Richelieu said, "Why don't you just stay here today, there are plenty of rooms anyway."

Sister Richelieu spoke, but she had to obey.

"Diduo, take them to the room and come to the cafeteria for dinner later."

"Good host."

Dido led the three of them away.

Richelieu inquired about today's situation. It has been a long time since the ship's mother came to the port area. Today, three of them came at once, which is a big day.

Richelieu: "An extra meal tonight."

All of a sudden the group was buzzing.

"I'll go to the cafeteria to say hello first."

Richelieu walked towards the cafeteria.

In some time, Su Hao and Hood walked in the port area and chatted casually.

"It's over~" Hood stretched his waist, and said with a smile on his face, "Well~ what a fun day, it's nice to be like this once in a while, what do you think, Commander?"

"Don't you think it's too troublesome? It's all trivial matters. If I didn't meet Liande and the others today, it would have passed without a hitch."

"No, on the contrary, it's this kind of warm daily scene that makes people feel more comfortable, hehe~ Even though I said that, even if I go to the sea to fight powerful enemies now, I won't shrink back."

Hood has always been so calm and unhurried, with the elegance of a royal lady, and there is a kind of gentleness like a spring breeze exuding between talking and laughing.

Su Hao smiled and said: "If you like it, you can also help out at ordinary times. The secretary ship or something is just a title, and the port area belongs to everyone."

"Well, it can't be done. If you just follow your own ideas because you like it, then the port area is so big and there are so many ship girls, Commander, you can't manage it."


Walking and walking, came to the side door again.

The sun sets in the west.

Sunlight fell into the port area, coating the surrounding scenery with a layer of golden brilliance.

Su Hao and Hood stood in the open space outside the side door, looking into the distance.

The sea surface reflects the sunset glow, shining brightly.

The beach was washed by the sea, and a group of little guys ran over, leaving deep and shallow footprints on it, and their laughter was left in the wind.

Su Hao yelled towards the beach, just like a parent calling their children to go home for dinner in the evening, and immediately several ship girls came back from the beach playing around.

A gust of evening wind blows.

Su Hao took off the leaves that fell on Hood's clothes.

"got windy."

Hood smiled, his blue eyes full of tenderness.

"Well, it's windy, let's go back."


PS: Grandpa Lu was drawn in the standard pool today, a super powerful character. Sure enough, I am the Emperor of Europe no matter where I am!

Chapter 604 Enterprise Enterprise, I Really Like You

Aunt Hood's secretary ship experience card expired, and then rotated, and after a few days it was the turn of the enterprise.

In fact, the company's work in the port area is also very busy. As the person in charge of the "United Front Work Department", she is responsible for the arrangements for the attack in the port area.

But since they are all in rotation, all the staff from the Minato District will come, whether you are a company or a firefly, you must come.

It’s just that the little guy is really noisy. Yesterday Xili was a secretary and almost killed Su Hao. In addition, the office is in a coffee shop, and the dog’s nose is too sensitive. When the passing maid passed by with a plate, she reported The name of the dish, standing next to Su Hao like a monk chanting scriptures, in the end Su Hao could only order a meal for her too.

At the end of the day, I calculated the accounts, good guy, I ate more than a thousand snacks.

Others are working as a secretary to make money for the port area, but she is making money for the port area.

In fact, not only Xili, but also other little guys, such as the little Guanghui before that, she also eats it, but she will ask you obediently, "What is that, Commander", and then look at you with innocent and curious eyes .

Do you buy it or not?

Will you buy it for me?

If you don’t buy it for me, I’ll tell me Mama~

Tell me Ma Ma and then I won't post with you.

Then Su Hao continued to dig out his pocket.

After a few days, Su Hao felt pain and happiness. Fortunately, he had enough pocket money. Last time, St. Louis suddenly sent a red package, and then said that it was sent to the wrong person. Forget it, there is not much money anyway.

Su Hao opened it and saw that it was indeed not much money, 5w2.

If we have a guy in our hands, our waist will be hard, otherwise why would we dare to let the little guy come to the coffee shop as a secretary?

But if you have money or not, it is certain to toss.

"It's very kind of you today."

The office was rearranged, Su Hao came back to work here, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the company.

"What's the matter?" The company was a little curious, and then smiled again: "I heard that you have recently contributed a lot of turnover to the coffee shop, Commander."

"do not talk."

Su Hao covered his face, "You don't know how much my heart hurts."

"Really? I thought you must be very happy."

There was something in the company's words, of course Su Hao didn't admit it. At this moment, he walked over to pull the company and sat down at his desk.

"Happy or something, that's it. It's definitely not as good as being with you in the enterprise. Come on, let me give you a shoulder squeeze."

"It's better not to..."

The company is a bit embarrassed. It doesn't feel good to do this kind of thing in the office.

"It's okay, there are few things today, and there is plenty of time."

"That's not what I meant."

He said no, but his body is very honest, enjoying the commander's massage, I am afraid that few ship girls in the port area can have such treatment.

Enterprises enjoy themselves comfortably, and if they can't resist, they simply don't resist.

"Speaking of which, have you ever thought about waking up a small business?"

Su Hao asked casually.

He kept busy with his hands, secretly touched his shoulders, touched his neck, it felt very good, clicked until it was done, and behaved like a gentleman.


"Small business."

"This..." The enterprise shook his head directly, "No."


Su Hao was not surprised, but just curious.

In fact, not all the wedding ships in the port area want to wake up the little ship girl.

For example, Dido is the most typical. When asked about her, she refused decisively, no, what do you want Xiaojianniang to do?Her duty is to serve Su Hao wholeheartedly.

Assaulters are similar, they don't have that kind of mind, not to mention the fear of victory, it seems that there must be some kind of 'maternity'.

From this point of view, Richelieu and Tiancheng are more suitable.

How should I put it in Chicheng's words, it should be that a strong consciousness dominates.

Then Su Hao quickly thought of Emperor Mama, and heard from Bismarck that the list for the recent wave of iron and blood exchanges has been finalized, and the team led by Frederick the Great should come to Hong Kong soon.

Of course, when the Great Emperor came over, at most he was frightened, marveling at the changes in the port area, it was impossible to be fertilized, and there was definitely no Little Great Emperor.

As for the enterprise, Su Hao couldn't hold it.

"There is no reason." The enterprise's answer is not confused at all, "I have no special expectations for the little guy. For me, as long as it is like this, it is enough to accompany the commander and fight for everyone...Of course We also have to be together during breaks, I know that."

Su Hao smiled: "Yes, combine work and rest. Speaking of business, you haven't been to the beach much recently."

After chatting with the company for a while, I suddenly heard voices from outside.

"Essex, why are you here?"

It was followed by panicked words, faltering, and finally saying 'I still have something to do', and then there was no movement.

Then Dido opened the door and walked in.

"what happened?"

"Master, Essex was outside just now, maybe I have something to do with you, master."


Su Hao took a look at the company, although he knew it clearly.

If he is looking for me, he must be looking for the company. Now that the company is in his hands, it is not good for Essex to come in, but he is curious, peeping, and Shengli is old.

Su Hao ignored it and continued to massage the company, but the company felt uncomfortable after seeing Dido come in, and was stopped by Su Hao when he wanted to get up. Then Dido gave up a pot of tea and smiled.

"Master, I'm going out, call me if you need anything."

"Well, hard work."

As soon as Dido left, the company spoke up.


"what happened?"

"If someone is here, don't do this."

"Ah?" Su Hao didn't quite understand, "Is there any problem? I just give my wife a massage, who can blame us, and Dido, you know, she won't go out and talk nonsense."

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