"No, it's just that this is an office..."

Enterprise is a little shy. She is a decent person with a serious personality, which is different from Su Hao's prudence.

A shy company looks extraordinarily charming, but no company, how can you be shy like this?

Su Hao hugged her, kissed her, and blushed completely.

How can I escape?

How can such a lovely enterprise let you escape?

Walking over and closing the door, the confident and strong enterprise immediately turned into a panicked little white rabbit, trying to escape and catch it.

On the chair resting in the office, kissing, kissing passionately, eyes blurred with drunkenness.

On the sofa, the clothes are being stripped off one by one, kissing your lips, kissing your neck, kissing your soft Opie, you are raising your head, blushing, covering your lips with your palm, afraid of making a sound It looks just too cute.

On the desk, violate you, violate you, make a suppressed sound, want to scream but keep your mouth shut, the voice comes from the throat, woo hoo, body temperature is rising, slap, slam, hard to die, still yell Come out, shout out and quickly bite your lip, stretch out your arms and hug her.

Leaning you against the wall, hugging you, your legs are completely clamped around your waist, your silver hair is already messed up, hahahaha, steaming, you say, Commander, hurry up.

Stand up, invade from behind, grab your hands, have sex, legs can't stand still.

Falling down on the sofa, it’s too much, it’s so cute, no matter how you look at it, it’s too cute, I can’t bear it, shaking, bumping, suppressing, covering my mouth, as if I had exhausted my strength, at the last moment, my fingers were tightly intertwined, and I climbed to the peak .

Huh, huh, huh, huh.

Look at you, you are so shy.

Enterprise enterprise, I really like you.



Chapter 605

The well-planned strategy is always interrupted again and again. It was actually okay when I first came to the port area, but now it is difficult.


Atago felt a little sore.

It was really good before, but now it is very difficult, every time I look for an opportunity, it is very difficult to find, once I find it, it is not enough to kill a big phoenix halfway, and then kill a Ron, even if I pass five stages and kill six generals, I will still be able to survive in the end. There is Akagi as the goalkeeper.


Atago wanted to cry.

Originally, she was a big brother, but when she arrived in the port area, she became a little brother after mixing around.

It's not that the strength has regressed, on the contrary, the strength has improved rapidly, and it's almost flying. I don't know why, but...

What use is it for me to have such a strong strength!

Trouble from the ship girl in Minato.

For Atago, strength doesn't matter, anyway, no matter how strong she is, she can't take off. When she looked up, she couldn't count the number of powerful ship girls pressing on her.

I was tired and gave up, what did Bi Qiang do?

Ship girl, of course it's Bisao!

However, Sao is useless, there is no chance, and every time Atago recalls the past, he regrets to the point of beating his chest vigorously.

Why did she think of pulling Kaohsiung and the others into the sea!

She doesn't care about strength, she loves Kaohsiung so much, she took off out of nowhere, and was so excited that she held a knife every morning and trained with Maya in the yard.

With this piece of wood, Atago's originally planned sister set meal failed, and it has been delayed until now, missing the best time for the strategy.


Old age of a strong man!



In fact, Atago can be regarded as a veteran of the port area. Everyone understands her thoughts, marriage ship, two words are written on the left and right on the face.

It's just that the experience from the master to the defeated dog is not that simple. Generally speaking, it is careless, underestimating the enemy, and now I don't understand it.

Then Atago quickly thought of the Assaulter, relying on Naizi to shake his face and become a marriage ship, she can do it, so why can't she do it herself.

Just as he was thinking, he received a message on his phone.

Richelieu: "Atago, you will be the secretary ship tomorrow."

Atago: "??? You resigned?"

Richelieu: "What are you talking about, the secretary ship in the port area rotates, and everyone experiences it for one day. It's been so many days, don't you know?"

Atago: "I've never heard of it."

Richelieu: "Forget it, I'll arrange the next one."

Atago: "Don't, don't, Sister Li, I love you!"

Richelieu: "I don't love you, well, remember to go to the office on time tomorrow morning, and ask me first if you don't understand anything."

Atago's eyes straightened.

Secretary ship experience card?

Richelieu: "Do it well, I don't care what other things you have to do, but first do the job of the secretary ship well, you know?"


spring is coming?

Atago was touched for a moment.

Atago: "Don't worry, I will finish the secretary ship."

She is so moved now.

Richelieu actually arranged for her a secretary ship?

At this moment, Atago felt that Richelieu was an angel.

When she was helpless, she came to her side, smiled and said to her: "Come on, you are already invincible."

Atago: "You are my sister, I will listen to you in the future."

Richelieu: "Come on, I'll be thankful that you don't have to mess with Ron and the others."

Atago: "Not anymore."

Yes, not in the future.

Because, she wants to take the position!


The next day.

Su Hao was full, yawned and walked towards the office building.

"It would be nice to have Malatang for breakfast sometime." He said this, remembering the taste of his hometown, and continued: "I don't particularly like it, but I suddenly want to eat it, add something to something, and change the taste. "

Befa smiled: "It's not good for your health to eat this in the morning, but if the master wants to, once or twice once in a while, I'll find a way to arrange it."

"If it's troublesome, forget it, I'll just talk about it."

"The maid's duty is to solve the troubles for the master." Befa smiled, "Doting the master at any time is what our maids should do."

Su Hao blushed, embarrassed, "That's not good."

Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, or else, Belfa, I'll give you a ring as a gift in return?

Even if you think so, don't say it. Befa is easy to be serious. If he is considered a frivolous and ruthless guy, he must be educated.

If it was Sirius, it would be okay, Sirius would definitely not educate him, and he would have to cry in gratitude to Dade after accepting the ring, which is very similar to Dido.

While chatting, when we got downstairs, we saw Atago standing at the stairs, looking around.



Atago looked over excitedly, yelled, the body that was about to sprint stopped suddenly, and finally stood obediently and waited.

"Uh, you are the secretary ship today?"

Seeing her point appear, Su Hao guessed it.

"Yeah, yes, Secretary Kan Atago, please give me your advice."

Su Hao looked at her.

Sailor suit, mini skirt, pantyhose.

love big dog.jpg


"Beffa, go get busy, the commander will leave it to me."

Bepha hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

You don’t need her help when you get to the office. As a maid, there are some things that can’t be involved too much, unless the master orders, although if she asks Befa to help, she can arrange the work in the port area clearly, but if you don’t order, it’s just to abide by your duty. Maid conduct.


Is it okay to let Atago serve as the master's secretary ship?

"Master, I'm going to prepare some snacks."

"Well, please excuse me."

Atago watched Befa leave with a smile on his face and didn't say anything unnecessary.

When Beifa left, she would follow Su Hao obediently.

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