He took out a teapot from the picnic box he brought, and then set out several teacups and poured the tea. Hood's movements were frighteningly skillful.

Su Hao was speechless: "Why do you bring black tea when you come to swim?"

"It's meant to be drunk, drink and water are all for drinking, since this is the case, just prepare black tea." Hood handed over a cup of black tea and smiled: "Although it's a little troublesome, it's also a part of life, Commander Officer, what do you say?"

"Me." Su Hao took a sip of black tea, "I just like a simpler life, and a simpler life is good. I don't need to work hard to pursue the quality of life, but I will still maintain the most basic hobbies. Just like Hood, you like to drink tea, I also have things I like to do, if this is the case, it's okay to be a little troublesome."

Hood laughed, picked up the teacup and took a sip gracefully.

Her movements are so pleasing to the eye, maybe this is a typical representative of a royal lady, she will always maintain that kind of calm and elegant posture, and her conversation, behavior, and even fighting are all a kind of aesthetics.

But speaking of it, Hood has always been in the port area. Although he is a powerful battle cruiser, he seems to have a low sense of presence.

The main reason is that Su Hao doesn't care too much about the battle. No matter how good his attack performance is, he can't see it. Just like a centaur, he works very hard when attacking, and disappears when he returns to the port area.

Hood is similar, there are usually only a few places where she will appear.

After taking a sip of black tea, he took another sip, and when he saw Shengli and the others coming over to enjoy the teacup, Su Hao's eyes shifted, compared, and he was satisfied.

Hude, Hude looks thin in clothes and fleshy in clothes. Su Hao has been shocked countless times before, especially in the current comparison situation, only to find that Hood's European faction seems to be bigger than Victory's.

Of course, it can’t compare to the brilliance and awesomeness, but it’s still surprising enough. After all, she doesn’t show it through her usual clothes. As a lady, she is very particular about how she dresses, and the places that shouldn’t be exposed are basically not exposed.

Hood didn't have a cat stuffed in his chest, she was indeed that big, and after enjoying it for a while, Shengli proposed to let Su Hao go into the sea.

It is impossible to go into the sea, Su Hao refused, and let the centaur go, the latter hesitated, and went into the sea with the mentality of learning from several aircraft carrier seniors.

Then Su Hao and Hood continued to chat.

"Speaking of which, why isn't the reputation here?"

"Her, there was a commissioned job in the port area in the morning, and she passed by."

"No wonder I haven't seen her."

"It's as if you have cared about it, Commander."

"Ah? No?"

"Have it?"

"Yes...well, I really didn't pay much attention to it until a while ago." Su Hao admitted his mistake decisively, "I will pay more attention to it in the future."

Hood chuckled: "I didn't mean to blame you. Anyway, everyone is like this every day in the port area. The port area is a big family. We are all doing our own things. That's enough. The hub that exists Commander, of course it would be nice to spend more time with everyone, but if you don’t have time, there’s nothing you can do.”

"You can't say that, time or something, there is still some squeeze."

Su Hao looked down, although it was only for a short while, Hood immediately pointed it out.

"It's not a gentleman's behavior to stare at a girl's hidden parts~"

Hood straightened his chest, with a smile on his face: "At least ask for an opinion first."

"Uh...sorry sorry."

"Ah~ I don't mean to blame Commander, after all, Commander, your current behavior is a recognition of my femininity, so I am still very happy."

Hood smiled, "But Commander, I have to remind you that it's not a habit to apologize all the time, just now and now, if you often say the word 'sorry', they will become cheap , even if you apologize again in the future, maybe no one will care."

Su Hao was right after thinking about it.

"Hood, why do you feel like a personal life mentor, how many chicken soup for the soul have you read?"

"Well... just some insights. I don't read much, but I prefer to chat with people. When we drink tea, we sit and chat together. Even if we haven't experienced some things, we can probably understand them after seeing them a lot."

Hood said softly, "That's why I said it's okay, because everyone didn't mean to blame you, Commander, so ah, Commander, you just need to do your best and do your best."

I chatted with Hood for a while, originally I just wanted to come to watch the football in a civilized way, but it turned out to be a lot of benefits.

This made Su Hao have to sigh with emotion, these girls of his own, with both ability and political integrity, wisdom and courage, are all treasures.

Treasures are waiting to be excavated, and it is a waste of not getting a good opportunity.

"How about, Hood, how about you come to be the secretary ship tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Hood was a little surprised, and then smiled: "Is it the secretary ship game for everyone every day?"

"It's an experience."

"Hehe~ I'm quite interested. If the commander invites you, then Hood will naturally try his best to do his best."

Hood squinted his eyes, and his smiling face seemed to have the charm of "Zhuge Tiancheng".

After a while, the centaur returned.


His face was blushing, and for some reason, he said cautiously, "Commander, I... I'll go back and change my clothes first."

After speaking, he ran away.

Victory made a regretful sound in the distance.

"Hey~ why did you just leave, you obviously had such a good time."

Su Hao understood immediately.

Victory, victory, why are you so H?

The centaur ran away, and Su Hao's inspection work was almost over, so he went back to the coffee shop and worked hard.

A full and rich day passed quietly.

the next day.

Hood pushed open the door of Su Hao's room.


PS: I heard that 2077 is fun?

Chapter 603 You see their children are so big

"Commander, Chokai said that those stationery items are not enough."

Hood came back from the warehouse with a list in his hand.

"Here, the data in it has been updated, and the missing ones have been marked, hoo~ Thanks to Chokai's help, otherwise it would have been cleaned up so quickly. I didn't expect the work of the secretary ship to be so troublesome, just to check the warehouse. One is enough."

Su Hao took the list and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's not every day, it's usually counted once a week, otherwise, when a large number of materials change, it will be counted and entered into the system after counting, every half a month Check and compare, so as not to make mistakes.”

"So I was lucky enough to bump into it?"

"Yes, you are lucky."

Hood was helpless and funny, "I hope the luck will not be so good next time."

After all, if you only talk about the experience of the secretary ship, then you still make money.

Hood thought Ah Q in his heart, then bent down and stretched out his slender fingers as pale as pale green.

"Look, there's not enough pencils, notebooks, and construction paper."

"Why do you use so much?"

"I don't know. Chokai said that there are a lot of children who went to the warehouse to get these recently. They seem to be learning to draw or something. Is there any class in Minato?"

"Not yet. Well, the stationery I bought was originally intended to be used in the classroom, but it has not been done, and now it is all used up."

Hood grinned.

"It seems that when I first arrived in the port area, Commander, you were talking about running a school, right?"

"It backfired."

"Isn't it procrastination?"

"Hood, has no one told you to see through but not to tell? This is disrespectful to the commander."

"Ah~ If you don't remind the commander when you clearly see that he made a mistake, I think it will be even more disrespectful to the commander."

"Diduo and the others won't talk about it."

"Everyone has a different standard for measuring mistakes. Does the commander want Hood to be tighter or looser?"


Is it better to be tight or loose?

Hood, I turn a corner and all I have left is the steering wheel.

However, there are few things in the warehouse. It was supposed to be the ship's mother who was the warehouse keeper to go shopping. These days, it's Chokai's turn to manage it. After thinking about it, I feel like I haven't been out for a long time?

If the entire area of ​​the port area is compared to the writer's house, then Su Hao is really a royal residence, and he doesn't necessarily go out once every ten days and a half months.

"Hood, get ready, let's go out."


The weather at the end of May, the hot day, the breeze, the sky is very blue.

The port area of ​​Lingshui City is crowded with people, and lively cheers can be heard everywhere. Since the development of Lingshui City has become better and better, the expansion plan of the port side has been carried out twice. Compared with when Su Hao first came here Time is much bigger.

At this time, I went out in a small broken yacht in the port area, just in case I didn’t drive the Lingshui, bumps and bumps are inevitable in such a small place, and it hurts to break any small corner, but this one is different, this one is not the same. Su Hao didn't even feel bad after being knocked into the air.

"Commander, why don't you go to the city, just buy from any shopping mall."

"I'm used to being at the seaside." Su Hao smiled, "It's good to be a little more lively. If you want to see the changes in Lingshui City, you must come to the port area."

"The glasses and the hat...I get it."

Sunglasses and a hat, now you have to disguise yourself when you go out.

Hood also put on sunglasses, a little uncomfortable, cap and sunglasses, do you want another mask?I always feel that it is a bit biased with the image of a lady.

At this time, she was walking beside Su Hao. There were people everywhere at the pier, including passengers and workers. The cart was dragging heavy objects, and the iron wheels were rumbling on the ground, and then she noticed a person looking around.

It was a ship girl.

Hu pulled Suhao's sleeve.

"Commander, a lost lamb."


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