"What is business bragging? It's so ugly. It's just telling the truth." Kaohsiung walked over and looked at Atago with some doubts, "Why do you have time to come here today?"

"What did you say? Our four sisters have such a good relationship. It's so strange to get together."

Chokai covered his mouth and smiled, "Sister Atago must have been praised by the commander, that's why she's in such a good mood."

"Do I seem to be in a good mood? I'm fine."

Atago himself was also laughing, saying something completely unconvincing.

Do you see how happy she is smiling?

The four sisters sat together and chatted.

"The iron-blooded guys are coming in two days."

Atago said.

"Iron Blood? Aren't Bismarck and the others here? Prince Eugen is also there."

"No, it's because they want to come to the port area to study. You say it's unreasonable. A maritime safety bureau wants to come to the port area to study. I don't think the purpose is that simple."

"You think too much about Atago, it's not like you don't know how the Commander's port area is."

Atago laughed: "Miss Kaohsiung, you are also called Commander."

Kaohsiung said very naturally: "Of course it is called that in the port area. Now Commander Su Hao is the commander-in-chief of the alliance. Even Elizabeth and the others call it that. Senior Mikasa also said that we call it that in the port area. You can call it whatever you want."


"why are you laughing?"

"No, no, I just think it's very interesting. Think about it, when the commander goes out in the future, there will be ship girls calling the commander wherever he goes. That scene must be very interesting. You said that if other commanders know about this, they will I won’t get a heart attack from envy.”

"How is it possible, what do you think of other commanders?"

"It's hard to say~"

Atago stretched his waist, raised his head, and the cherry blossom petals falling from the top of his head hovered in the air, spinning, jumping out the vitality of life.

"Spring is really a wonderful season." Saying this, he added, "So is summer, and there are also autumn and winter."

The three people in Kaohsiung are speechless, so you can simply say that you can enjoy it all year round.

"Huh? The commander is here."

Chokai looked towards the corridor of the garden.

At this moment, Su Hao came to the Cherry Blossom Courtyard. He heard from the other ship girls that Atago had returned here, but he couldn't see where it was from looking around. The courtyard was really too big, but the cherry blossom tree in the middle was particularly conspicuous, and many petals fell off with a clatter. When will you be bald?

Then he saw the four sisters chatting under the tree.


Atago waved his hand, the smile on his face was even more dazzling than the cherry blossoms.

"You are all here."

Su Hao touched his pocket, it was hard, fine, the ring is ready.

However, it seems that something is not right, the time and place are good, but there are too many characters, and the four Kaohsiung-level sisters are all there, which is a bit difficult.

"Commander, are you looking for me?"

That's what Atago said fluently.

"Ah, yes."


"Sister Atago, why are you so surprised? Didn't you say that the commander came to find you?"

"Ah, I'm not... I'm just..." Is it right to say it casually?

Atago himself was a little surprised.

"Then let's talk." Kaohsiung was about to stand up and take his sisters away.

"Need not."

It suddenly occurred to me, um, it’s really not necessary, maybe this scene is just right now.

Su Hao took out the ring.

Atago's eyes straightened.

For a moment, she seemed to understand something, but her eyes widened in disbelief.

Happiness, happiness is going to be overflowing, I am going to faint, hold me, my sister is holding me, I am going to faint, I am going to faint.

Atago opened her mouth, and suddenly, she saw Su Hao smiling and opening the ring box, revealing a very beautiful ring.

"This place is very beautiful. I was still troubled before, but now it's just right, maybe it's God's arrangement."

Su Hao held the ring in his hand, feeling very natural, and it became the current situation.

"The place is just right, the people are just right, Kaohsiung and the others will witness together, Atago, now I will respond to your expectations yesterday and give you the ring, will you be my wedding ship?"

Atago didn't say anything, just kept nodding.


Picking up the slender and tender fingers, putting the ring on, I don't know why a sudden joy surged in my heart at this moment, I felt the mood of Jianniang, Atago's mood, this joy was transmitted from her.

Happy sharing, one becomes two.

Pain is shared, and one portion becomes half.

Although it is a bit cunning to think about the good side, isn't human beings living to pursue better and happier things?

The happy thing is worn on the hand and sweet in the heart, until the last moment, Atago finally couldn't help but rushed over.


Su Hao didn't even stand up, but was suddenly hit by a battleship, fell down, and fell backward on the grass.

"Commander Commander means Commander..."

Atago was so excited that his sweet voice entered Su Hao's ears.

"Okay, okay, I heard it." Su Hao was a little helpless and amused, and reached out to touch her head and dog ears. The fluffy hair was really comfortable.

"Hee hee~ It's like calling a few more times, Commander Commander Commander, how many calls are not enough~"

Atago rubbed his head against Su Hao's chest, acting as cute as a puppy, but the heavy fruit on his chest once made Su Hao's breathing difficult.

Then, facing the strange eyes of the three of Kaohsiung, Su Hao helped Atago up.

The latter hugged his arm all at once, smirked happily, and rested his head on his shoulder.

Are you really that happy?

Such thoughts popped up in the hearts of the three people in Kaohsiung.

Chokai is alright, as Su Hao's ship's wife, he naturally has a deeper feeling than Kaohsiung and the others.

Really so happy.

Atago told everyone with that sweet smile that made people speechless.

[Group member Marriage Fleet Atago changed the group name to Marriage Fleet Atago. 】

Sister bride: "???"

Marriage Ship Akagi: "???"

Dafeng: "???"

Ron: "???"

Sister-in-law Sara: "Atago, are you going to rebel?"

Atago's actions were immediately criticized by the girls in the port area.

This time, however, she fought back quite forcefully.

Meanwhile, in the corporate room.

She holds a sheet of paper in her hand.

A painting to be exact.

It was given to her by Portland, and it was said that when she was drawing for Indy Sauce, she suddenly saw a company passing by and saw a little guy running past, which was a sudden inspiration.

The enterprise looked at this painting for a long time without saying a word.


PS: The grandma is in the intensive care unit, she is in a bad mood, and the writing is not in a good state, it may not be interesting, sorry.


I just came back to my hometown today. I looked at my grandma. I didn’t start coding after staying up so late. I’m a little tired. I have to go to the hospital to watch tomorrow. Maybe I don’t have the energy to code these two days. Please take a leave of absence tonight. There is no update, so don't wait.

Chapter 607 Small Business Small Business

Drop drop~ drop drop~

The Lafite alarm clock placed by the bed made a crisp sound as always.

After being woken up for a long time, the alarm clock that had been idle since graduation was recently taken out again by Su Hao, with the reason that it would give him a buff to get up when he stayed in bed in the morning.

There is no way in winter, it is too cold and the chests of the brides are too warm. Just imagine, while shivering in the morning at around 0 degrees and putting on clothes, while hiding under the blanket and holding the soft body of the bride and burying her cheeks In terms of big breasts, how should I choose in comparison between the two? Even a god would not hesitate, right?

But the lazy life will pass away!

He picked up the alarm clock with rubbing fingers, and looked at the time scale. The custom-made Lafite face lying on the alarm clock looked at him with opened eyes, as if saying 'good morning, beater'.

Even Lafite is awake, so what right do you have to sleep in?

Su Hao threw the alarm clock away.

Turning over, with his arms across the quilt, the bulging silhouette in the quilt reminded him that there was another person on the bed at this time.

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