Su Hao was very puzzled, Little Jiajia, why are you messing with her?

You aaaaa, people ddddd, how to fight?

"No way, the commander's work is not done yet, so he can't rest yet."

The centaur immediately showed the prestige of the secretary ship, and said to them seriously.

"Ah~ When are we going?"

"Sister Centaur, aren't you the secretary ship? Why don't you help the commander?"

The centaur's expression froze. She is a secretary ship. At most, it's just a one-day experience card. It's almost enough to get familiar with the process. How can I figure out so much.

"I'm responsible for these things, so you centaur sister can't do it." Su Hao smiled, picked up little Guanghui and sat in his arms, "Why didn't you go with Guanghui and the others?"

"Sister Guanghui and the others went swimming, but we don't want to go."

Saying so, Xiao Guanghui blinked, then looked around.

Cafe, this is a cafe.

The office has not been repaired yet, and it will take a few days. He has been working here recently, and Beffa made a small cubicle for him to avoid being disturbed.

At this time, Xiao Guanghui was acting like a thief, and the others followed suit.

"Commander, what is this? It looks delicious."

Little Richelieu picked up the beef jerky and tilted his head, can I eat it?

"Beef jerky, don't you know? You can eat it if you want."

"Hee hee~"

Knowing is of course knowing, the little guy learns to sneak around, really like your mother.

Su Hao ordered some other things for the little ones. Although he is the 'master', he still has to pay for the things. This is the rule.

At this time, fingers were tapped, Su Hao looked up and looked outside, and asked, "Little Guanghui, did you just say that Guanghui and the others went to the beach?"


"Sister Hood and sister Shengli went too."

Xiao Beifa added, "I came to the maid cafe for an internship."

"Ha~ Where's Befa?"

"Sister Beifa is on duty today, master, let me be your spiritual counselor."

Spiritual counselor, this is a profession newly added by Minato, and the main personnel are these maids in Minato.

Xiao Beifa is also a maid, of course she is qualified to tutor, and the effect is absolutely maximal, just seeing her cute face, any troubles will disappear.

Healing, awesome!

Even though he thought so, of course it would be good to heal, Su Hao looked outside again.

"Speaking of centaur, haven't we done our inspection of the port area today?"

"Huh? Inspection work? Let me see..."

The centaur took out a small notebook from his pocket, followed it straight down with his fingers, and nodded: "Well, it's true that I haven't done it, but Richelieu said that this is the kind of spare time every day, which can be done or not."

"Since you want to experience the work of the secretary ship, of course you have to complete everything."

"Then what about the job in the hands of the commander?"

"Not much, it's easy, I'll take you to inspect first."

That's probably the case, because I have to patrol, so I can't enjoy Xiao Beifa's healing.

But as compensation, Su Hao ordered a few more snacks for them, and then left with the centaur.

When they walked out, Xiao Guanghui said while eating a biscuit: "Xiao Tiancheng's idea is really good, so we can have two snacks."

"Enn." Xiao Beifa nodded approvingly, "But I feel a little sorry for the master by doing so."

"No, it's the commander himself who doesn't want tutoring. If he wants, you can also tutor him and train him. It's okay if you don't want it, right?"

Xiao Beifa thought about it for a while, and she was right, anyway, the commander chose it himself.


Here, Su Hao came out of the coffee shop with the centaur.

A few little girls ran past on the pier, it was lively, there were seagulls falling in the distance, and a dog's head crawled on the ground stealthily, approaching the group of seagulls.


The dog's head rushed over, baring its teeth and claws in the air, with a fierce look on its face, but it was a pity that it didn't catch a single seagull.

The seagull flew away, and the dog looked up for a while, but had no choice but to continue to run away behind the other little girls.

Su Hao left the pier and went to the beach, looking around.

"Is the commander looking for Guanghui and the others? I saw them."

"Hmm... um? Ah no, I am looking at the situation on the beach side. You also know that the beach is the most important part of the port area. Even the indoor sports we built before are rarely visited by people, but the beach is always A lot of people, you know how important this place is.”

"I see."

The centaur took out a small notebook and recorded it.

"By the way, you just said you saw Guanghui and the others? Where are they?"

The centaur tilted its head.

Su Hao coughed lightly: "I mainly want to ask their opinions, and adjust the beach situation according to these opinions. As the commander of the port area, it is reasonable for me to do so?"

The centaur nodded and pointed, "There, it's on the sea."

"Oh? So it's over there, no wonder it didn't... well, it's nothing, let's go and have a look at the centaur."


The centaur put away the notebook.

Sure enough, you still have to go and see it in the end?

Here, Guanghui and the others rarely come out to swim in the sea.

As a lady, most of the time when I come to the beach is to lie on the beach mat and bask in the sun. The swimsuit is the latest bikini, and the body is covered with a thin layer of gauze. It is a pity that the ship's skin cannot be tanned. So they usually don't need to wear sunscreen at all.

When it comes to applying sunscreen, Su Hao was able to make up a lot of classic plots in the series. It's just a very ordinary application of viscous and unknown liquid on various parts of the body, but he can also act so astringent. It's really convincing lost them.

Su Hao originally wanted to experience it and refute those guys with practical actions, but he couldn't do it, the girls don't like to smear that kind of messy things on their bodies at all.

At this time, Guanghui and the others did not bask in the sun, but went swimming in the sea.

Diving and swimming from one place to another, and then coming out of the water, the long hair drives the water droplets to sway in the air. If this action is slowed down, it will be the classic bridge in those shampoo advertisements.

Now, however, the focus is not on shampoo, but on people.

"Sister, have you grown up again?"

Just as Guanghui emerged from the water, there was a faint voice behind him.

"I'll measure it."

Saying this, Victory sneaked up from behind, holding the two big balls with both hands.

"Ah!" Guanghui was taken aback, "What are you doing, Victory?"

"Hee hee~ It's really big. I heard that being rubbed by someone will make it big. Sister, do you... Ouch! Sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Being counterattacked by Brilliance, the victory really cannot be compared to Brilliance regardless of strength or ball speed.

"Let you make trouble."

"Hi! Sneak attack, I was careless just now, hee hee!"

"Victory! Give me back my swimsuit!"

"Ah, the commander is here."

In the distance, Su Hao, who had just arrived here, took a closer look and was dumbfounded.

I saw Guanghui was going after Shengli with her upper body bare, blushing, while Shengli was running ahead with her swimsuit in her hand and grinning.

Then Kewei yelled, and then they reacted, Guanghui shrank into the water at the speed of light after a scream.

Victory hurried back to return the swimsuit to her.

Not long after, the ship girls went ashore.

Su Hao slammed his mouth, it's okay, it's a good thing he has already pulled up the cordon around the port area.

Each of these girls is true.

"You guys, at least pay attention, if someone accidentally sees it, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

Saying this, Shengli looked at him with a grin, "Don't worry, Commander, there are no other ships around here. Even if you dive to U47, you can find it. No one can approach our port area."

"I said just in case."

"The man will be thrown to feed the sharks, and the woman will be sold... Well, no, I'm sorry to cross the stage."

Shengli was talking nonsense, and then he was glared at by Guanghui. The latter's cheeks were still flushed. Even though he and Su Hao were old couples, in front of outsiders, Guanghui still had the image of an elegant lady.

"Victory, you were wrong just now."

At this time, Hood, who walked a little behind and went ashore, shook his wet long hair, and said with a smile: "Of course a lady must pay attention to her image outside, even if she is seen by the commander, otherwise, all the wedding ships Don't you want to walk around the port area naked every day? Do you want to do this?"

"No, no." Shengli immediately waved his hand, "Okay, I was wrong, I will definitely not do this next time!" After finishing speaking, he clasped his hands together and apologized to Guanghui, "Sister Guanghui, I'm sorry~"

Guanghui still didn't speak, and Su Hao smoothed things over in the end, good sister, good sister, forgive my sister, and then Guanghui chuckled.

"Sure enough, the commander still needs to come."

"Sister Guanghui didn't mean to be angry on purpose, did she?"

"That's right, do you understand the conspiracy theory?"

"What are you two chattering about?"

Whispers of victory and dread were heard, and the two sisters at last succumbed to the elder sister's despotic power, daring not to do it again.

After a while, everyone returned to the beach and sat on cushions to rest.

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