No, girl, you...

Isn't it strange?

Su Hao was puzzled.

Is it me or is it you?

However, sometimes you want to understand the behavior of Jian Niang, but it will be troublesome instead.

Su Hao was too lazy to argue with her, so he took two boxes of takoyaki and ate them while walking.

"Go and meet your sister first."

Ajax snorted and didn't speak, as if he didn't even stretch his legs towards him since he knew that Su Hao was Commander Su.

After a while, return to Leander's side.

"where did you go!"

Leander wanted to be angry, but her character was like this, cursing felt like a compliment, and her tone was always gentle.

"Yes~ I won't do it next time."

Ajax was scolded with a smile, and finally forked a takoyaki and stuffed it into Leander's mouth, "Come on, mouth ball."

"Pfft! Cough cough, cough cough cough!"

Su Hao was choked immediately.

"Huh?" Leander tilted his head.

The corner of Ajax's mouth raised, "You actually understood."

"No, you... are you too evil?"

"What's wrong?" Leander asked while chewing.

Her innocent and innocent appearance made people really unable to bear to tell her the truth.

"No no, nothing..."

After a while, Hood also came back.

At this time, there was a young girl by her side.

"Achilles, did you find your phone?"

"No." Achilles was a little sad, "It seems to be lost."

"This is already the fifth mobile phone you have lost today. The average is one per month. Just buy you a 200-yuan mobile phone for the elderly. Anyway, it is enough for making calls."

"No, I'll buy it with my own money."

"Your money has been used up long ago, and how much my sister has paid for you."


"Okay, okay, as long as people have nothing to do." Leander breathed a sigh of relief, "If you can't find it, you can't find it, Ajax and you too, this is not the first time, don't run around every time, you guys. "

"This time it was unplanned, I thought my mobile phone had power."

"Thanks to His Excellency Commander and his ship's wife."

Leander patted his chest, and then saw Ajax's strange eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Sister, don't you know who he is?"


"He, that's what you said, the famous and great Commander Su Hao who is going to come and see this time~"

"Eh? Eh!!"


I bought something in the port area, and took the three Leander sisters for a walk. It was originally a two-person world with Hood, but now there are three more, and it has become a five-person world.

It seems that they came here specially from the distant White Eagle. From the tone of the chat of the three sisters, it seems that they plan to join the port area, and then Hood whispered, "The opportunity is here."

The opportunity came, and it felt like a gauze hat to visit the port again, so I returned to the port area not long after.

After getting off the boat, the size of the pier really surprised the three of them.

"so big!"

Achilles jumped up and said excitedly, "Sister! It's here! We're here!"

Leander blushed immediately, and pulled Achilles, don't say it, don't say it, sister, you are so embarrassing!

This feeling seems to be aimed at the improvement of other people's conditions. What is a human saying?Worship money.

But when used on Jianniang's side, it should be emotional action, saying and doing whatever is on my mind.

"This is our wharf." Su Hao introduced to them, "Actually, you see, it has already begun to have the size of a port. There are shops near it, and the famous coffee shop."

"The port area opens its own coffee shop? Where are the customers?" Leander asked puzzled.

"Of course the guest is a ship lady in the port area."

"Do you want to collect money?"

"Isn't it a matter of course that you pay for your labor and reap your reward?"


"Don't worry, all the ship girls in our port area are paid, and there are many of them, at least this amount."

Su Hao stretched out his hand.

The three of Leander stared wide-eyed.

Hood smiled and said: "There is also a special chat group in the port area, where there are red envelopes to be grabbed every day, ranging from tens to hundreds, and there are big red envelopes during the festival. Tens of thousands of people have been strong."

"Sister! Right here! We are right here!"

Achilles is now a repeater.

Ajax exclaimed: "There really is such a port area. Your house has a mine? Is there an oil field under the mine?"

"Well, you'll know when the time comes."

There is a rich woman in my family.

Saying this, a group of little guys ran over.

"Commander Commander!"

Little Guanghui rushed over.

"Hee hee~"

Hug her up, rub her cheeks, even if she wants to kiss her, she still can't do it, what should she do if she is misunderstood by outsiders?

"This is?"

"Little Guanghui, little Richelieu, little Beifa."

"The children are already this big!?"

Ajax felt like an old Siji, but she was surprised now.

"What, the ship's mother can also have children?"

"Is there a little Hood?"

Facing everyone's inquiries, Hood smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, I am not the commander's wedding ship~"


Leander let out an ah, feeling that the subject was jumping a bit.

Achilles snorted, but thought nothing of it.

Ajax snorted, "Hood, isn't a ship girl like you a married ship? I heard that some port districts want to give you big ships all the rings on their hands."

"Hearsay is unbelievable."

"So why are you Hood not a married ship? Look at other ship girls, the children are so old."

"Ajax!" Leander said angrily, "It's rude."

Now that she is Grandma Liu who has entered the manor, she is extremely nervous. Looking at Ajax's familiar appearance, Leander is afraid that her sister will say something wrong and offend the boss in the port area.

However, Hood was not angry, but just smiled and looked at Su Hao: "Commander, why do you say?"



Ajax stares.

Little Guanghui stared too.

The last few little guys stared.

"What are you staring at?"

There was no other way, Su Hao stretched out his hand and knocked on the firefly to divert his attention, "Firefly, did you make the goddess of fate cry yesterday?"

"No, no, she cried by herself." Firefly crouched down with her head in her arms, trying to argue forcefully, but she didn't admit it, "I just bumped her lightly."

"Are you sorry?"

Firefly raised her head with her hips on her hips: "No!"

"Little Guanghui, beat her up."

Suddenly a group of little guys ran away chasing the fireflies.

Leander watched them walk away curiously, feeling that the fireflies are so pitiful. Could it be that this port area still has the habit of abusing ship girls?

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief, the topic changed, um, right?Turning around, Hood looked at him with a smile, not knowing what it meant.

Ajax let out a 'huh~' and didn't continue talking.

Shortly after entering the port area.

Su Hao called Sister Li, who warmly entertained her, and then walked around the port area. It was too big, and it was getting late after walking.

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