make it for you when I was with Commander. Well, she gave me a small gift yesterday, a centaur doll, hehe~ very cute."

The centaur was chirping, she is the kind of girl with delicate feelings, she will be cautious whenever something happens, now her concept of Richelieu has changed, and she is cared by the latter, she feels a bit like Richelieu all of a sudden It means to keep the fan club members.

Su Hao listened and felt that something was wrong.

Why are they all from Richelieu?And me?I am your commander, what about me?

Everyone said that Richelieu was good, Richelieu was gentle, Su Hao suddenly turned his head and thought, what the fuck is this also in Sister Li's expectation?

The centaur spoke for a while, and then someone ran in, not one but several.

"Commander Commander~"

"Commander, come play with us~"

Little Guanghui and Beifa, some cute little guys, and little Richelieu is also there, and they seem to be best friends now.

In fact, since the last time he came back, Little Richelieu, Little Chicheng and Little Tiancheng joined the team in the port area. As the boss of the little guy, Saratoga gave an order, and originally wanted to show his prestige, but Little Chicheng didn't care at all. She, Little Richelieu hid behind Richelieu, and Saratoga didn't dare to make a move at all, and finally shot at Xiaotiancheng, and was decisively defeated. Now Xiaotiancheng has replaced her as the No. [-] small ship girl in the port area.

In fact, there is no need to fight at all, Xiaotiancheng is definitely the size of a girl, in contrast to Saratoga aaaaa, a lot of immunity jumped out, and then they were counterattacked, killing them with one blow.

Since then, it has become a matter of frequent discussion among the little Jia Jiahao.

how to say?I don't even look at whose cub Xiao Tiancheng is, right?

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