Su Hao was stunned for a moment, and then saw it too.

It was a girl with long blonde hair, wearing a lantern short-sleeved top, matching a red skirt, and a pair of conspicuous suspenders covering her slender legs. .

The gentle Jian Niang looked around at this time, her expression was still a little nervous, her hands were clenched in front of her body, she was right to say that she was a lost lamb.

"Go and have a look."

As a commander, of course all the ship girls in Lingshui City can have a relationship with him.

But Liberty Ship Girl must first go to the Maritime Safety Administration and the Gendarmerie if she has something to do, but it's easy, right?Doing good every day is better than doing evil every day.


Su Hao greeted her.

"Ah? You, hello."

Black baseball cap, sunglasses, dressed like a thief, so suspicious.

Thinking of this, the girl saw Hood next to him take off his glasses, revealing her exquisite appearance.

"Eh? Ship girl?"

"Should I say 'Are you a ship girl too?'" Hood smiled slightly, "This is your first time in Lingshui City?"

"Hmm, yes."

After meeting Jianniang, the girl immediately felt a little relieved, she said: "I came here with my sisters, but they have separated from me now, they were still there just now."

"Did you find it around here?"

"Not yet, I don't dare to wander around, I'm afraid of getting lost, it will be even more troublesome if they come back to find me."

Yes, something happened.

Su Hao thought about whether to call the gendarmerie.

It's not that he's drifting away, and when he encounters a ship, he doesn't catch the bastard. Fishing the boat is the same thing as helping out, but it's still a priority to solve the trouble.

Talk too much, hurt feelings understand?

"Commander, let's help find it together."

The moment Su Hao was about to take out his phone, Hood spoke.

"Well, I wanted to show you around."

"Hehe~ It's okay, it's still early anyway."

The girl was a little cautious: "Is this... okay?"

"Of course, my commander is notoriously kind." Hood smiled. "Everyone here knows it and thanks him."

"is it?"

The girl blinked her eyes. Although she was a little suspicious, Hood's affinity was really high. Coupled with her identity as a ship's mother, she immediately let go of her vigilance.

"Hello, my name is Leander, and my sisters are..."

"Ajax!" Su Hao said immediately.

Hood was puzzled: "Commander, besides Ajax, there is Achilles, right?"

"Ah, is it?"

"Yeah, Commander, you are so strange, how can there be a sister ship that can only remember one but not the other."

"What's so strange about this, can you name all the Fletcher-class ships?"


Hood was immediately embarrassed.

Of course, this is not the reason why Su Hao can't remember, it's purely because he really remembers his own Ajax, even after so many years, it's so strange, remembering her, and remembering a ship girl named Concord.

"Achilles and Ajax, right? I see. What does it look like?"

Leander described the images of the two younger sisters.

To be honest, Su Hao has never seen many free ship girls who can form a family, but most of the ship girls in his port area are relatively rare, and the rarer they are, the harder it is to get together.

If you look at Nevada, the direct construction is two sisters together, but it is different like Oreo, and the elder sister has not seen it yet.

After chatting for a while, they left a phone call with each other. Leander continued to wait on the spot, and Su Hao and Hood split up.

However, it was a bit troublesome to find two girls in such a big port. Finally, I decided to look at the pier first. If my sister wasn't there, I wouldn't be able to go far.

Snack bars, beverage stores, places to watch the excitement, the row outside the port area is full of shops, golden shops, all of which are seafood barbecues, and the smell can be smelled from a long distance.

"Boss, I want a takoyaki."

Su Hao turned his head, it was a girl.

She has long silver-blue hair and wears a beret. She is dressed similarly to Leander. She can't see her face, but the pair of black silks are quite eye-catching.

"Sir, even if you want to see it, you should be sneaky, right? Looking at a girl's legs openly, especially in such a crowded place, I have fully felt how strong your inner desire is, it stinks , this gentleman who looks like a thief with a hat and glasses, the smell of your inner desires stinks."

Su Hao raised his eyes, just a short while ago, the other party actually turned around, and almost within a few seconds, he made a judgment on his behavior as a "pervert". Are you kidding me, girl, you are right How skilled is a set?

"Surprised? How many men do you think have been like you so far?"

The corner of the girl's mouth raised, "Are you going to ask me to step on you next?"

"No, no, although I don't know what you're thinking, but you must have completely misunderstood." Su Hao straightened his back, "I'm a good person, an aboveboard good person."

"Good guy?"

The girl tilted her head, her expression questioning, is that all?

"Ajax." Su Hao called out.

"Eh? Why do you..."

Hmph~ Are you scared?

"Since when did you follow me?"


"I see, you followed me all the way here, did you hear my name by chance? But Mr. Pervert, you are really bold. Even if you want to make a move, you should choose a place where no one is around, right?"

Su Hao's face was full of black lines, hey hey hey, there is a limit to your narcissism, right?

Then he saw the takoyaki owner pull out his phone.

"Hello? Gendarmerie? Someone here is harassing the ship's mother."

"Damn!" Su Hao couldn't help but spit out his mouth. He took off his sunglasses and said speechlessly, "Old Wang, hang up your phone."

"Huh?? Huh??? Su, Commander Su!?"

The boss immediately hung up the phone and rubbed his hands excitedly, "I'm so sorry, Commander Su, I didn't recognize you just now, I thought you were those gangsters."

"It's okay, I also took into account the crowds, so I pretended a little."

"Haha! Then your camouflage skills are really good, I didn't even recognize it."

The boss laughed.

"You...know each other?" Ajax distanced himself from the boss.

"Yes, of course I do. Let me tell you about this girl, Commander Su, there is no one in Lingshui City who doesn't know you. Even if you don't know your father, you can't help but know Commander Su."

In Lingshui City, especially the port area, it is no exaggeration to say that Su Hao's reputation is so high.

After all, most of the credit for Lingshui City's present existence is due to Su Hao's guarding of the port area. The sea area is safe, and Lingshui City is developing faster and faster. More and more people come here to travel, and their business is naturally increasing. It is booming.

After all, in this world, the first thing to consider when traveling in coastal areas is safety.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration for Su Hao to be their bread and butter.

"What, Commander Su?" Ajax held his left hand in front of him, held his right elbow with his palm, pursed his lips, and looked a little hesitant, "You? Commander Su? The one in the port area of ​​Lingshui City? "

"Uh, yeah."

"Hmph~ So it's you."

"What? Have you heard of it?"

"of course."

Ajax played with his hair with his fingers, turned his head to look into the distance, and then looked back.

"I heard that your port area is very large."

"Ah? It's quite big." Su Hao was a little surprised. Could it be that this wave was passive fishing?

"I came here with my sister, but now my sister is separated, and Achilles and I are looking for her."

"You guys got separated, right?" Su Hao was speechless, "I met her just now, and said I called you, but no one answered?"

Ajax took out the phone, the screen was black.

"out of battery."

"I can tell without you telling me."

"I'm explaining, but I didn't mean to tell you."

Ajax sighed softly, "I made a mistake, I should have confirmed it when I separated from Achilles."

"No one answered her phone, so it's not like the battery is gone, right?"

"will not."

"That's good."

"She lost her phone."


Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "No, one of your mobile phones is dead, and the other mobile phone is lost, how dare you walk around like this?"

"So, she and I wanted to look here, but we got separated, isn't it strange?"

Ajax tilted his head.

Is it weird?

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