"Is it different? I've always been like this." Atago smiled slightly, "Even if it's me, I still know when to do what. Today is a rare day for secretary ship experience. work, it’s not worth the loss.”


Whether you really think so or not, Atago is really cute right now.

Cute dog, cute big tits, love big dogs, LSPs are ecstatic.

Su Hao looked at her, smiled and said, "You've worked hard today, and you've done well."

Atago blinked, "Then, isn't there any reward?"

"Uh...a reward, what do you want?"

"Commander, don't move."


Between doubts, the fragrance tangled.

The touch of soft lips.

Soft, moist and sweet.

Tongue, wrapped around Atago's tongue.

Under the long breath, a hot air lingered on the cheek.

The viscous juice flowed, and there was a light sizzling sound between the lips, which was rotten and irritating.

After parting his lips for a while, Atago's cheeks were slightly red, his eyes were slightly moist, and he looked at Su Hao with a peachy face.

"Commander, I want to set an eternal date for this reward?"


PS: I originally wanted to combine one chapter, but considering the particularity of the previous chapter, I felt that it would be best to end there, so I wrote a separate chapter, emmmmm, that's it.

PPS: Minato communicates with Iron Blood, let's strengthen Zeppelin!

Chapter 606 Happy Time

It was no secret that Atago wanted to be on top.

Everyone in the port area, from Richelieu to Orlik, knows about Atago.

After all, Atago just hangs out in the group when he has nothing to do, shouting 'Commander, give the ring, give the ring' every day, and I'm tired of watching it.

And you haven't succeeded in shouting for so long, every day there is a "quasi-marriage ship" hanging in the group, you should remove that quasi-word, you loser.

I can't get rid of it, and I still like to bark, "bad dog, bad dog", everyone secretly shouted.

But it's not blond, and it's not Tsundere. Atago is a straight ball. How can a straight ball be a loser?Straight ball, big ball, irresistible rush.

If it was the way it was before, Su Hao might just have a headache and get over it.

But this time it was not possible, this time, Atago told him very seriously, and the unprecedented gentleness, unprecedented new offensive, this series of changes all showed Atago's determination.

Right now, the ship girl is already looking at you with a red heart, and her favorability has exceeded 100 even if she didn't give you a ring.

Just like that, I took the initiative to kiss you, and looked at you with expectant eyes.

That's it, a humble wish, a selfless devotion, all you need is a tiny ring.

That's it, will you give it?

In fact, think about it, the marriage ship is just a title, and it doesn't have to be linked to the husband and wife.

After the favorability reaches a certain level, it becomes a wedding ship, and giving a ring becomes a wedding ship, which means that the bond between each other becomes deeper.

Then in the marriage ship, a few became a frank relationship, but there were still others, such as St. Louis, such as St. Louis, and St. Louis did not have in-depth exchanges.


In fact, marriage ships do not necessarily have to share the same bed.

If you think about it this way, many ship girls who have a good relationship are actually worse than lmyj.

In reality, it is not as simple as in the game. The value of favorability is clearly marked, and the secretary ship has favorability to attack and also has favorability. If it is not for these, even if the boat is scooped up for a few years, the favorability is still "unfamiliar". state.

But it’s different in reality. For a day, we have a good relationship. In a week, we are talking and laughing. In a month, we are already very good friends, and we can completely confide in them.

After all, since the ship's mother recognized the commander, her favorability for the commander is destined not to be 'strange'.

Unless the port area is a working mode that provides jobs, it is not bad to recruit foreign ship girls. However, unfortunately, Su Hao will definitely not do this kind of operation mode.

Then there is only one problem left.

At this time, I didn't consult Sister Li, didn't ask her if she wanted to marry this or that, my lord, come forward, Mr. Su, and act like a lord.

"Commander Su, you're here again."

The moment she walked into the jewelry store, the familiar clerk had already been promoted to the manager here. After seeing Su Hao, she stopped the other ladies who wanted to come to serve, and then took the initiative to greet her.

You are here again.

Sure enough, you are here.

Her smiling eyes seemed to be saying such words.

"Yes, I'm here again." Su Hao said generously, "Come to buy something."

"It's ready for you."

The clerk walked into the shop, and after a while, she took out an exquisite black box.

"Commander Su, this is the latest model. After the violet set came out last time, the response has been very good, so this time the theme is the love of red roses. The flower language of red roses is 'I love you every day', which is very suitable. Young people like you, Commander Su, use it, hehe!~"

Su Hao looked down: "Red rose? Isn't this a white rose?"

"You can't dye the color of the ring red, can you? Look at the middle of the diamond, is there a red light spot?"

"The disaster of blood and light?"

"Eh?" The clerk was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: "Commander Su, you have the potential to raise an argument, but this is indeed a red rose, and each ring is carefully crafted, and the boss has specially explained Well, Commander Su will get 7% off all ring purchases in the future!"


Su Hao's reaction was very light.

7% off.



The clerk immediately seemed aggrieved.

"Okay, this is it, it's pretty, is there any more?"


"Leave a few more."

The shop assistant was dumbfounded.

I just bought it last time. Last time, how many were there in total?

Then I still have to buy it now, if one is not enough to buy a few more, is this the winner in life? I got it.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it right away."

Su Hao didn't think too much about it. Anyway, he will buy it sooner or later. He has given up on the pretentious idea. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Do what you can do first, and do whatever step you can. Thinking so much, what should happen is still happening.

Yes, the commander's matter, the marriage ship matter, can that be called scum?

I just want to give every girl a warm home.jpg

Give one to Atago, and then keep two or three. In the future, whether Dafeng will give it to Ron or Ron will give it to him, don’t worry, even if you know that you gave it to Atago, the house will catch fire immediately, don’t panic, Not a big problem.

It's never too late to panic after something happens.

Not long after, Su Hao took the ring and left amidst the farewell sound of the clerk.


Here, Atago was walking in the Minato area humming a tune.

The experience card for the secretary ship is over. Although it is a bit regretful, everything that should be done has been done. The effect is surprisingly good. After switching the offensive, the situation is different immediately. Hehe~ Sure enough, the commander still likes the pure love series.

Usually be more innocent and gentle, but when in bed be more fierce, woohoo!Big tiger, Commander, are you afraid?My life is in danger~

Thinking of this will make me laugh, no good, I can't laugh, if people mistake her for a slut, if such news spreads, it will be detrimental to the image of the wedding ship.

Marriage ship, noble and upscale, calm down, it can no longer be like before.

Thinking of this, she came to the yard.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of metal clashing into the ears.

Not far away, Chokai knelt on the mat, watching Kaohsiung and Maya in the fierce collision.

The daily life of the four Kaohsiung-level sisters, although most of the time there are only three sisters, the reason is that Atago didn't like dancing guns and clubs before. The state of being ready for everything.

At this moment, she came over and greeted Chokai.

"Sister Kaohsiung is going to win again."

As soon as the words fell, Maya's weapon was bounced away with a clang.

"I've made progress."

Kaohsiung smiled and said, "Maya, you have made rapid progress recently."

"Still not as good as Miss Kaohsiung."

"Where is it? It's not too bad. You obviously didn't even have the strength to fight back before."

"Sister Kaohsiung is still amazing."

Atago laughed lightly: "You two don't want to brag about each other's business, and there are no outsiders here, so who are you going to listen to?"

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